
Chapter 143 The Way Out

Today, Lin Wu had a restful sleep. Because of the unbearable outdoor temperature, Lin Wu and Shana headed to the library to read books together. As he read, Lin Wu discovered he had suffered frostbite again, an obvious sign that the temperature had dropped further. Hence, Lin Wu lit a campfire and added charcoal to it. They each borrowed a book and read alongside the fire, lacking chairs, they had to stand while reading.

Shana, who was more particular about the quality of life, took a knife and went out to Birch Park nearby to chop down a birch tree. She then cut it into two sections to make two makeshift stools. Meanwhile, Lin Wu fetched an aluminum pot from the warehouse, emulating the practice at Waste City's Starlight Base, and hung the pot over the campfire. He initially intended to boil water for tea, but after discussing with Shana, she suggested having a hot pot meal. Not getting fat from eating in the game was a blessing, one not to be wasted.