

Adeline was always handed the short end of the stick in life moving from one group home to the next—until she had to stay with her crazy foster parents. Now at twenty-one years old, recently fired, and on the verge of eviction from her shitty apartment. What's a girl to do? She's hanging on by a thread, and life seems like it's headed for the worst when her eyesight starts playing tricks on her again. Can she runaway from her relentless past or will it continue to chase her until she gives in? Kaschel had many names—Ruler of the Unsightly. Lord of the Cruel and Wicked. The King of Shadows. He’s heard them all before as the Unseelie King. Now, he’s nothing more than an underground crime lord for the supernatural. Stripped of his title and banished from the Fae realm: he’s ready for retribution, and he’ll do anything to reclaim his place. He might be playing the part of a petty, crime lord for now, but that’s only until his shadows find what is rightfully his. Too bad for Adeline, she seems to be right in the middle of it all. Copyright ⓒ Belle Briar 2023 All Rights Reserved

Moonlightbelle · Fantasy
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24 Chs


I propped my elbow on the side of the car door and rested my chin on my palm. I fixated on how the moonlight peeked through the pine trees and reflected off the ground as we drove by. I wished it cleared my mind, but I was left thinking of a million scenarios, and none of them seemed to end well.

I promptly ignored the conversation between Lynne and Lucien once they started chatting about trivial things like going on a hike this Sunday to Crescent Falls because the weather app said it was seventy degrees with not a cloud in sight. That made Lynne turn around from the passenger side all giddy with sparkly eyes and a radiant smile asking me if I was interested.

I was not.

I had to hold back my frown and tell her a polite no thank you. I already had my fill of hikes this week from my abrupt drop-off at Hades Cliff, and I wasn't too ecstatic at the thought of third-wheeling it again. Lucien was acting so cutesy with her that I wasn't sure I wanted to be around that any more than necessary.

I also had more pressing matters to worry about than stupid cardio. I needed to make sure they survived the night.

I lifted Lucien's hat off my head, brushed a few flyaways behind my ear, and then put it back in place.

I managed to change my shirt in a hurry but I wasn't sure if it was any better than the one Lucien bought me. I hadn't done laundry yet—for obvious reasons—and all my regular clothes were dirty. So, all I had were the absurd graphic tees that I had been collecting since I was a teenager. I used to wear them all the time thinking I was so edgy.

I definitely wasn't.

Now I only wore them as pajamas, and without fail, they would always make me giggle and brighten up my mood if I had a shitty day at work. They soon became a little ritual for me every time I went to bed.

However, I almost regretted my decision to collect them because I looked like a freshman frat boy with a tee shirt that read A dirty hoe, is a happy hoe with a picture of a woman gardening.

Honestly, I wasn't sure how I thought it was my best option, but I was in a rush and I couldn't just sit there and contemplate it.

It still beat the shirt Lucien picked out. Now I didn't have to walk through the front doors of the hottest nightclub in Hollow looking like Steve from Blues Clues. That was a plus, right?

I lifted my chin and my whole body screamed in agony. It was pathetic how sore I was from swinging a small pan around. Maybe, I did need to go on that hike after all.

"Hey, we're here," Lucien said, with bunched-up eyebrows.

"Ah, sweet." I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the Jeep, avoiding his prying eyes.

Lynne was incredibly fast and stood right by Lucien and locked hands with him as we walked across the street to Death's Paradise.

I swallowed the hard lump that was forming in the back of my throat, but it did nothing for my escalating heart rate.

The pounding music vibrated the ground the closer we got to the entrance.

We only stood a couple of feet away from the front doors when I started wishing Gren had come with me. Then maybe, I wouldn't feel so utterly alone in this. I didn't mind if I looked like a cross between a frat boy and a pirate if that meant he was here to offer me his odd comforts.

When I worked up the strength to ask, I noticed how miserable he looked. That's when I decided it was best to let him grieve. I did, however, find out he only found drops of blood and feathers a couple miles out from my apartment, but no crow-bodies. Which meant they could still be alive. I tried to tell him that, but he didn't look convinced and said he needed to investigate the scene more. That's when he said he would find me later.

I had texted Tara before we got here. She kept her word and immediately let all three of us in. 

I made direct eye contact with the intimidating bouncer who stood like a statue and gave him an awkward smile as I hurried past him.

"Oh my god! You showed!" Tara whisper-screamed over the thumping music. She held a martini glass as she swayed to the song that was playing.

It wasn't by choice, but I wouldn't tell her that.

"Of course! This is my friend Lucien, and his girlfriend Lynne." I gestured at the two of them.

If I kept putting on a fake smile, I feared that I wouldn't know when I was actually being sincere.

They all introduced each other and I still just smiled like always. Instantly, Lynne and Tara clicked and were talking about some name-brand I wasn't familiar with. It was fine though, it probably would make it easier for me to disappear without being noticed.

I turned around and headed for the bar, hoping to drown myself in a couple of drinks before I sold my soul to the devil. But before I could slip away, a firm hand gripped my shoulder.

My breathing turned shallow as I slowly turned around to see who it was.

Fuck, Tara scared the shit out of me.

"Yes?" I asked, a little confused.

Why did she have to give me a heart attack like that?

"Where are you headed?" She smirked at me as she twirled the maraschino cherry in her glass.

"Uh. I need some drinks." I pointed to the bar that had one leather barstool left.

It was practically screaming my name.

"I'll come with you." She quickly waved at Lucien and Lynne, saying that it was nice meeting them but she would be stealing me for the night.

They both nodded in agreement. Lucien even gave me an optimistic thumbs-up, and before I could protest or get a word in—Tara dragged me to the bar, plopped me down on the empty barstool, and ordered us two Reapers. I wasn't even sure what kind of drink that was, but I bet it tasted just as unpleasant as it sounded.

I was still going to drink it though.

I tapped my nails nervously on the bar top and took it all in. The stench of booze and smoke assaulted my nose as the dance floor overflowed with people who were syncing their bodies to the heavy bass song blasting over the speakers. It looked chaotic as the flashing neon lights darted across the place.

My eyes landed on a sign that read in silver letters, VIP room.

"He's waiting."

I snapped my head back at Tara. "Excuse me?" I asked, unsure I heard her correctly.

"I like your shirt." Tara pointed at me; her voice was barely audible over the pulsating music.

I had to be paranoid. No way she actually said that.

I glanced at her and then back at the sign.

"Ah, now you're just making fun of me." 

The bartender slammed the two drinks down in front of us, and both had a deep crimson color with a cherry on top.

I guess they did themed drinks here.

Without hesitation, I chugged the whole drink and asked for another one. After the second one, I managed to slip away from Tara by saying I needed to use the restroom. She insisted on coming with me at first, but I firmly told her that it was okay and that I would come find her.

I had thirty minutes until midnight and needed to find the bastard who only gave me one hour to make a potentially life threatening deal.

If I got his vibe right in the short amount of time we talked, then I bet he was a pretentious prick who would be lounging in the VIP room.