
Chapter 249 NPC

The density of zombies had significantly decreased, Titans were no longer found everywhere, and the presence of Frenzy had decreased to a rare occurrence. Highway 99, which had few zombies to begin with, was almost completely clear of obstacles. When they got close to the ramp, Lin Wu called out, "Pull over."

Maya pulled over, and Lin Wu looked towards an ordinary villa about 15 meters from the car, "There's someone."

Seeing someone was not strange in itself, but they had not seen any players in the area that morning. What was most curious was that the villa had a faint green safety zone that was hard to notice. Normally, safety zones were a regular green color.

Maya said, "Lin Wu, you approach; Cotton and I will split up left and right, Dashuang will stay in the driver's seat and wait. Don't reveal the guns for now."