
Chapter 7 We Must Go On

"My queen, you have to rest. It's not safe for you or the cub. Let me grab you some warm milk." said Saharrah, as she turned to walk away.

 Natia's cheeks were tear stained. Her eyes were wide and glassed over. Since, zarda's kidnapping, she hadn't slept, eaten or spoken to anyone. Day in and day out she sat on her bed staring out the hut's window. Saharrah was beginning to worry not only for her daughter-in-law, but for the unborn grand cub.

Saharrah had returned shortly with an antler goblet full of milk. Freshly squeezed from their domesticated humpless cow, called a Kuri. They had acquired them back in the building of the castle from king Zawad. He had owned four beasts, which he had purchased back before the traveling merchant had passed away.

Meeku walked in behind his mother, linked arm in arm with arian. They watched saharrah desperately trying to place the cup into her hand. Natia swatted the queen away, refusing the milk. The queen felt defeated and useless.

"Here, I will just leave it for you on the table when you get thirsty." Said the old queen.

She turned around and faced her son. He threw open his arms to take his mother into a long embrace.

"I assume from the looks of it, the queen hasn't moved any. How are we going to snap her out of this?" asked Meeku.

Saharrah shook her head and shrugged.

"She's mourning over your brother. Only time will tell. I worry about the cub. A mother, which neglects them from the womb, will cause harmful effects to them later. We have to seek a healer." said Saharrah.

Meeku was puzzled. He had never heard his mother say those words before.

"Healer. What do you mean? Elohim is our healer, mother herb and king's tongue, along with many other medicinal plants are our healers." replied Meeku.

Saharrah knew she would get hassled from meeku too, just like zarda had once done. Meeku had not known of her departing faith from the creator like zarda had. This was all fresh news to his ears.

" I mean what I mean. Do not question your mother. The medicinal herbs won't do a damn thing for her and Elohim. Huh, well, he hasn't done for me in a long time. So, yes, I will seek for a healer." she replied.

Meeku looked down at arian's bright eyes staring back up at him. He didn't agree with his mother. He was upset with her. Meeku didn't hold back his disappointment.

"Going to a healer is the very, reason why Elohim would abandon you. He would abandon us all if we allowed you to seek one out. Do you mean to bring more curses down upon us? How long have you been seeking such an adviser?" He asked angrily.

His mother looked away, she was embarrassed to admit, often times she had snuck away to seek their advice. If she admitted it to him, then it would make him right. If she agreed not to go, then it would make her feel like a coward. She was angered with her son.

"YOU ARE NOT THE KING, MEEKU!" She shouted, breathing fast.

"I will be if zarda does not return. I plan to take his position and when his son is born, I will train him up to take over his father's throne." replied Meeku.

The old queen looked over her shoulder at him.

"How do you even know it's a male? If it is to be female, then what? Do you plan to rule forever, until you have an heir of your own? You will break the pure line of the whitemane pride legacy. It can't be so. I WANT MY SON BACK! The rightful king, king zarda!" She cried out.

Hearing his name mentioned, made natia's head turn towards the old queen.

"Shut up, the both of you. I alone will rule in my husband's place, and I will raise our heir to take over in due time. Not you meeku. To you queen, stop lording over me as you have nothing else to do. The baby and I are fine. I am hungry, will someone go and bring me meat, shrooms, fruit, and honey, and eggs." Said the queen.

Saharrah immediately called for warrior anola to go fetch the large order of food for their queen. Meeku was glad to see her actually moving and talking again. She moved over to the dining area and sat waiting at the table. She looked down at her swollen belly and rubbed it gently.

"It's alright, my love, mama will feed you. Your father is fine. He will come back to see you. I know he will. He's a strong warrior. I miss him too." Natia said, breaking into sobbing tears.

Arian quickly ran to her side and wrapped her arms around her queen. She, too, joined in with the crying. Meeku glared at his mother, still miffed at her poor suggestion for help.

"What now? She seems to be fine. Natia is the rightful leader over Makana kingdom." said Meeku.

Saharrah pushed herself over to his side as they both watched arian and the queen weep.

"We will do what we've always done. We must go on. We will protect our queen, our kingdom, and we will watch for any returns from the pale people. Not only that, but we have two mourning queens now, without their husbands. This is a awful mess. If I have caused this, then I am sorry. I repent, and will seek the creator's face over it." replied Saharrah.

Meeku was satisfied and relieved to hear those words come from his mother's lips. Her sudden change of heart had him questioning, was she was being honest or not? He would have to wait and see her actions play out. For now, meeku was happy, his queen was better.