
King Sebastian's Plaything: His Slave, His Obsession

Viewers discretion: If you are below 18, please do not open this book as it contains high sexual content that could make your pant drip wet from pleasure. Are you still going to read it? Alright then. Good luck, and don't blame me if you get h*rny while reading this piece. "Strip, Amelie," His domineering voice sounds through her ears, and she slowly clenches her fists as she glares at the monster standing before her, with hatred written all over her. How could this man be so heartless? What has she ever done to deserve this from him? "Are you playing stubborn, Amelie? I hope you know the consequence of what you're doing. Who should pay for your disrespect? Your maid, or one of those poor things in the prison?" With a smirk dancing at the corner of his lips, he says to her and her heart sinks into her stomach. Hot tears pour down her cheeks as her heart tightens painfully. She can't still bring herself to take the pain of being a sex slave to the man that snatched her parents away from her, it's still like a nightmare that she's going to be stuck with him for the rest of her life. This was the same man that stabbed her father multiple times before her eyes, the man that slit her mother's throat and spilled her mother's blood on her face. How's she supposed to cope with this? "I won't have sex with you, Sebastian. Never again!" She finally summons courage and spits on his face, but she has just made the biggest mistake of her life. Will the ruthless king Sebastian spare her for this disrespect? Will someone have to pay with her life?

Chacha_Chacha_2143 · History
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Chapter 3

"You may go, Lisa," Still having his eyes scrutinizing Amelie, he says to Lisa. Turning around, Lisa walks out of the room, and closes the door gently behind her, leaving the two inside the room. 

"I never imagined you'll be this gorgeous. Wow! I must confess that you're one of the prettiest young ladies I've ever set my eyes on," He says in admiration, walking over to her. 

"Am I supposed to say thank you for that? Of course, I know I'm beautiful," If only she can it to his face, it wouldn't have been a problem. For years, she has heard so many bad things about this king. Rumors had it that he's a pervert that sleeps with any woman he comes across, but what Amelie never imagined is a day like this when she'll eventually fall victim to this man. She never thought she'd ever meet him in person, let alone having to be his sex slave forever. That's sad. 

Slowly, he runs the back of his palm on her right hand, up to her shoulder, while closing his eyes and enjoying every bit of the amazing feeling he's getting from the touch. 

"Come here," He pulls her close to himself, and without waiting for another second, he slams his lips on hers, and she cringes as tears pour down her cheeks. 

"Let me go!" She finally summons courage and pushes him off, spitting out in disgust afterward. 

"You can't touch me without my consent. Stay away from me," She snaps at him angrily, as more tears pour down her cheeks. Even if she knows that she may regret this later, letting this disgusting man have his way with her is the last thing she'd allow to happen. Never! 

"You shouldn't have done that, Amelie. You just shouldn't have," He slowly shakes his head as a smirk creeps up the corner of his lip. 

"Stay away from me!" She snaps as she steps back in fright. 

"Why not just kill me? You killed my parents, so what's the difference? Just take my life and stop this already," She barks at him while having her back pressed hard against the wall like she'd disappear into it if it suddenly opens. 

"No, I won't kill you. Why should I kill you when you are useful to me? At least for now?" He chuckles dryly, but it only lasts for seconds as he stops abruptly, his face suddenly hardens with a dark and intimidating aura surrounding him. 

Amelie panics as she beholds the dangerous look on his face, but there's no way she's ever going to fall for that. 

"Don't ever think of getting me laid. I will never allow you to do that to me!" She snaps at him again, and his lips curve into a smirk until his lips are apart, revealing his perfect dentition. 

"You'll eventually have no choice, Amelie. Don't get me pissed, and be a good girl if you don't want to regret this. You won't like what will happen if I lose it," His voice is full of sarcasm as he threatens her, but even with the calm look on his face, Amelie can sense the danger that's hovering over the atmosphere, and the power in his words. 

He walks over to the small cabinet beside his bed and pulls out the drawer. Reaching out for the dagger resting peacefully in the drawer, he turns around and faces her. 

"Wh...what are you doing with that? Are you going to rape me?" Her voice stutters nervously as she presses her back hard against the wall, but he just rolls his eyes and chuckles softly. 

"I don't do that, Amelie. I never forced myself on any woman. That's the last thing I would think of. You know why?" He pauses and starts walking over to her. With every step he takes, she feels her heart racing rapidly as fear grips her. Even if she asked him to take her life, she can't still help but get scared of losing her life. At least not this way. 

"Because I always get what I want. I don't need to force myself on a woman to satisfy myself. The stubborn ones, just like yourself, will eventually have to pay a price for saying 'no' to me," He whispers the last part, using the tip of the dagger to move the strand of her hair resting on her forehead, and her breath stops for some seconds. 

"Strip, Amelie," He whispers to her ear, pulling away afterward. 

"You have just five seconds to do it, or I'll do my worst. Your time starts now," He says to her, but she stands still. Even if she wants to do as he said, scared of what he would do next, her hands refuse to move. She finds them so heavy to move. Her heart beats rapidly against her chest. 

"That's it. Come with me," He drags her hand and storms out of the room with her, slamming the door behind her. 

"Let me go! Where are you taking me?" She cries out in pain as he drags her along the veranda. 

Arriving at the prison a few minutes later, he stops and pushes her to the floor. 

"Greetings, Your Highness," The guard on duty bows to him, but his eyes are on the prisoners that look so terrified by his presence. 

"Bring her for me," He says to the guard while pointing at a young lady amongst the prisoners. 

Opening the gate, the guard walks inside and drags the lady outside, ignoring her cries and pleas. 

"Wh...what are you going? Let go of her!" Amelie tries to stop the guard from hurting the lady, but king Sebastian pushes her off with his leg, squatting in front of her afterward. 

"Now, this will make you regret ever disobeying me," He says to her, and in a second, he stabs the lady that was just dragged out. 

"Stop, please. I'll do whatever you want. Please don't hurt her," Amelie cries, while on her knees. Her body shakes visibly. She's yet to get over the trauma from few days ago, and this is happening again? 

"It's too late," With that said, he pulls out the dagger from the lady's neck, and stabs her right there again, while the prisoners cry silently as they watch one of them gets killed before their eyes. 

"This is what you get for disobeying me. This is what will happen anytime you disobey me. They will die one after the other, until it's just you here," He finally pulls out the dagger from the lady's neck, pushing her to the ground with his leg. 

Amelie cries her eyes out as she stares at the lifeless body of the lady. Her heart hurts and bleeds in pain, but sadly, it's the beginning of no end for her. It seems like she's going to be stuck here for the rest of her life. 

"Their lives are now in your hands. The chance of protecting them is now in your hands. You'll choose whether to let them die one after the other, or obey me, and they'll be safe," With that said, he turns around and walks away with the dagger that's dripping with blood...