
Chapter 19: Family

Kyou En's Pov:

"Captain... That's!!!" A soldier next to me with injuries all over him said.

"... Yeah.. He made it." I said while smiling barely being able to stand.

"Even though we've last heard that they were in danger and were deep in the forest.... They still rushed to our aid!" Another soldier said while crying.

"Shi En sama has come to our aid!!!!" Another roared.

"Everyone!!! We just need to hold on for a bit longer!!!" Another shouted.

"Oooohhhhh!!!!" Everyone Shouted.

"Hmph!" Gan Ou sneered as he got past my 6 swords and 8 spears and used his mace to smash everyone infront of him.

"It doesn't matter how many people come to rescue you... because you guys will die before they reach us!" Gan Ou said as he viciously laughed.

"Damnit!!! How can he still stand!! Damn beast!" Yuu En who is my first sword said.

Gan Ou.... it was my mistake to underestimate you this much.... I also overestimated my capabilities.... I should've gathered more information...

However... no matter how fatal of a mistake I made.... I won't be the one dying today...



Shi En's Pov:

"The boss is still alive!!" Someone behind me said.

"Chou An, Hi Sui.... You two shall attack the Wei's main force and provide help to have Kyou En's unit retreat!"

"Yes Sir!!" They said in unison.

"Everyone else... Follow me!!! Saving Kyou En takes priority!!" I shouted while bringing my sword forward to slash the enemies infront of me that are trying to stop us from going forward.

"Gahahaha... you people won't be going anywhere!" A Wei soldier said as he rode his horse to me with his sword trying to reach me....

However I reacted faster than him and parried it and tried to kill him although he managed to barely avoid a critical hit somehow.... he then tried to have his horse go back and retreat....

However I quickly slashed his horse and killed it.... Just as I thought this would be the end for him.... he surprised me as he jumped right as I slashed his horse with his target being me.

'this guy... must be an elite.... most likely all of the Wei in front of us are their main troops...'

Just as the guy tried to strike me with his sword.... I swiftly sliced off his arm and slayed him.

"Commander!!!" The Wei soldiers shouted.

"Tsk..." I clicked my tongue.

'If we keep getting stalled like this.... it'll be too late for us to save Kyou En....'

'hmm... the Mounted Archery unit seems to have changed tactic and have begun focusing around Kyou En instead of the main force....'

This is our only chance....

"Everyone it's do or die!! This is our only chance! Save Kyou En no matter what!" I said which my unit roared in return.




Kyou En's Pov:

I am currently in a horse that my first sword Yuu En is riding with the other 6 swords and 8 spears besides us and are defending us from anyone that approaches me. 

... there are barely any men of my unit that was with me left... with the remaining few trying to stop Gan Ou who managed to get a horse from his subordinate as well.

"Just a bit more sir.... as long as we can get to Shi En... then we would be able to retreat even if Gan Ou is still chasing us.

"Hmph...Gan Ou... really got a good hit on me..." I said as I touched my head that had blood spilling all over it.

"Sir!" Yuu En and my other 6 swords and 8 spears all looked at me.

"Don't mind me... I'm sorry for showing my pitiful sight before.... however now... I shall also fight!" I said as I touched my glaive slightly before grabbing it.

"My Lord!" My men said in a worried tone that seemed to also have excitement in it.

"Kuku... well everyone... let's leave this hell right now shall we..." I said as I swung my glaive to the side scaring some of the Wei as I sliced through their shields and armours.

"....!!! Impossible.. with those injuries... how can he..." A Wei soldier said before I cleaved him in two.

"Kuku... something like this won't stop me... it won't stop us!" I said as I smirked while continuing to open the path with my men doing their job perfectly as they are stopping almost everyone coming towards me.

"...!!! I see Them!!!! Just a bit closer... we just need to push through this line!" One of my 8 spears said joyously.

"Ooohhhh!!!! Let's do this!!!"

My men all shouted with joy that we were about to be rescued... however just as they roared.... a few of my men were blown to my side...

"Bwuaghh" a few of my men cried out in pain.

I then look at the person behind this... 

"You sure caught up quickly.... Gan Ou... with that battered body no less" I said as I looked at Gan Ou who look incredibly injured... he even had a sword pierced in his body.... but he seemed to not care about it and instead smiled viciously while looking at me.

