
King of War

In most businesses, some people are not given food by God, some people are rewarded by God, and some people are fed by God. In the field of private force, God forcibly feeds Gao Guang. He was kidnapped at the beginning, and Gao Guang was forced to become a member of a private military contractor in order to survive. Until one day, in the field of personal force, he made the highlight moment a professional term. He is committed to providing war-related peripheral services, including but not limited to military force, munitions, intelligence, and technical support. As the conscience of the industry, quality assurance. Gao Guang, you are trustworthy.

li_dai · War
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42 Chs

where the value lies

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<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:继承;"><font style="vertical-align:继承;">第一个冲进门的人仰面倒地,第二个则跨过同伴冲进屋内,枪声快速而密集地设置.</font></font></font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"></font></font></font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:继承;"><font style="vertical-align:继承;">高光本来想站起来,却听到空气中传来拖拉的声音,这种声音只有子弹近距离飞过时才听到,所以高光没有站起来,而是趴在地上一动不动.</font></font></font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> 枪声很快就停止了,仅仅十几秒后,战斗就结束了.</font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">战斗开始得突然,结束得也很快.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> 这时,有人拿着枪回到了屋门口,俯身摘下了倒下同伴的头盔.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> 被击中的人肯定已经死了,因为子弹是从前额进入,从后脑勺射出的,而头盔里满是血液和脑浆,但子弹却没能穿过后脑勺那层头盔.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> 高光看得清清楚楚,听得清清楚楚,甚至还能看到头盔上的小弹孔,因为他距离门还不到五米.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> 摘下战友头盔的人先是咒骂了一声,然后有气无力地说:"伙计们,水牛死了,我们有麻烦了."</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> 这时,房间里又有人喊道:"这个混蛋不会说英语,但人质一定在这里,乔伊,橡皮,你们两个赶紧搜一下,瓶盖,你们还站在那儿干什么?看看有没有幸存者,然后去报警!"</font></font>

Hearing what the people inside said, the person standing at the door immediately said: "Captain, there is a kung fu boy here who is a hostage."

The person at the door should be the bottle cap. He walked up to Gao Guang, kicked Gao Guang lightly, and said, "Can you speak English?"

Gao Guang immediately nodded desperately, and looked up at the other party with affirmative eyes.

These people are not police, and if they are Mexican police, they can't speak English.

Gao Guang also thought about whether he should pretend not to speak English. He didn't hesitate too much, and chose to nod almost subconsciously, because judging from the conversations of these people, if they didn't show any value, they might be silenced immediately.

"Captain, this guy can speak English."

The bottle cap first yelled, then he squatted down, stretched out a finger to hold the tape on Gao Guang's mouth, and after tearing it off suddenly, he said impatiently: "Do you know where the hostages are kept?"

"I can speak English and Spanish. I don't know where the hostages are, but I can ask for you."

Gao Guang immediately began to show his worth, showing that he could give these people much-needed help.

Bottle Cap was wearing a mask, so he couldn't see the expression on his face, but Gao Guang could still hear the surprise in his tone: "Very good, get up, come here."

Gao Guang was pulled up, but the bottle cap did not untie the strap from his hand.

Back in the house again, the bodyguard of the kidnapper boss was lying on the ground, but more corpses were in the next room.

It looked like it was a lounge with a TV, two couches, a few chairs, and a refrigerator, but there were four dead bodies lying on the ground, bleeding all over the floor.

The boss of the kidnapper leaned on the sofa, looking very miserable now, with a bullet hole in one arm, his nose was crooked, and his face was bleeding.

Opposite the leader of the kidnappers stood a man wearing a mask. At this moment, he looked at Gao Guang and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am from Huaxia, a kidnapped hostage, and I can be an interpreter."

Briefly explaining his identity and ability, the skull face didn't hesitate much, he immediately said: "You can call me Captain, Cap, let him go."

A knife was slashed against his wrist, and Gao Guang's hands were finally free.

The captain pointed to the boss of the kidnapper, and said, "A brief explanation of the situation. This guy is called Sanchez. He kidnapped a person."

After finishing speaking, the captain immediately raised a mobile phone, pointed the screen at Gao Guang and said, "This is the man, have you seen him?"

On the phone was a young man in his twenties, with a typical Mexican appearance. Gao Guang took a look, shook his head immediately and said, "No, I haven't seen this man before."

"Then do you know where the other hostages are kept?"

"Sorry, I was kidnapped here just now, I don't know where the other hostages are kept."

