
King of Warriors (X-Men/Marvel)

Without anywhere to go, a boy decides to follow the X-Men back to Xavier's school after awakening his X-Gene ruins any chance of a normal life that he had. But once he arrives at the school, he realizes that there is so much more for him there than there ever was. He just needs to embrace it and master his new powers. But before all of that, he needs to get along with his new roommate first

TrueBoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Doing What Hellions Do

(One more chapter of the prologue before we start the real story)

After the excitement of the fight on the front lawn, the Hellions had boring days ahead of them. For 3 days, they could do nothing but head to the cafeteria 3 times a day for meals and they were limited to only spending 30 minutes outside of Tartarus during each of their meals. And the timer started when they left it.

So for 3 days, most of the interaction they had was with one another. Luckily, it seemed as if each of the kids were soulmates.

No matter how much time they spent together and were forced to interact, none of them got tired of the others. Instead, they only got closer and closer to one another. By the time classes started and the kids entered their first class together, the other students were awed.

The group walked in like The Plastics from Mean Girls or the Cullen Kids from Twilight, attracting everyone's attention. Even when they all took their seats at the back of the class and started talking with one another or were on their phones, many other students continued to pay attention to them.

Everyone had heard or seen the students that fought off federal agents and had expected them to get expelled. But when they were seen coming and going to the cafeteria over the past few days, they all knew that the team had actually managed to stay in school, even if they were punished.

So their status of breaking the rules yet not getting expelled as well as the aura they gave off when together made the Hellions the most popular kids in school on the day. And it continued from there.

Even though they were grounded, many other students decided to visit Tartarus to get closer to Asher and the others. Their abandoned little treehouse turned into the hottest spot on campus. And what do students that have the most popular place on campus and no adult supervision do? Throw a party of course.

Asher was in charge of gathering food. So during his 3 meal breaks that day, he made sure to raid the pantry for as many snacks and as much soda as he could carry in his bag. The others also gathered a few small things around the school on their way to other classes or had friends bring them to Tartarus.

With all the supplies in place, all that was left to do was spread the word. Within an hour, Tartarus and the area around it were filled with students. With music blaring and such a large crowd, it was obvious that all the teachers in the school knew what was going on but none of them stopped it. Technically, none of the students were breaking any rules after all.

Asher was relaxing with the other Hellions and some of the other 'cool' kids on the balcony of the boy's room when he saw Sooraya grimace. The girl rarely expressed such extreme dislike so obviously.

"What's up?"

Sooraya shook her head.

"It is nothing. I just saw my old roommate."

Asher scanned the crowd and saw who Sooraya was talking about. It was a young Asian woman with blue hair sitting around a small bonfire with some other students. Her name was Noriko Ashida and she was one of the members of the New Mutants Squad.

All the Hellions heard about how Sooraya and Noriko were like fire and ice. Noriko was especially judgemental over how Sooraya wore traditional garbs and thought they were an affront to women's rights.

Asher looked over and saw that Julian was flirting with one of the co-leaders of the New Mutants while the rest of his team was talking to other people.

'No one will notice, right?'

Asher gathered energy around one of his fingers before focusing it on the wind in front of him as he slashed upwards. The blade of wind cut down a beehive that was hanging above Noriko and her fellow New Mutants.

What happened next was pretty obvious. The beehive came crashing down next to David, Co-leader of the New Mutants before the bees began to attack all of the members. The only one that escaped their wrath was Sofia who was up on the balcony with them.

All of the other students quickly backed away before watching in amusement as the New Mutants ran towards the school pool in order to escape the bees. Sofia chased after them in order to help her teammates.

Asher looked toward Sooraya expecting to get praised but he got a pinch on the back of his hand instead.

"That was not nice, Asher. But thank you. I know you did it for me."

Asher smiled toward Sooraya's hidden face but he didn't know that someone else had overheard what the young woman just said. And like all high school secrets, nothing remained hidden.

Within the next few days, Noriko and the rest of the New Mutants Squad found out that it was Asher that had made the beehive fall on them. And when they tried to confront him about it, the other members of the Hellions backed him up. Unable to start a fight in the middle of school, the New Mutants Squad had no choice but to back off.

Soon, the entire school knew that there was bad blood between the Hellions Squad and New Mutants Squad and many students started picking sides. For the entire semester, there was a large divide in the school.

It wasn't until a week before the semester was over that both squads finally came to an agreement. Whoever got the worst score during Field Day would apologize to the other. So over the next week, both squads trained their hearts out until it was finally the big day.