
Kingdom's Bloodline

A lowly child beggar, a noble prince, a monster viewed as the enemy of the entire world. If you possess all three identities at the same time, which identity would you choose to help you earn a better ending? Thales did not have the answer. He only knew that he came to a different and magnificent world, and he had to face a future that was as difficult to handle as a nightmare. The glorious Empire had already been destroyed for one thousand years, the dying royal family suffered many problems, the legendary sacred battle had plenty of conspiracies, the divided world was in chaos. But Thales had nothing. The only thing he had left was an unswerving determination to preserve his own identity, bravery which would allow him to survive in a perilous situation, and a belief that he would never submit to principles he did not believe. “A King does not gain respect by virtue of his bloodline. The bloodline's glory rests on the deeds of the King.” Darkness will baptize light. Fire will create true steel. The forbidden prince’s story starts here.

Masterless Sword · Fantasy
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585 Chs

Saber Or Crossbow?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Once more, under the effects of the Sin of Hell's River, Thales found, to his amazement, that time had slowed down.

In his field of vision, as though in slow-motion, he clearly saw that Nicholas had opened his mouth to shout violently as his face was filled with shock and anger.

There was a fierce look all over Monty's face as he charged forward as he stretched out his right arm in the teenager's direction. Three throwing knives spun in the air in front of his right arm and rushed towards Thales.

The prince was shocked as he watched the three throwing knives which he could not avoid!

'What should I do?' When he sensed that the situation was unfavourable to him, he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

The air entered his lungs smoothly, then broke down into several different parts, entering his blood stream and turning into energy in his blood.