The captain said without hesitation: "Okay, then you can translate for me, first ask him where is the person in the photo."

This is not Gao Guang's first time as an interpreter, but it is completely different from previous experiences, so Gao Guang is still a little nervous.

Pointing to the photo on the phone, Gao Guang trembled and said, "Where is the person in the photo?"

Sanchez glanced at the phone bitterly, then he glared at Gao Guang and shouted, "I've never seen this person, I haven't, tell them I haven't!"

"He said he hadn't seen it."

"Ask him where the hostages are kept."

"Where are the hostages?"

Sanchez leaned forward, but instead of looking at the captain, he looked at Gao Guang and said angrily: "Damn it, tell them that the person they are looking for is not with me. If you dare to speak nonsense, you will die."

Gao Guang didn't add oil and vinegar, but he didn't fully translate every word of Sanchez, he just said immediately: "He refused to say."

The captain put away the phone and said in a low voice, "Eraser, let him talk!"

Immediately, someone rushed to the sofa, grabbed Sanchez's collar with his left hand, but pinched Sanchez's broken nose with his right hand, and immediately began to twist it.

Sanchez wanted to shake his head and struggle, but it hurt him even more, so he could only twist his head along the rubber's hand, screaming in a strong nasal voice: "I say, I say!"

Sanchez's voice seemed muffled, and he gave in much faster than Gao Guang expected.

Gao Guang didn't mind making Sanchez suffer more, but he was a professional translator, so he immediately said, "He's willing to say it."

The rubber let go of Sanchez's nose. Sanchez sniffed his nose lightly, and then said with a sad face: "The person you are looking for is not with me. You, damn Chinese, tell them that I have never seen the person they are looking for!"

The captain looked at Gao Guang, his eyes full of expectation, and said, "What did he say?"

"He said that the person you are looking for is not in there, and there are some swear words. Does the content that scolds you need to be translated?"

Gao Guang definitely has the professionalism as a translator, but he also wanted to use the convenience of translation to make Sanchez suffer, so he passed on the swear words to the captain and the others.

He didn't get the answer he wanted, but the captain didn't say much, he just said seriously: "Rubber, torture him."

Instead of pinching Sanchez's nose, Rubber pulled out a knife, first stabbed Sanchez's thigh with a knife, and then began to twist gently.

Sanchez howled at the top of his throat, and then he screamed: "For God's sake, I didn't do it, the person you are looking for is not here, it's none of my business, it's okay"

Gao Guang translated Sanchez's words, and the captain immediately yelled: "The ransom was collected but the people were not released, and the hostages were killed. Only you have done this kind of thing."

Sanchez suddenly started to struggle and shouted: "It's not me! I didn't kidnap him, damn it, I did it once when I just changed my career as a kidnapper, you can't just think that I did it when you encounter this kind of thing, not me! Damn it, I did it once!"

Sanchez spoke very fast, so it was a bit difficult for Gao Guang to listen, but fortunately, he was able to cope with it, and the translation was still very accurate.

Hearing Sanchez's words, Rubber twisted the knife fiercely, and then he said angrily: "Now do you realize the importance of reputation! Let your reputation go bankrupt once, say, where is the hostage!"

Sanchez writhed back and forth in pain and just yelled, "I didn't, it wasn't me"

Although Sanchez strongly denied that he had kidnapped the hostages, the captain was unmoved. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and then said to the rubber: "There is no time to waste, give him some ruthlessness."

Rubber pulled the knife out of Sanchez's leg and aimed the bleeding tip at Sanchez's eyes.

Sanchez howled: "I work for the Seta Group, you can't treat me like this, do you want to die!"

Hearing what Sanchez said, Gao Guang immediately said to the captain: "He said he was working for the Seta Group, and you will die if you do this."

The captain was unmoved, he still said calmly: "You can choose not to speak until you are cut into pieces with a knife."

Eraser didn't act in a hurry, but waited for Gao Guang to translate the captain's words, then pushed the knife forward, and then slowly pulled it down.

Sanchez's face was cut open, and he screamed again, yelling: "I say! I say! The hostages are in the dungeon, and the entrance to the dungeon is under the carpet."

Gao Guang immediately translated Sanchez's words, and then the captain breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted to the people who had been outside: "Joy comes in, the hostage is inside."

The lounge is not big, so the captain's people didn't search the lounge carefully, but kept searching outside for the place where the hostages were held, so that they didn't find that the dungeon was in this room.

