
King Sebastian's Plaything: His Slave, His Obsession

Viewers discretion: If you are below 18, please do not open this book as it contains high sexual content that could make your pant drip wet from pleasure. Are you still going to read it? Alright then. Good luck, and don't blame me if you get h*rny while reading this piece. "Strip, Amelie," His domineering voice sounds through her ears, and she slowly clenches her fists as she glares at the monster standing before her, with hatred written all over her. How could this man be so heartless? What has she ever done to deserve this from him? "Are you playing stubborn, Amelie? I hope you know the consequence of what you're doing. Who should pay for your disrespect? Your maid, or one of those poor things in the prison?" With a smirk dancing at the corner of his lips, he says to her and her heart sinks into her stomach. Hot tears pour down her cheeks as her heart tightens painfully. She can't still bring herself to take the pain of being a sex slave to the man that snatched her parents away from her, it's still like a nightmare that she's going to be stuck with him for the rest of her life. This was the same man that stabbed her father multiple times before her eyes, the man that slit her mother's throat and spilled her mother's blood on her face. How's she supposed to cope with this? "I won't have sex with you, Sebastian. Never again!" She finally summons courage and spits on his face, but she has just made the biggest mistake of her life. Will the ruthless king Sebastian spare her for this disrespect? Will someone have to pay with her life?

Chacha_Chacha_2143 · History
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Chapter 5

Amelie POV

Holding the duvet tightly to my chest, I stare at the two doing some dirty things in front of me. The urge to grab a dagger and cut that thing in between his legs spurs through me, but what if I don't succeed in killing him? That will be another havoc for my people because I know he won't spare them.

"Fuck!" He groans and bites his bottom lip as he throws his head back in ecstasy. He seems to be enjoying the bitch on her knees, sucking his dick like her life depends on it. She's such a whore.

I cringe when he suddenly grabs a handful of her hair, and pushes his dick in and out of her mouth, not minding that she's choking and about to throw up. Why should I even care? She fucking asked for it, or rather, she's fucking enjoying every bit of it.

He suddenly pulls out of her, and I almost throw up when I see him releasing his semen all over her face, while she keeps chuckling like it's all fun. For fuck's sake, why do I have to see this? Why the hell does this have to happen to me of all people?

My heart misses a beat when he turns to face me with a smirk dancing at the corner of his lips. He stares at me with an unexplainable expression on his face. His presence and everything about him disgust me. I feel like death is better than getting laid by this man, but what about my people? Am I also going to sacrifice their lives? They need me to save them, right?

"Did you see that?" He asks huskily as he strokes his dick, and I can only stare at him in disgust.

"That's how you do it," He winks at me, and glancing over to the Alice lady, I bet she has a deep frown on her face, or rather a jealous look. Wait! Don't tell me she's jealous over this bastard. Wow! People are really crazy.

"Come here, Amelie," He grins at me, showing his perfect dentition and his one-sided dimple. My heart sinks into my stomach, and I gulp down nothing nervously, as I swing my legs down the bed. You aren't expecting me to disobey him, right? I don't want those innocent people to lose their lives again because of me. I don't want any of them to get hurt because of me again.

My legs wobble on the floor as I drag them toward where he's standing. I'm already naked with no fabric on my body. My boobs are standing firmly like they're seeking attention. Tears well up in my eyes, but I fight them back. There's no way I'm ever going to cry in front of him. I will never give him the satisfaction of torturing me.

Finally stopping in front of him, he suddenly grabs a handful of my hair roughly, and pulls me toward himself, slamming my body against his. The pain I'm feeling right now that he's touching me is on another level.

"Did you learn something, huh?" He whispers as he slams my back against the wall, and leans over me. His hand crawls up my thigh, while the other one is trapping me on the wall as he buries his face in my neck, teasing me there. Yes, I'm supposed to feel pleasure, but all I feel is pure disgust and hatred. You aren't expecting me to fall for his tricks, right? He fucking murdered my family and took me as his slave forever. Why should I feel pleasure in his touch?

"You don't stand there like a log of wood when I'm touching you, Amelie. Moan for me... I'm doing a good job right here, and I need you to moan for me," He says in a muffled breath, but anger and demand resounding in his hoarse voice.

"Fucking moan for me, bitch!" He says as he pushes two of his fingers into my dry pussy, and I bite my lips, trying to suppress the yelp that was going to force itself out of my lips. It fucking hurts.

"You're not planning to disobey me, are you? Fucking moan my name, bitch!" He says for the second time, and I slowly clench my fist on the wall as tears well up in my eyes. Fuck! I can't cry, not in front of him.

"Hmm..." I force myself to moan as I throw my head back on the wall. Turns out that pretending to be pleasured is fucking hard. Wait! How the hell are those people sleeping with the people they have no feelings for coping? Because I feel so disgusted right now.

"Am I doing a good job, Amelie? I want you to fucking scream and tell me that I'm doing a good job, bitch!" He roars as he forces another finger into me, making it three. He doesn't even give a damn if I'm hurting or not. How the hell is he supposed to care? This is what he wants anyway, seeing me getting hurt. But what the hell was my offense?

"Yes, you are..." My voice quivers as I force the tears back into my eyes.

"I can't fucking hear you... Am I doing a good job?" He yells for the second time, and I nod my head quickly.

"Yes, you are doing a good job," My voice breaks even though I want to be brave. This is too much on me.

"Are you enjoying this, Amelie?" He whispers in my ear, licking my earlobe afterward.


"You don't say that to me, I am your king, and you should respect me!" He warns me as he finally pulls out his finger from me, and I release a sigh of relief. I glance over to Alice who's now sitting on the edge of the bed and glaring hard at me like she's going to devour me anytime soon. She's the least of my problem now though.

"Now, get on your knees and suck me hard till I cum over your face," He instructs me, and I freeze on the spot. Is he joking with me now or is he being serious?