
King Sebastian's Plaything: His Slave, His Obsession

Viewers discretion: If you are below 18, please do not open this book as it contains high sexual content that could make your pant drip wet from pleasure. Are you still going to read it? Alright then. Good luck, and don't blame me if you get h*rny while reading this piece. "Strip, Amelie," His domineering voice sounds through her ears, and she slowly clenches her fists as she glares at the monster standing before her, with hatred written all over her. How could this man be so heartless? What has she ever done to deserve this from him? "Are you playing stubborn, Amelie? I hope you know the consequence of what you're doing. Who should pay for your disrespect? Your maid, or one of those poor things in the prison?" With a smirk dancing at the corner of his lips, he says to her and her heart sinks into her stomach. Hot tears pour down her cheeks as her heart tightens painfully. She can't still bring herself to take the pain of being a sex slave to the man that snatched her parents away from her, it's still like a nightmare that she's going to be stuck with him for the rest of her life. This was the same man that stabbed her father multiple times before her eyes, the man that slit her mother's throat and spilled her mother's blood on her face. How's she supposed to cope with this? "I won't have sex with you, Sebastian. Never again!" She finally summons courage and spits on his face, but she has just made the biggest mistake of her life. Will the ruthless king Sebastian spare her for this disrespect? Will someone have to pay with her life?

Chacha_Chacha_2143 · History
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Chapter 4

Later in the night

Sitting in front of the mirror and staring at her reflection, she tries so hard to fight back her tears. The incident from earlier still terrifies her as the image of the lady's lifeless body keeps popping up in her head. 

"It was all your fault, Amelie. You caused her death!" Her conscience keeps screaming at her, and she can only feel angry, not at anybody, but herself. She feels like everything is her fault. Maybe the innocent lady wouldn't have lost her life if she had not disobeyed king Sebastian, but she did, and another person had to pay for her crime. How many more people would he kill? All of her people? 

"It's not that there's anything special about your body. You allowed that innocent lady to die. What kind of a human are you?" Tears finally stream down her cheeks as the faint voice screams in her head for the umpteenth time. 

The sound of the creaking door pulls her back to reality, and her heart skips a million times. Slowly, she grips the tip of her robe as she suddenly feels her body vibrating nervously. King Sebastian just walked in from the bathroom, but she's so scared of looking at him. 

"Come here," His hoarse voice echo in her head, and she quickly stands up to her feet. She glances at him sitting on the edge of the bed with just a black towel wrapped around his waist. It's her first time seeing him naked, but admiring his perfectly built abs and the broad chest is the last thing on her mind. Why should she admire her parents' killer? 

"My shoulders hurt. I suppose you know how to massage?" He asks, and she slowly nods her head. 

"Come here," He gestures to her with his right hand, and she drags her feet to his front. Her heart thumps heavily against her chest as she slowly places her two hands on his shoulders, and starts pressing them slowly. 

"Hmm... I feel so good," He moans, his hand crawling up her bare legs up to her thigh. 

"This is so good..." He smiles excitedly as he massages her inner thigh, and she grimaces in disgust. 

"Are you wet already?" He whispers as his finger finally brushes the fabric covering her vaginal, and she stops abruptly as she feels her heart stops beating for seconds. 

"Why did you stop? Come on, continue," He urges her as he stares into her pair of beautiful eyes, and a smirk dance at the corner of his lips. 

"Hmm," She slowly nods her head and continues with the massage. 

His hand under her white robe, he pushes her pantie to one side, and rubs his finger on her wet pussy, while staring up at her, trying to observe her facial expression, but all he sees on her face is resentment and pain. 

"Are you enjoying it?" He asks after he pushes his finger inside her, and she bites her lip, trying so hard to fight back her tears. 

"Hmm," She nods her head. 

"Why are you making that face? Smile for me, Amelie," He hushes, his other hand crawling up her chest, and soon curves around her cup-sized boob that's standing firmly like it's seeking attention. He closes his eyes and smiles while having a satisfied look on his face. 

"Moan for me, Amelie," He urges her, as he slowly thrusts in and out of her wet pussy with his finger. 

"Hmm," She moans in disgust, closing her eyes as her tears finally find their way out of her eyes. Her heart is not only hurt, her soul is hurt too, she feels nothing, but pain and hatred. The only thing on her mind is pushing him off, and maybe stabbing him to death, but will her people be safe after that? Recalling how the lady lost her life, she couldn't have been so stupid to think of risking this again, right? 

Pushing his finger deep inside her, he feels her wall tightens around his finger, and as expected, she releases her juice on his hand and he finally pulls away from her. 

"I guess those are tears of pleasure, yeah?" He teases her, and she nods her head momentarily. 

"Strip for me, Amelie," His domineering voice echo in the room, and without hesitation, she removes her robe, and allows it to drop to the floor, revealing her curvy naked body.

His eyes marvel at the gorgeous sight before him, and he can only scrutinize her with his eyes, as the imagination of what he's going to do to her later, runs through his mind. 

"You have a nice body," He utters, and she forces a smile. 

"Thank you, Your Highness," She manages to say. 

Standing up to his feet, he holds her hand and leads her to lie on the bed, as she stares up at the ceiling. Her heart picks races when she feels him crawling up the bed. More tears pour out of her eyes as she waits for her fate. 

He leans over her, and trail kisses down her neck, sucking on the nape of her neck, and she can only cry in pain. She can't even struggle or fight for herself, for the fear of losing another innocent life again. 

He claims her lips, and kisses her slowly, while having his hand curved around her breast, squeezing and grazing her nipple with the tip of his finger. Breaking from the kiss, he further blows gentle air on her nipple, curving his lips around one afterward. He sucks her breast like a hungry baby that has been deprived of breast milk for so long. 

"You're sweet, Amelie," He moans as he pushes two of his fingers into her, earning a gasp from her. 

Her breath hitches momentarily as she grabs the duvet tightly shutting her eyes with tears in them. 

"Moan for me," He hushes as he trails kisses down her belly. 

"Hmm," She says in between gritted teeth. 

He suddenly stops and pulls away from her, as his lips curve into a wide smile. 

"I think you need someone to teach you this," He says, and she snaps her eyes open with confusion written on her face. 

"Huh?" She blinks her eyes as she watches him pick up his robe from the floor, and wear it. 

"Guard!" He yells out, and her eyes widen in shock. She quickly pulls the duvet to cover her naked body before the guard walks in. 

"Yes, Your Highness," The guard bows as soon as he walks in. 

"Get me Alice," He orders the guard, and he quickly storms out of the room to deliver the message. 

Staring at his back, she can't help but question herself about what's happening. As much as she's happy that he stopped the horrible thing he was doing to her, she's also confused about his words. What the hell does he mean by she needs someone to teach her? 

Still lost in thoughts, the door suddenly opens, and her eyes dilate as a young lady walks in elegantly in her black robe. Her thick black hair is packed in a ponytail, with some strands resting on her forehead. 

"My lord," She smiles widely after she glares hard at Amelie, turning her attention to king Sebastian afterward. 

"Get to work, Alice. I don't have all the time in the world," Amelie stares at them in disgust as they kiss each other like their lives depend on it. 'What are they doing? Are they going to have sex in front of her?' She questions herself but quickly dismisses the thought. There's no way he'll do that, right? 

"I have missed you so much, you know," Alice chuckles softly, as she gets on her knees, and before Amelie can comprehend what's happening, Alice pulls his towel off his waist, leaving him stark naked, and Amelie freezes on the bed...