There is only a small piece of carpet in the lounge, which can be seen at a glance, but such an obvious place was ignored until Sanchez told the location, and immediately a thin person ran over and lifted the carpet.

After discovering the entrance of the dungeon, the next step will be easy. Gao Guang helped translate some detailed questions, such as whether there is an ambush below, whether there are bombs, etc. After confirming that there are only one hostage in the dungeon, Joey went down quickly, and then he walked up with a person after a short while.

A young man who looked very haggard, he repeatedly said to the people around him: "Are you here to save me? Are you here to save me?"

Gao Guang swallowed, and said, "He asked if you were here to save him."

"Yes, we're here to save him, to keep him quiet."

Gao Guang was very envious of the young man in front of him, so he said with emotion: "They are here to save you, you are saved."

The young man was immediately ecstatic, and then he began to cross himself non-stop, and began to thank God.

Gao Guang felt that this young man was a little ignorant. At this time, shouldn't he be grateful to the person who rescued him?

Sure enough, the captain waved his hand speechlessly, and said: "Joy, send this idiot to the car, we will drive the drug dealer's car and leave here first."

Joey supported the young man and walked out quickly, while the captain stayed behind. He looked at Gao Guang with complicated eyes.

Gao Guang couldn't help taking a step back, and said nervously: "You saved me, you are my savior, I will never betray you, and, also, I am from Huaxia, it would be very troublesome for you to kill me, please don't hurt me, I will never tell the police about you, I promise!"

The captain shrugged and said: "I believe you are unwilling to take the initiative to betray us, but the drug dealers and the police will come soon, no matter who you fall into, you can control whether you speak or not, and I firmly believe that only the dead can't speak, so if you don't want to die, you'd better find a way to convince me as soon as possible."

It is necessary to find a method acceptable to both parties, so that he will not die, and can dispel the concerns of the captain and others.

Gao Guang thought of an idea almost immediately. The ancestors had already had a mature solution to this situation, and anyone who had read a few books should know it.

Vote for the certificate, accept a vote for the certificate on the line.

Gao Guang looked at Sanchez, then he took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "I'll kill him! Then I will never confess you, can you?"

The captain thought for a moment, then he nodded and said: "You came up with a good solution, wait a minute, I have to record it as evidence"

With the gun in his right hand and the mobile phone in his left hand aimed at Gao Guang, the captain said in a deep voice, "Okay, please."

Gao Guang was very confused, he didn't want to kill, but the current situation left him no choice.

Gao Guang leaned over and picked up a gun from a dead kidnapper.

Glock 17, or Glock 17.

This was the first time Gao Guang touched a real gun, and held the gun in his hand for the first time.

Seeing Gao Guang's movements, Sanchez began to panic, and then he said hoarsely: "What are you going to do? You want"

Without waiting for Sanchez to shout more, Gao Guang suddenly pointed his gun at Sanchez.

The Glock 17 is a trigger safety, as long as there is a bullet in the chamber, you can just pull the trigger directly, which is very convenient, so Gao Guang pulled the trigger immediately after aiming at Sanchez's chest.

With a gunshot, Sanchez's yelling stopped abruptly, and he began to twist his body with difficulty.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> 看着这个差点杀了他的人,这个毫无人性的绑匪,高光心中只有愤怒和仇恨,然后他觉得自己无论如何都要开枪,所以还不如多开枪.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:herit;"><font style="vertical-align:herit;">于是高光抬起枪口,瞄准了桑切斯的头部,再次扣动了扳机.</font></font></font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:herit;"><font style="vertical-align:herit;">双方打开两枪,均击中桑切斯的头.</font></font></font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:继承;"><font style="vertical-align:继承;">不得不说,Glock 17的大热销是有道理的.</font><font style="vertical-align:继承;">外观确实很难看,但具有很好的方向性和非常好的握感.</font><font style="vertical-align:herit;">射击起来很轻松,所以从来没有碰过枪的高光也能拍得很准.</font> </font></font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:herit;"><font style="vertical-align:herit;">他一生中第一次摸枪,第一次开枪,第一次用第一颗子弹杀死一个人.</font><font style="vertical-align:herit;">但高光并没有感到愧疚,没有恐惧,也没有心理负担.</font><font style="vertical-align:herit;">能够亲手杀死一个毒贩和绑匪头复仇目,他的心里充满了成功的喜悦和满足.</font></font></font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:继承;"><font style="vertical-align:继承;">高光松了口气,放下枪,扭头看向队长道:"现在就可以了吗?"</font></font></font></font>

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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