
Kingdom of Dionysus

Kingdom of Dionysus is reigned by the Dionysus family. Adventure starts when the youngest princess gets corrupted by a lust demon, eager to impar her new found happiness with her family. Will the royal family get corrupted altogheter? Will the the royal family overcome this lust? How are the other races involved? #corruption #pregnancy #birth

CatiaD · Fantasy
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6 Chs

4. Sharing the blessing

Judith found herself covered in sweat and semen the way she smelled, her whole family could sense this the moment she stepped into the castle. Although she liked her new self she realizes she would need to clean herself. She used the river next to the barn to clean serself not before rubbing some more of that semen on her pussy and nipples.

- That old man gave me parting gift looking down on her she found stray pubes of the man all over her. Too bad his dick did not last enough to claim her maidenhood.

Judith cleans herself and goes back to the carriage to get home. On her way she sees the brothel, thinking to herself: "you rejected that old man, no matter I will have my own brothel in the capital and nobody will be rejected." she hops into the carriage, by the time she gets home it is past bedtime. While in her room she undresses naked and starts masturbating holding her talisman in her hand, thanking for her new blessing. With the talisman in her and the other in the pussy the face of the demon manifested before her. Judith wasn't scared if anything she was dissapointed the demon this time had a smaller stature not enough to have fun togheter.

- Congratulations on your awakening, how does it feel? The demon asked.

- I feel liberated but I fear I will not feel that pleasure while I stay here, should I leave, make my way back to the church that started everything?

- No, I have bigger plans for you. Grab that bottle of semen from the old man dip the necklace in semen and then make your family drink it. Pray for them to be awakened as you have and cover one side of their talisman in the semen.

- You say that I can make my family know this pleasure, I'll get to it.

- Good girl, now go, get to work.

Judith just as instructed she took the bottle with the old man semen and added the lust talisman in the mix.

She went into each room of her family carefully doing as instructed dropping a bit of semen în their mouth. She could see their mouth wanting more but everyone needed a share this was no place to be greedy. And place semen on their talismans the brand of the demon appeared on it.

Now the whole family was dreaming... lusting.

The next day while serving breakfast Judith saw everyone of them a bit uneasy, everyone was feeling horny, but no one could figure why. Each of them went on their own. Cinthia asked Judith more about the blessing received while in the church. Judith told her it was a blessing of love and there's nothing to worry about. Cinthia felt love towards Judith but it was more than just motherly love.

- Judith dear, thank you for telling me I look forward to learn more about this blessing but right now I have business to attend have a nice day.

Judith asked Catia if she would accompany her on a trip to the elven City, telling her it would be nice to spend some time with each other and seeing other culture would help her when she would rule. Catia although still frustrated she did not get a chance to get get this lust out of her sistem, agreed. And both of them went off to Celtia. This time with the royal carriage.

While on the carriage Judith brought the brothel into the attention of Catia.

- Look Catia here is a brothel you don't see those in our city.

- Judith please, don't speak of that place let's not get influenced by that place and the people in it.

- But brothels are a good thing, they let people release their sexual tension so less raping, and also you create jobs for women, give them a safe environment to work and you can also make money.

Catia's wanted to make her city a better place, and the points brought up were valid. Also driven by her inner lust so was more inclined to agree to the idea.

- I never saw brothels in this way. Guess you should always consider thing before judging.

The girls finally arrived in the city.

Once in the city Judith's mind was set on finding Nina again. As luck would have it, Judith found Nina right outside of the inn. They met last time.

- Hello Judith, I had a feeling I would see you again.

- Hello Nina, yes I'm back and this time I have my sister with me.

- Hello I'm Nina. I'm glad to meet you.

- Hello I'm Catia. The pleasure is mine.

- Say what is it with all the guards.

- Catia is more of a public figure than I am, she is always accompanied by guards. Say can we go to the church I'm sure Catia would love to see it.

- Is that the place where you got your blessing?

- Yes, do you want it too?

- Well it wouldn't hurt.

Nina could not believe her eyes, now the crown princess was about to be corrupted. Good job Judith you're making his plan come to plan so fast.