"...huff huff... Hahahah... That was an interesting battle you gave me Kyou En... however it is a shame.. that your luck has run out!" Gan Ou heavily breathed as he charged at me which got my all of my unit to quickly come infront of me...

However Gan Ou's presence and large Mace seemed to be too much for my exhausted men... they all realised that they wouldn't last even a hit...

"Die!!!" Gan Ou Screamed as he struck us with his glaive.... however... just before it reached us... a sword intercepted it and pushed Gan Ou away.

"Gah... bastard ...who are you to block me from killing Kyou En." Gan Ou said to the one that stopped him.

"Shi En!!!" Yuu En exclaimed as he saw Shi En save me and himself.

... this is our chance...

"Everyone! The path is open to us!! You are all to follow me!" I said as I had Yuu En continue going forward.

I then looked at Shi En who looked back at me with a smile... something I rarely saw from him.

"Shi En... Gan Ou is too injured to chase us anymore... come right away." I said to Shi En who nodded as he parried another blow from Gan Ou.



3rd Pov:

The battle after that reached it's conclusion quickly as the Qin commander Kyou En managed to successfully retreat away from enemy lines...

However the Wei general, Gan Ou who was furious... had almost his entire 3 thousand chase him down although he himself didn't lead the charge as he was too injured... but alas.. Gan Ou's army wasn't able to hunt Kyou En due to Kyou En's lieutenant Ga Rin ambushing them from the back.


It was then that Gan Ou made a move that surprised the entire Qin army... as Gan Ou ordered The entire 5 thousand that were chasing Ga Rin to change their direction... to the small sized city... Kun city that Kyou En was supposed to defend.

Kyou En's strategist... Kyou Yi sensed their movements and had all of Kyou En's unit to charge and stop them... however Gan Ou's 3 thousand had already formed a wall to stop them... not to mention that the troops that were defending the Wei fortress... led their own ambush force against the already extremely exhausted soldiers which resulted in the Qin to further lose their morale and stop their advance.

Despite the Qin's countless attempts to disrupt the main Wei army that's trying to conquer Kun city... they could only watch helplessly as The Wei accomplished their goal... 

It wasn't long before Wei flags were seen throughout all of Kun castle... with loud shouts saying Ki Ka, the lord of the castle being slain.



Kyou En's Pov:

... forgive me... Ki Ka dono... I failed in defending your city...

This is the result of my actions....

So this is the Weight that I must bear...

'Just one order... was enough to result in the castle being captured and having this many casualties...' I thought as I looked behind me which was full of corpses...

'this is what it means to be a commander...If I want to become a general... then I need to be able to handle at least this much' I thought as I gritted my teeth before opening my mouth.

"Everyone Retreat!" I ordered my units retreat as the Wei have captured Kun city and seemed to be focusing more of their troops on us ... there was no longer any point in staying which would've led to more of my men's death.




1 month later....

Kyou En's Pov:

I'm currently returning to Sai city after having reported my failure in the Royal Capital ... luckily I wasn't given much of a punishment due to the court's negligence and due to their misinformation... although they did give me a warning and also orders to recuperate our forces.

... no matter how much I try not to think about it... my mind always goes back to that defeat I had... however I can't have my head low... because there is someone facing it much worse than this..

"Yi... you did the best you could... don't worry about it... if you weren't there... then we would've had a lot more losses.... I probably would've also died as well..." I said to Yi who still had his head down.

".... My teacher also talked about how the path of a strategist was the cruelest one... it's true... my decisions will always lead to some deaths... however I never thought that we'd have this many...." Yi said while still looking down... he must be really feeling it as his personal guards were killed...

I just gave Yi a small hug before speaking again.

"Yi... did you forget our teacher Ko Shou, Kyou... and Ouki?" I said to Yi.l before continuing.

"We are responsible for the 5 thousand people under us... however... Those three were all Great Generals that were responsible for the lives of over a hundred thousand... what we are feeling right now... must be nothing to them..so keep looking forward..." I said before giving him a headpat and walking infront.

I then look at the city ahead of me... trying to get rid of my thoughts.

"Sai seems to have changed a lot.... the progress is also going well.... at this rate... it won't be long before the fortifications are done..." I said while smiling.



