
Chapter 17 Dinner Is Ready

Tapping the pen on the notepad, zarda had snagged from hopkins office. He waited for dane to return, as he promised. In seconds, the familiar wolf appeared down the aisle zarda occupied. All the animals had left to clean up leaving zarda alone with the cages.

Not far behind dane, osborn followed, wearing new clean clothes. He had taken the opportunity to wash up in the showers after the others finished. Zarda welcomed them back to help aid in the final rescues. Down the third aisle they went, working diligently, then the fourth, until they completed both and were standing on aisle five. So far, they discovered more grim deaths. The numbers had grown significantly. On the positive note, they managed to rescue three young animals and five more creatures in need of good TLC. The large company if animals headed back towards the showers for the last rush.

"Osborn, dane I need you to stay with all the residence. I'm going to go look in the kitchen to see what food is available. At this point, I'm so hungry, I'll settle for slop if there is any left. We need to eat, or more animals will die." Whispered zarda, on the last sentence.

He kept the discouraging word low to prevent any panick. He wanted more than anything to stay positive, but it was so hard when reality didn't care for anyone's feelings, but its own.

Zarda departed from the two and went in search for groceries. The kitchen happened to be near. He walked into a large room filled with metal counter tops along the walls. There were four large prepping tables spaced apart in the center. Along the wall away from the counters were five commercial glass fridges filled with food. Zarda couldnt believe his eyes, he immediately went straight for them.

He opened the first fridge to find cases of eggs stacked on the top and middle shelves, with numerous sticks of butter neatly placed next to them. Several gallons of milk and orange juice sat on the third and fourth racks below. He closed the first door and opened the next one to find cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, shredded cheese and chopped onions, placed orderly on the first two racks. On the last two racks underneath was sandwich lunch meat, sliced cheese and condiments like mustard and whipped sandwich spread. Zarda was excitedly moving down the row.

Opening the third fridge. It was filled with oil tin pans full of creamy chicken Alfredo and marinara chicken catchitori, with boxes loaded with garlic bread. Zarda was confused, as to why this food was never served to them.

All they ever received was the same gooey slop of what seemed to be old oatmeal. The texture was a chunky, slimy feeling going down. The look of it was even more grotesque, than the taste. It had the appearance of a dissected layer of brains. Without fail, every meal time, the slop had made him almost vomit it back up. He had learned quickly to close his eyes and picture the sweet meat and warm bloody juices of an antelope kill. It worked well on some occasions, but not always.

Zarda could see in the fourth fridge, it had desserts of many types. Cheesecake, brownies, chocolate cake, donuts, pies, and cookies. Next inside the fifth fridge, which was really a freezer, zarda soon discovered. Inside it contained a variety of frozen meats. Ground beef, steak, sausages, chicken, turkey legs and more. Zarda was satisfied over the find. He made his way back to the others swiftly. Moving up towards osborn and dane who were in a conversation of their own.

"Good news. Everyone will be feasting tonight." Said zarda.

He couldn't be more happier. By now all the animals had washed up and found new outfits, resting on the bleachers in the bathrooms. Zarda called for volunteers to help cook.

Everyone looked at one another not understanding what he meant. Could they really be clueless?

Zarda just assumed like his kingdom they were given talents and skills. He asked them to excuse him for a moment as he slipped away to speak with the master. He found a quiet area away from the bathroom doors.

"Master, what have you given me? These animals are nothing like my family. No one seems to understand cooking or recognizing their abilities. What do I do? I pray you find my gift safely back to me soon." Prayed zarda.

In no time, Elohim replied.

"Zarda, these are not my people, like I call you, and your pride. They believe in other gods. They do not know theirselves, since they do not know me. I have sent you to show them a new way. All you can do is let me use you. You won't force them to believe. They will have to make that choice willingly, but if they do, I will bless them, which will in time bless the others. You have come to do that now for them. Do not be deceived by their ways. Show them and guide them in your wisdom. I will lay upon the hearts of those who will receive. In my good timing, you will see your staff again. Do not be concerned, Goodbye for now." Departed the creator.

