
Kingdom of Stone Paper Scissors

Leah Stone is Tenerife kingdom’s scribe. She is also the secret weapon. What Leah writes will come to pass, no matter kings or commoners could die at the stroke of her pen. The kingdom of Tenerife is at odds when the prince Ilex of Tenebris visits them for a peace treaty. Prince Ilex has a mission of his own. Find Leah. Seduce Leah. Kill Leah. But all goes up in the air when Leah and Ilex fall for each other. King Raphael of Tenerife sees Leah as his youngest sister, but the sentiment is short lived when Leah and Ilex began their romantic journey. Will Leah and Ilex survive a cutthroat world of sins and secrets? Between kingdoms, across the sea, the kingdom of Stone Paper Scissors will decide their destiny.

hidingpanduh · Fantasy
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Leah Stone

King Raphael gave me an order today.

He never gives orders to me. I am usually free to write and speak whenever and do want I want. But today, I am his silent scribe, to speak only when addressed and to write only with a lift of Raphael's pinky finger.

I am on Raphael's left side as always. Raphael reclines on his throne, his dazzling red and gold robes spread out before his body, draped over the plush golden carpet. My neck feels itchy at the moment, so I scratch it with the end of my pen.

Raphael glares at me and I shrug.

"Leah, you know what I said about scratching yourself with the scribe pen," Raphael's booming voice comes to my ears.

"Yes, your majesty," I reply, flicking a piece of dust off the desk in front of us.

Raphael starts harrumphing and I roll my eyes.

"Announcing Prince Ilex of Tenebris for King Raphael of Tenerife!" Outside the throne room comes three big knocks.

That's the signal for an important person's entrance. With a flick of approval from Raphael's wrist, the grand doors open and in steps a man.

He's different.

That's the first thing I think. Dressed in all black from head to toe, his hair is golden like Raphael's yet manages to come across with a nightingale hue reflected from the light in the room. He's taller than me by two heads and his eyes are almost obsidian, like twin stones while his lips are flat though full and reddish. It's almost as if shadows swirl around him and darkness follows wherever he goes. He walks forward and the candles flicker to and fro with his steps.

This Prince Ilex is undeniably handsome in the most wicked way. He speaks and I swear my heart flutters as I see stars.

"King Raphael, your utmost highness. I have arrived from Tenebris by utterance of King José for the peace treaty between Tenerife and Tenebris," Prince Ilex says.

Raphael's pinky is up so my fingers start flying across the papyrus, as I'm writing everything Prince Ilex says. Prince Ilex has a lilting melodic voice yet with a lowness in his tone.

Prince Ilex raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow and he scrutinizes me without a word. I avoid his gaze, afraid I'll drown and fall into those deep eyes.

"Prince Ilex, welcome to Tenerife. My kingdom and I are pleased to make your acquaintance," Raphael says.

"Yes, I am glad we are finally meeting after all these years," Prince Ilex says.

Raphael puts his pinky down and I pause, biting my lip.

"If I recall. It was your father who delayed the visit," Raphael quips.

"Was it?" Prince Ilex responds.

"Yes, all those summers ago. I still remember," Raphael states.

"How curious," Prince Ilex murmurs as he looks out the windows.

Tenerife is near the cliffs of Anatarn, with steep walkways and paths up to the palace.

The view from outside is stunning as always but sadly I've gotten quite accustomed to seeing the sunrise and sunset and the sky laid out before my eyes.

Suddenly, the paper begins to change color from brown to white. My fingers begin to move across the papyrus on their own volition.

Raphael is already looking at me.

"What are you doing!" Raphael says, no doubt alarm bells are ringing in our minds.

This automatic writing has only happened once before. It was the day I came to Tenerife at ten years old. A long night that I am not keen to relive, and King Raphael was only twenty years old back then.

Prince Ilex begins to walk closer to us to inspect my writing when Raphael puts a hand up. The guards advance and Raphael speaks.

"Thank you very much for visiting, Prince Ilex. We will see you soon for the treaty signing."

But Prince Ilex remains there staring at me and my paper, and the shadows around him drift towards my body. I'm trying my best to read and write what I'm writing but I'm getting distracted. The shadows feel cool, and it's like they're speaking my name softly.

"Tell me. Yes. Yes. Yes," The whisper comes into my head.

As if unable to stop myself from responding my lips begin to move. Raphael's eyes widen.


Raphael could tell me to shut up but he is frozen, as Prince Ilex's shadows curl around my ankle.

I put my pen down and get up, and finally meet Ilex's eyes.

As I thought, those dark eyes are drilling into mine. I inhale, a tiny gasp escaping my lips. He softens his stance and stare when he senses my fear. His lips part as my legs push to move past him.

"My king. Prince Ilex. I am in need of relieving myself. I will be back," I say.

When I come back from the bathroom, I hear Prince Ilex and Raphael arguing.

"If you would simply tell me her name!" Prince Ilex says.

Raphael roars a loud no.

"Why not?" Prince Ilex asks.

"I will not let you use her name against her." Raphael snarls.

"As if you haven't used it already," Prince Ilex accuses.

I am shocked when Raphael doesn't have a response.

"You're the same as you were before," Prince Ilex says.

"You are not," Raphael says quietly.

Footsteps come closer to where I'm standing behind the main door and I panic.

The door opens but even before that Prince Ilex's shadows swirl around my waist.

"I believe we have yet to be acquainted," Prince Ilex says.

I wish I could sit down so I don't have to feel so inadequate standing before this man.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Leah," I say.

Prince Ilex smiles for the first time since I've seen him interact with anyone. His lips curl upwards, showing a hint of his sparkly white teeth.

Beyond Prince Ilex, Raphael's eyes are pointed at me with an intense fury.

"Hi Leah, I'm Ilex," Ilex says.

And the rest, as they say, is history.