
Kingdoms of the Grand West

Carline Ezriel is a princess but her circumstance is nowhere near her status. To gain her freedom, she has no choice but to be a thief and become the hero of the poor and the enemy of the nobles. As she travels the Kingdoms of the Grand West, she ventures the truth about her ability which made her life living hell. But what if there is more to it than she expects? PS. This is the edited version from Wattpad: Princess Thief

xxsoteria · Fantasy
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Two Years Later

"Damn it! Just where is it?"

Racking the drawers open with only half an hour left, I grumble in puffed breaths. I could not wear my dress without putting bandages on my recently closed wounds. The gashes hurt like a goddamn scorpion sting, even so scraping in such low-quality fabric.

I glanced at the clock — exactly twenty minutes before nine. There was no choice but to give up. I took the dark blue dress and expertly eased it over my body despite the biting pain.

Having maids who loved to go missing in action and years of being left to fend alone was enough to learn how to tie the laces in the back. Well, not that it mattered since I didn't want anyone to see my body in the first place.

My face grimaced as I tightened the lace while ignoring the pricking skin. This outdated dress was already worn out to the extreme but I could not throw it away when it was one of my most formal gowns.

The long sleeves had thinned and trailed down in my arms. The stretched-out ruffled laces adorned the square neckline and the puffed skirt had long been deflated over the years. Nonetheless, it was a huge improvement from the usual dull-colored attires I wore daily.

If not for my remaining pride, I would not have dolled up. I needed to appear decent like a princess, not some mere servant, after Father requested to gather the whole family. This kind of occasion seldom happened though. Thank whatever god for that.

After managing to fasten my dress, I went to the dresser. My eyes focused on the contrast of blue and the colors of autumn in front of me.

The dark shade made my complexion paler but there was no way it complimented my hair. It was really tough to match a dress with these bright ginger strands.

I picked up the brush to comb the unruly curls that were in an eternal tangle every time I woke up. When the abundant mass of strands had ultimately resembled hair, three consecutive knocks came from outside. It was almost time for those maids to come back.

"Who is it?"

"Xenon, Princess."

Oh, wrong. I stood up and opened the door. I glanced at the pair of knights who were silently guarding their posts before setting my eyes on the man in front of me.

Xenon had his long black hair tied in a ponytail as always. His thick brows were eternally scrunched together paired with a down-turned mouth as those piercing gray irises transfixed me.

That permanent somber expression he had made him appear older even though he was only four years my senior. But, this man knew almost everything about me. Except for one little secret. I mean, two.

"Good day, Princess. His majesty had asked for your attendance at the Dining Hall," he informed me after he bowed.

"Is that so? Let's go then," I said.

When we were out of earshot, I added, "We don't want those pretty asses waiting, won't we?"

Xenon was used by my vulgar language and besides, I only spoke like that when I was in front of someone I trusted. But when I spun on my heels, Xenon's black expression was evident and a teasing smile slowly crept on my face.

"Do you want us to return to my chambers, Xenon?" I asked, winking.

"Pardon me, Princess Carline, but I must refuse your invitation," he politely rejected even if we both knew I was simply badgering him.

I shrugged, the smile still plastering on my face. "So uptight as always. That's why all the knights and squires are afraid of you."

"It is not my fault if they feel that way, Princess," he reasoned.

"It's not their fault that they were assigned to you, either." A small laugh escaped my mouth before I continued talking. "But Xenon, how many times did I tell you not to call me 'princess?'"

"Servants like me are forbidden to call you in a familiar manner, Princess Carline," he stated.

"Why are there so many forbidden things in this world?" I replied with a sigh.

"His highness is waiting, Princess," said Xenon, obviously straying away from the topic.

I let him pass since it was a rhetorical question anyway. If I had the answer myself, I would have earned all the richness in this world.

"I know," I quipped and hastened my pace.

Xenon stepped back and walked behind me. I held the hem of my dress and took a deep breath. I just hoped nothing bad will happen.