
King of War

In most businesses, some people are not given food by God, some people are rewarded by God, and some people are fed by God. In the field of private force, God forcibly feeds Gao Guang. He was kidnapped at the beginning, and Gao Guang was forced to become a member of a private military contractor in order to survive. Until one day, in the field of personal force, he made the highlight moment a professional term. He is committed to providing war-related peripheral services, including but not limited to military force, munitions, intelligence, and technical support. As the conscience of the industry, quality assurance. Gao Guang, you are trustworthy.

li_dai · War
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42 Chs

Shrouded in haze

The aircraft is a Senus 208 series amphibious aircraft. The landing gear has been replaced with buoys, which can take off and land on the water. It is used for both passenger and cargo. The cabin retains the portholes, but all the passenger seats are removed, and the entire cabin can be used. It is used for loading, if you want to sit people, just put a few temporary seats.

Only Frank knows the coordinates, but now, Frank must announce the coordinates.

"We're already in the air over the target area."

Frank was wearing a headset. He said something loudly, and then gestured with his hand: "Let's descend the altitude, and circle here a few times first."

The way down is green, and amidst the vast and monotonous green, there is a wide river with muddy water, which looks like a muddy yellow belt.

In the rainforest on both sides of the river, there are lakes and some smaller tributaries. The water in those small lakes looks much clearer.

It is too difficult to find a plane that crashed more than 20 years ago from the sky above the rainforest. Let alone what the plane looked like when it crashed, even if the plane maintains its complete shape, after more than 20 years, it will still be difficult. It's time to be covered with vegetation.

In the rainforest, it doesn't take long for an open space to be completely filled with plants. In more than 20 years, even if the plane is close at hand, it may be difficult to find it, so this aerial reconnaissance is really just a look.

First observe the terrain and the situation in the target area, and then consider how to land and how to search after landing.

The plane began to circle in the air. Although the altitude was already very low, the line of sight could not pass through the dense tree canopy at all, so after only circling a few times over the target area, Frank said loudly: "George, look at that river."

It is impossible for any plane to land directly on the top of the tree, so a seaplane is chosen, because there are many water systems here, no matter if it is a large enough lake or a wide enough river, the plane can land.

George flew the plane over the river closest to the target area, and then he lowered the altitude very low to observe the width of the river.

Flying along the river for a while, George shook his head and said, "The river is not wide enough. The branches on both banks cover most of the river, making it impossible to land."

Small tributaries are not good, Frank looked around and said: "Raise the height and see if there is a large enough lake nearby."

As the plane climbed to altitude, several people looked around for a while, George lowered the altitude again, and then passed over a lake.

"This lake is big enough, and it's not too far from our coordinate point. I think it's fine here."

George decided to choose the water area where he landed, and Frank immediately said: "Okay, let me record the coordinates and continue to observe at a low altitude."

Frank took out the SLR camera, and then he began to take pictures downwards. As for Gao Guang and the others, they sat behind and observed the situation below through the porthole.

The terrain is indeed very complicated. If the canopy below seems a little sparse, then you can definitely find the water surface under the canopy if you look carefully. The characteristics of alternating swamps and seasonal lakes are undoubtedly revealed.

After circling and observing for a long time, no trace was found, but the terrain was observed, and the landing site after the arrival of the next full load of equipment and supplies was determined, so this flight is still very necessary.

With nothing to see, Jorge turned around and began the return flight to Medellin.

Before going back, several people had already started discussing what to do next.

"It's not easy to find a crashed plane in this terrain, and it's a small plane." Looking at the sad expression on the green ocean below, John shrugged and said, "I can already Imagine the pain of being bitten by mosquitoes and sucked blood by leeches."

Eraser said mercilessly again: "You are so smart, then please think about it, if the money is easy to get, will Mr. Smith tell the captain?"

John said angrily: "Of course I know this truth, I just... find it difficult."

Frank said with an excited face: "Money is not so easy to get. The more desolate this place is, the more likely it is to find treasures. I'm ready to stay here for a month. Before the rainy season comes, we must To find the crash."

Rubber also couldn't wait to say: "Captain, do you know where the plane crashed? If it is a swamp, then there is no need for underwater search and detection. We don't have to wait for the underwater robot to arrive, and we can start the search directly tomorrow. "

There is a reason for the budget of more than two million US dollars, and the underwater detection robot is a big expense.

There is no place in Columbia where underwater detection robots can be used, so in order not to waste time and to finish the work before the rainy season comes and the water level soars, Frank directly spent more than 200,000 yuan to order a professional-grade underwater robot.

"I don't know whether the plane crashed in water or on land. Mr. Smith said he was pretty sure the plane crashed at the coordinates given to me, but there is water everywhere, and it is always impossible to prepare for an underwater search. Incorrect."

It's two different things to see it live and make it up completely. Although it's difficult to see it, but no matter what, hope must be in the rainforest at the foot, so Gao Guang couldn't help but cheer up.

At this moment, John suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I just saw someone down there!"

Several people froze for a moment, Frank immediately looked down and said, "Will someone be there?"

John sat on the left side of the cabin and looked down through the left window, while Frank and Gao Guang sat on the right side. After John suddenly yelled, several people immediately began to look down.

George pulled the joystick, and the plane started to turn, but Frank said nervously, "Where is anyone? This place is tens of kilometers away from the nearest town, how could there be anyone!"

John said loudly: "It's by a small lake. I saw someone walking, but I didn't see it clearly."

Eraser half-believingly said: "Why didn't I see it, you must have misread it, right?"

It's not a good thing to see people in this place, and several people immediately became nervous, but George circled around a dozen times, and several people looked at the small lake where John said there were people over and over again, but they didn't see anyone shadow.

Finally, John himself was not quite sure. He scratched his head and said with a puzzled expression, "Could it be that I misunderstood it? Maybe I was too excited, um, I should be too excited."

Frank said with a gloomy face: "But we all know that you have good eyesight, and you have always been involved in complex observation and vigilance work."

No one spoke, and John's discovery cast a shadow over the treasure hunt, although he wasn't sure if he saw anyone.

Finally, Frank still said in a deep voice: "Go back first, no matter whether John is wrong or not, we have to be vigilant."