- Then let's go.

Upon arrival Nina convinced Catia to leave the guards at entrance, after all inside were only people praying. Nina led the girls inside the room with the statue. She began praying and soon the avatar arrived in the form of Nina.

- Avatar exclaimed. Judith you're back and this time you brought your sister with you, how wonderful.

- Thank you mister this time I hope you can give her your blessing.

- That shall be done, with a snap of his finger the brand of the talisman of girl lighted up strong and both were overcome with incredible lustful feelings. I guess there is no point in hiding now. The avatar turned back into his demon form.

Nina bit her lip in anticipation and started to undress.

The sister's eyes opened wide and could not believe what they were seeing. The avatar turned in a demon naked with a monstruos cock, big, errected, veiny, bumps on it and precum leaking. The girls were salivating looking at it their eyes were glued on it, they started undressing unknowingly.

Judith's trance was broken by Nina hugging the demon. She climbed the cock before she lowered herself on it. The girl were finding hard to believe that any woman could fit that monster inside.

Her belly was bulging with the cock.

Judith followed the cock going into Nina and observed markings on her belly:

- What is that marking?

- It's blessing of my lord, a womb tattoo. It give me great pleasure allowing myself to accommodate any dick inside and allows me to control the birth of my child, also any creature can breed with me. The more semen my womb is drinking the faster the baby is born.

- Expanding to get any cock, pleasure, birthing. Catia we need to get that tattoo as well.

- Then come forth, and revive it.

Both girls stood in front of the demon and with a touch of his hand both girls now possessed the womb tattoo as well.

- Judith how did you awakened the lust so fast?

- I was about to enter a brothel so learn about it when suddenly a man was kicked out, it was smelly, old, fat and ugly but he said he was going to teach me about brothel so I followed him to his house, an animal barn the air was thick with rotting semen, I could barely contains myself and I sucked his dick. It was foul rich with smegma and I gulped it all up, without thinking, the taste was foul rotting but I couldn't stop I wanted more. He cummed into my mouth so much that his dick could not stand up again. I made him cum several times bathing my whole body in his seed I felt like a bride with that veil of cum. My only regret is that I could not have him inside my pussy.

Catia could not believe what she was hearing but the story made her horny, made her want to trades with Judith. Sucking the demons fingers.

The demon asked Judith what she did after awakening the lust.

- I went home when I got your message and proceed to give my sisters, my brother, my mother, and my father a sip of that very cum after i drenched your talisman into it.

Catia again could not believe what the words, she felt betrayed but the feeling fled immediately and let room for bliss she wanted to thank Judith for awakening her to this life.

- I told you. Nina exclaimed. This girl is a bigger whore than I am, but that exactly what we need.

The demon delighted in hearing the event grabbed Nina and pushed her to the hilt of dick and began releasing his seed. Nina belly was looking like she was pregnant, most likely because she was. The demon took his cock out of Nina. As she felt the cock leaving her the womb tattoo was lighting up all that semen was speeding up the birth. Nina was about to give birth in from of the girls. She screamed but she loved the feeling, a demonling was on his way to enter the world, and then another. Nina was holding her babies to her chest breastfeeding them. The sister witnessed the miracle of life and that left them wanting, wanting to breed as well. The demon grabbed the baby demons and teleported them in his realm. Don't worry girls I will breed you too but not now. I wish for you to be deflowered more shamefully. Until then suck this cock clean. The girls understood their place and proceed as instructed each of them licking a side his cock while rubbing their cunts.

Nina was looking at them: " My my, the princesses of the kingdom reduced to cock slaves. What a sight indeed. Here lubricate those cunt with my milk." Nina milked herself on top of the girls. Soon the demon came and let a thick torrent of cum on them each of them took turns in sucking a load into their mouth, they were covered in cum, milk and sweat from head to toe. The 3 girls started kissing each other passionately.

Eventually the party was coming to an end. The girls went to clean themselves.

Catia and Judith were in the carriage giggling while touching their belly where the womb tattoo was.

- You were right Judith I needed to learn about the elves.