
King of War

In most businesses, some people are not given food by God, some people are rewarded by God, and some people are fed by God. In the field of private force, God forcibly feeds Gao Guang. He was kidnapped at the beginning, and Gao Guang was forced to become a member of a private military contractor in order to survive. Until one day, in the field of personal force, he made the highlight moment a professional term. He is committed to providing war-related peripheral services, including but not limited to military force, munitions, intelligence, and technical support. As the conscience of the industry, quality assurance. Gao Guang, you are trustworthy.

li_dai · War
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42 Chs

To shut up

Suddenly there was gunfire from behind the hotel.

After three gunshots, someone yelled, "Come out! Come out!"

John was stunned. He put down the taco and pressed his heart, but Gao Guang knew that John's gun was hanging on his left rib, and he could pull out a pistol just by putting his hand into his clothes.

John is going to do it now, but the drug dealer inside hasn't been able to open the tunnel yet, so the middleman hasn't been caught yet. If he draws his gun at this time, it's not courting death.

The drug dealers outside heard the gunshots and rushed into the restaurant almost immediately, two at first, and there must have been more behind.

Gao Guang felt that if they were all shot, it would be unreasonable not to run away at this time.

So at this time, it is normal and reasonable to have to run in accordance with Lao Mei's rich experience in dealing with shootings.

So Gao Guang suddenly lowered his head, and said in a panic: "Xie Te, you've shot, run away!"

Gao Guang stood up, bent over and dashed forward. He didn't forget to give the stunned John a hand, and said anxiously, "Are you deaf? You've shot! Run!"

The two drug dealers behind Gao Guang showed such expressions. Yes, this is the normal reaction of tourists when they encounter a shooting case. This is right and reasonable.

In fact, John really wanted to draw his gun and shoot, but Gao Guang grabbed his right hand that was pressing on his chest, pulling John's body so crooked that he almost fell to the ground, making him unable to shoot.

John was extremely stunned, but he was neither stupid nor slow. Although he was extremely puzzled and contemptuous of Gao Guang's actions, he had no choice but to follow Gao Guang and started running out under the premise that four or five drug dealers had rushed into the restaurant.

The two rushed out of the hotel one after the other, and John was about to run towards the hotel subconsciously, but Gao Guang grabbed John again and said anxiously: "It's the other way around, come this way!"

"You ran the wrong way, you are not only a coward but also a road idiot!"

The captain and the others were all waiting at the hotel, so it was right for John to run in the direction of the hotel, but Gao Guang had other plans, so he had to drag John to run to the other side.

"Shut up, do you understand the attack on both sides?"

Some drug dealers outside rushed over, but others stayed where they were. They seemed to know the situation of the middleman and didn't need too many people to go in, so they stayed outside and waited. At the same time, they also firmly blocked any possible way out for the middleman.

Some drug dealers looked at the panicked Gao Guang and John, but no one stopped them. At this time, someone came out of the restaurant and shouted: "I found him, bring hydraulic pliers and gas welding, there are in the repair shop, hurry up!"

Gao Guang heard the drug dealer's shout, and John approached him, whispering angrily: "Are you crazy? You coward, now"

"Shut up!"

Gao Guang interrupted John viciously, and then he ran and said: "You can't understand what they are talking about! Shut up and listen to me, the middleman is still in the tunnel, and we have no chance to kill the middleman if we stay there. Think about it with your brain. If there is a war in the back and a meal in the front, the fool knows there is a problem. We will die before the middleman dies!"

No one has to admit that what Gao Guang said is reasonable, John can only say annoyedly: "Then we can only do it when they bring out the middleman."

Gao Guang whispered: "There are at least thirty of them, I don't want to die."


"Shut up! Idiot! I have a way!"

The two ran for forty or fifty meters in a hasty quarrel. At this time, Gao Guang slowed down and said anxiously to John: "Come here, come here."

Gao Guang dodged and hid behind a telephone pole. He took a deep breath, and then said to John, "Give me your mobile phone, hurry up, hurry up!"

John took out his mobile phone, but he said angrily: "Go away! I can make calls myself."

Gao Guang snatched John's cell phone, and then he said to John, "I have a solution, do you have it?"

John's fist reached Gao Guang's eyes, but after being asked by Gao Guang, his fist finally stopped, and then he looked at Gao Guang with a puzzled expression and said, "What can you do?"

"Shut up!"

Gao Guang swiped John's phone, then he put it in front of John angrily and said, "Unlock it, hurry up."

John pressed his fingerprint suspiciously, Gao Guang took back the phone, thought for a while, and quickly dialed 911.

That's right, Mexico's police, fire, and emergency number is 911.

"What are you doing? Are you calling the police? Are you crazy?"

John wanted to grab the phone again, Gao Guang stepped back and said angrily, "Shut up! Idiots don't get in the way!"

