
Kingdom of unknown origins

There once was a guy that reincarnated into a kingdom, he however did not know that this kingdom was a little special....

Natsu_dragneel_689 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Spirit Root levels

None - (considered useless, still very useful for jobs that cultivators don't do, can gain a spirit root through high-level treasures)

Inferior [1-4] - (Can still cultivate, but significantly slower than ones with ordinary ones, inferior 4 means on verge of becoming ordinary one and can advance to ordinary spirit root through use of treasures and higher number means stronger talent)

Ordinary [1-4] (Ordinary 4 means on verge of becoming talented and can advance to talented spirit root through use of treasures and higher number means stronger talent)

Talented [1-4] (Talented 4 means on verge of becoming talented and can advance to extraordinary spirit root through use of high-level treasures and higher number means stronger talent)

Extraordinary [1-4] (Extraodinary 4 means on verge of becoming talented and can advance to monstrous spirit root through use of extremely rare treasures or inheritances and higher number means stronger talent)

Monstrous [1-4] (Monstrous 4 just means like a more monstrous genius and can advance to godly spirit root through well an inheritance left by god, if he felt like leaving an inheritance) [Rarely does anyone have this spirit root]

Godly [1-4] (Every realm of godly spirit root is significantly different and almost nobody has this spirit root and cannot advance any further with use of anything) [This spirit root is almost forgotten by history due to how rare it is]