Zarda returned to the animals. He encouraged them all, to follow him over into the kitchen to observe how to cook. The creator had imparted unto him great wisdom, since the beginning of transformation. It had seemed just like yesterday, but in truth a year had came fast.

Leading them i to the kitchen, Zarda had them stand around the metal tables on the opposite side from him. He was closest to the fridges, and stoves. Zarda took out the food from the second fridge and laid the items out before him. He then went in search for knives and bowls.

Walking back to the tables, he placed the food items over to the side. Zarda took hold of the sharp chef's knife and proceeded to shred a head of lettuce into piles. Once he had the lettuce to his liking, he placed it inside a large metal bowl. He pushed it towards osborn who was standing near. Obsorn looked inside at the shredded lettuce oddly.

"What you wan' me to do with this, mate?" He asked confused.

Zarda laughed.

"I want you to see what happens when you chop lettuce. Now you all know how to shred lettuce and how it should look. Pass the bowl around, so the others can see. If anyone thinks they can do this, then I will need your help to prep two more bowls of it." Said zarda.

Osborn responded with a big. "Oh, I gotcha', mate."

He passed the contents over to dane. Who then kept the bowl going around, until the last animal placed it back by zarda. Zarda took and placed inside the bowl the cherry tomatoes, then sprinkled the cheese on top. He was careful to tilt the bowl towards the audience to see what he had done next. Everyone nodded their heads, seeming to believe the task was easy enough. Zarda then grabbed a green cucumber and cut it into thin slices. He placed them inside the salad and began to mix the ingredients together. The last item, he placed on top,were the chopped red onions. The aroma was strong. He could hear some of the animals sniffing the air.

"Mate, that's strong that is." Said osborn, covering his nose.

Zarda agreed, the smell was causing his eyes to water up. Zarda mixed the ingredients, then passed the bowl to his left to osborn.

"Have another look and pass it around. When it gets over to you, bjorn, would you place it inside fridge number two for me, please?" Asked zarda.

"I can help you, zarda, my daughter and I both can do this job." Said bjorn happily.

Zarda was pleased and agreed to give the job over to bjorn and bria to make more salads.

"Follow me, everyone, over to the second table just behind you. They did as he asked and waited for the next lesson. Zarda search again for more metal bowls. He grabbed, from fridge number one, the eggs and butter. He soon left to find a large cast iron skillet.

"Come over here, watch me closely. I will turn on the stove top. You twist the knob on the far right, and turn it to the number five setting. This will heat up the stoves coils. Place the cast iron skillet on top of them, so it can heat it up for cooking. When you're finished cooking, you will turn the knob back the opposite direction you turned it over to. We will let the stove warm up, while we prep the eggs. Follow me back to the table." Said zarda.

He continued to teach and demonstrate the ways of cooking, finding two more volunteers to help do the task of making scrambled eggs. He took others who could watch well and had them keep a careful eye on the Alfredo and catchitori in the ovens.

Others helped defrost the frozen steaks and cook them over the ovens grills. Soon, the kitchen was filled with delicious odors. Zarda could smell the cooking meat and his thoughts were back with his pride of lions on their great hunts. They soon faded over to his mother and brother's faces, then to natia's. He missed her so much. He wished he were back in his mothers' kitchen, throwing flour into natia's face again. At least then, that meant he was by her side. He though about, how she must feel abandoned and alone. He prayed she and the unborn cub were doing well. His thoughts drifted away. They had helped pass the time during cooking tutorials.

Dinner was ready and everyone grabbed a bowl or tray of food, taking them into the cafeteria down the hall. Zarda and dane grabbed for the cups and the jugs of orange juice. Osborn carried the utensils and plates, while vulpix and pipsie handled the napkins. The large company of animals sat down to enjoy the wonderful feast. There were no empty bellies among them, only empty plates. Everyone was full and satisfied. Zarda stood up giving thanks for the abundance of food the master had bestowed. All eyes stared at him funny as he prayed. They were not use to the odd behavior. Zarda finished praying and lowered his gaze back to all wide eyes, including osborn.

"Good speech, mate." He replied, filling up the awkward silence.

Zarda laughed a deep bellow in return, and the others joined in.