Kyou En's Pov: 

"Finally I'm back to my castl-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because I was interrupted as someone instantly rushed to me.

However instead of being shocked, I just smiled and embraced the female that rushed to me.

"I'm back Rei" I said with a smile.

"Mhm... you idiot... do you know what I felt when I heard that you were defeated."

"Ugh... you don't need to remind me.." I said annoyed but only received a slap in return which startled me as I saw her looking at me in rage.

"You really are.... Hmph" Kou Rei said without finishing her sentence...

'What's up with her?' I internally thought before getting startled again due to her grabbing me.

"Anyways... come with me.. there's something I want to tell you." Rei sighed and said a bit more seriously.. although she couldn't hide her nervousness and worry.

"Were you that worried about me?" I said with a smirk trying to tease her but quickly stopped as I received a glare from her.

She then went into my room and had me sit while just staring at me in the eye without saying anything.

This time however, I didn't say anything since I knew there was something serious that she wanted to say.

I holded her hands while giving a soft smile to her while waiting to hear what she wanted to say...

After a few minutes of staring at each other... she finally opened her mouth...

"En..." she said with her soft and gentle voice...

"Mhm" I just nodded while maintaining my soft smile to try making her feel comfortable.

Rei tried to speak but couldn't as she kept opening her mouth and closing it due to nervousness... however I just hugged her which seemed to calm down a bit as she too a deep breath and continued what she was going to say.

"Actually... I wanted to tell you something that I couldn't tell you before you left for the war...." Rei said after calming down.

She then looked at me in a way that she had never before and continued.

"I'm... pregnant.." She said which made

stunned me.




"H-Huh?!!!" I said clearly shocked which made Rei hesitate a bit more and look a bit disappointed as she probably thought of something else.. however I just swiftly grab Rei.

"I can't believe it!... Rei..." I said as I tightly hugged my wife while smiling more than ever... something that made her feel relieved as she was able to relax a bit before smiling as well.

"I'm going to become a father... I can't believe it..." I said as Rei continued smiling.



After a few hours of private time with my wife... I got out of the room to prepare a grand party and reveal this fact to all of the citizens... however my advisor Rai Ki... quickly rushed to me as soon as he heard that I left the room.

"What's Wrong Rai Ki?" I told Rai Ki as I was curious if there was another war going on.

"It's nothing major... However there are two people wanting to speak to you My lord." Rai Ki said as he smiled a bit.

"Oh? Who are they?" I said curiously.

"They are both 300 commanders... they said they are acquaintances of you my Lord... they are called Ri Hyou and Shin." Rai Ki said wondering why two 300 man commanders want to talk to me.

"Oh? Interesting... let's go and meet them then." I said to Rai Ki while signalling him to lead the way.

It wasn't long after I saw a idiot looking person who seems to still be wearing the same clothes... and another person besides him that looks identical to the king. 

They both seemed to be accompanied by their units.

"It's been a while... Hyou...Shin." I said to the both of them where one had a calm look and the other with a smirk.

"I see that you've been making quite a name for yourself Kyou En.. you're already a 5 thousand man commander. Hyou said with a smile.

"Heh.. you're finally here Kyou En." Shin said informally which annoyed my men that were with me but I just signalled them to stay put.

"Haha.. I was busy with a few things - hmm" I replied however there was something that caught my eye and disturbed me which caused me to close my mouth...

"Who's that person besides you Shin?" I said while looking at the person wearing white and red clothes... they seemed a bit normal... but I couldn't help feeling weird for some reason...

"Huh? Oh that's Kyou Kai hahaha.. wait till you see him with the sword.. He's crazy strong I tell you." Shin said which stunned me quite a bit.

"Huh?!" I replied unconsciously.



Author's note: Heya guys 😎 what's up? How was this chapter? Yes I know there was a lot of diff povs... especially the third pov... I had no choice but to do third pov cuz I wanted to end the war this chapter...I had quite a bit of trouble writing it. How was the chapter though?

Also just wanted to let y'all know.... There won't be any delays after I write next chapter.

After the next chapter I write... I'll prob try giving y'all a few extra chapters.

Keyword: (After Next chapter) lol 😭 next chapter will prob take same duration this one took me.... forgive me y'all.

I swear it's not dropped.