After scolding John angrily, the phone was connected, and then a female voice said mechanically: "This is the 911 emergency center."

Gao Guang raised the volume and spoke in half-baked Spanish at the fastest speed in his life: "I was robbed, I was robbed!"

"Where are you?"

Gao Guang paused for a moment, and then continued to speak in a hurried voice: "I'm at the Ecuvario Hotel, no, no, I'm in a restaurant south of the Ecuvario Hotel, what's the name, it's a taco restaurant! I was robbed, come quickly!"

The voice was hurried and panicked, but John couldn't understand. He scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, but he was afraid that the drug dealer would find out Gao Guang's movements and be attracted to him, so John was really anxious to death.

Then John saw that Gao Guang suddenly raised his voice, and said in a panic in English: "I was robbed of $560,000! Cash!"

After declaring an amount in proficient English, Gao Guang switched to broken Spanish and continued: "I was robbed of more than half a million dollars, all in cash, in a brown bag. It was the money I just won at the Pueblo casino. You have to help me get it back. Listen, I am an American citizen. You have to help me get the money back."

Gao Guang babbled, and John turned around in a hurry. He wanted to say something, but after seeing Gao Guang glared at him, he could only raise his hands, as if he was speechless asking the sky.

"Okay, sir, I have arranged for the nearest policeman to go, are you injured? Are you in a safe situation?"

"The bag I put my money in is a brown leather bag. It's very big. It looks like an ordinary travel bag on the outside, but it contains a huge sum of money"

Gao Guang glanced at the restaurant. Not long ago, someone entered the restaurant with hydraulic shears, and now someone pushed a gas cylinder gas welder into the restaurant with a cart.

It is estimated that the middleman won't last long, so Gao Guang stopped rambling and described what the money bag looked like in detail, but immediately said: "I am not injured, the money robber has already run away, there are two of them, one of them is holding a gun, and they took my wallet and my bag. Listen, my wallet is not important, what is important is my money bag, come on, come on!"

"Okay sir, the patrol police near us have already arrived, please find a safe place to hide and wait for the police to arrive."

"Okay, I'm in hiding."

At this time, John suddenly pointed in the direction of the hotel. Gao Guang looked over and could only see a figure being pushed into a car in front of the hotel by two people.

Gao Guang immediately said: "I saw the robber's license plate number, the license plate number is t6-bae, a white Ford car with two people in it, they drove towards, uh, north."

The police officer should be very speechless, she said helplessly: "You should have said this earlier, instead of describing what your bag looks like, please find a safe place to wait, our patrol is very close to your position, they have already set off."

"Okay, that's it."

This time Gao Guang was so happy that he hung up the phone with a click.

John asked anxiously: "What did you say? You said the license plate number? Can you see it clearly?"

Gao Guang whispered: "I wrote down the license plate number."

"You wrote down all the license plate numbers of the drug dealers? Can you remember them?"

"I don't have such a good memory, but there are only two cars in front of the hotel. I can always remember the two cars. They sent the middleman to the white car. Isn't that all right?"

The car started and drove northward. Gao Guang heaved a sigh of relief, handed the phone to John, and said, "Call the captain, hurry up."

John made a call. Before he could say anything, Gao Guang snatched the phone and said in a low voice, "Captain, the man in the middle is in that white Ford car. Follow him from a distance. The police will stop them. Don't worry, decide according to the situation."

Before he finished speaking, John suddenly said loudly: "Police car, machine gun pickup! How did they come so fast?"

The white car had already passed the hotel where the captain and the others were staying, but three police cars drove out at the intersection in the distance, and the second police car was a pickup truck with a machine gun mounted on the top of the pickup truck.

The drug dealer's car and the police car went head-to-head, and under John's extremely surprised gaze, the machine gun on the police car fired at the white pickup without warning.

Gao Guang was taken aback. He thought the police car would stop the drug dealer's car, but he didn't expect the police car to shoot directly.

There was a loud gunshot, and the bullets covered the white car. Gao Guang put down the phone, handed it to John, and said, "I won't care about it from now on. You can figure it out, but I think the middleman is dead."

John took the phone in a daze, and heard the captain shouting anxiously in the microphone: "What happened? What's going on? Hey, what's going on with the police car!"

John opened his mouth and said blankly, "Uh, I'll shut up and let him tell you."

Gao Guang took the phone and said, "Well, it's hard to explain clearly at the moment, but it should be fine anyway, hang up now, we have to throw the phone away."

At this time, the drug dealer's car stopped and began to back up, and the drug dealer who was not in the car began to hide in the nearest hiding place, and the two police cars had heard the white Ford, but at this moment the police seemed to realize that something was wrong, and the two police cars started backing up quickly, but fortunately, the drug dealer was caught off guard, and there was no exchange of fire between the two sides.

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