

Adeline was always handed the short end of the stick in life moving from one group home to the next—until she had to stay with her crazy foster parents. Now at twenty-one years old, recently fired, and on the verge of eviction from her shitty apartment. What's a girl to do? She's hanging on by a thread, and life seems like it's headed for the worst when her eyesight starts playing tricks on her again. Can she runaway from her relentless past or will it continue to chase her until she gives in? Kaschel had many names—Ruler of the Unsightly. Lord of the Cruel and Wicked. The King of Shadows. He’s heard them all before as the Unseelie King. Now, he’s nothing more than an underground crime lord for the supernatural. Stripped of his title and banished from the Fae realm: he’s ready for retribution, and he’ll do anything to reclaim his place. He might be playing the part of a petty, crime lord for now, but that’s only until his shadows find what is rightfully his. Too bad for Adeline, she seems to be right in the middle of it all. Copyright ⓒ Belle Briar 2023 All Rights Reserved

Moonlightbelle · Fantasy
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24 Chs

A Covenant of Lies

"You were just… acting odd," Jared said, frowning.

He leaned closer, brushed a few loose strands of hair out of my face, and tucked them behind my ear.

His touch was scalding, like it would burn a hole through my skin if he lingered any longer.

I automatically swatted his hand away. "Please don't touch me again without my permission." I gave him a look of disgust. "So, did you find who, or whatever we need? I would love to leave this horrid place as soon as possible," I said, ignoring the flicker of dejection in his eyes.

It was likely out of pity, and I didn't need any of his false sympathy—or whatever he was trying to pull. He was acting completely out of character and it made my skin crawl.

Jared walked a few steps away with his back to me, pausing briefly. "Of course, and yeah… something like that." His tone was hard to decipher.

There was no hint of sadness, nor did he sound angry. He seemed more empty than anything else.

I didn't say a word to him and instead, I silently watched him disappear into the hallway.

I could faintly hear them talking and that sparked my interest. I tiptoed to the hallway, hoping to god the old floorboards didn't squeak under my light footsteps.

Their voices grew louder. I saw the door cracked open and Jared throwing hand gestures as Kaschel stood there with his arms crossed.

"He said there isn't enough for all of us to cross over. That it would collapse, and we could all potentially get stuck if we tried."

Kaschel just grumbled and rubbed his temples like nothing was going according to his plan—if he even had a plan. I had no idea, and getting stuck somewhere else didn't sound all that great either.

There were no reasonable options, and I had a feeling that the place Jared was talking about wasn't any better than here.

Kaschel finally spoke and it was laced with so much rage that it felt like the walls quivered in response. "Then I will go with her while you get them off our tracks if the others fail. I don't need Therion getting his slimy fingers on one of my keys when I'm at half-power."

"Sir, I think it would be best if I came with—"

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Kaschel growled.

Kaschel towered over Jared and looked down at him with a sullen expression. His head tilted to the side. He somehow made Jared look feeble in comparison.

"I just know I could be of assistance." Jared trailed off, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Kaschel let out a sardonic laugh. "Have you forgotten what I've done for you? What you've sworn to? You also led them right to us. So, tell me, why should I allow you to disregard my orders? Are you so hung up on some fragile human even though you're an incubus? I thought your species was immune to such frivolous emotions. Was I wrong?"

Jared just stood there, emotionless. "Please forgive my ignorance. I won't fail you this time... I just wasn't aware that she was the one with the key. I thought you were looking for a witch who stole them centuries ago. I just don't understand why she's—"

Kaschel clicked his tongue. "Yet, she has it, and until I find the other one," Kaschel paused, turning his head toward the open door. "If you intend on spying, try to be a little less aggressive with your breathing. You sound like a rabid goblin, and it's rather distracting."

I threw my hand to cover my mouth. I didn't think I was being that loud. I was about to defend myself, but I quickly realized that I didn't need to.

Not to a prick like him.

My eyes wandered to Jared, but he always seemed to avoid my gaze.

I huffed. "I wasn't spying if I could hear your grating voices from the kitchen." I so badly wanted to flip him off or stick my tongue out, but with what little dignity I had left, I held on to it like it was my thread of fate, and walked away without sparing them another word or glance.

I shut the front door behind me, sat down on the stairs, and ran my fingers through my hair, half-tempted to just rip it all out from frustration.

But that would be insane. So, I placed my chin on the palm of my hand and looked out into the forest.

When this was all over, I needed to take a vacation. A long one. But a vacation also required money—money that I didn't have. So, I would have to get a job first, and then work for a while before I could even think about taking time off. But Hawaii or Cancun didn't sound all that bad. Some place tropical that had fruity mixed drinks right on the beach where I could bury my toes in the sand and sip without a care in the world. Maybe meet a hot foreign guy.

Ah, I was getting ahead of myself.

I tipped my head back and closed my eyes. I inhaled and tried to calm myself.

I was in dire need of sleep, but no way was I taking a nap in this hellhole where a murder took place. I would have to be a psychopath to not let that affect me. It wasn't something I could just brush it off.

I attempted to push the conversation that had just occurred out of my head, but the word incubus remained. It meant something but all I could come up with was the name of the band, and I knew, Kaschel wasn't talking about music.

I chuckled to myself as I kept my eyes closed, and felt the wind pick up and caress my body. I tried to let it soothe my disheveled mind.


I whipped my head up and skimmed the forest. Nothing.

"Adeline, will you forfeit his life, or will you save him? I wonder," a hypnotic voice purred in my ear.

My mind was instantly clouded with memories of Lucien. His bright cheerful smile was replaced with tears and darkness. I couldn't think of anyone, but him.

A pain surged through me and hit me like a tsunami. My temples throbbed as the pain worked its way down to my chest, lashing out at my arms and legs.

It was like pins and needles as the memories spiraled into gruesome nightmares.

The hypnotic voice only taunted me further and whispered, "His life is hanging in the balance, and if you refuse me. He will perish."

The voice was so deafening, I needed to find where it was coming from. I needed to make it stop.

I had to.

I could feel a pulsating sensation boiling up to my ears and if I didn't follow the voice—I somehow knew I would fall apart.

I stood up and began walking.

Then jogging.


I was running so fast that the forest was a blur of deep greens and browns that muddled together as my foot left a wake of dust behind me.

I could vaguely see from the corner of my eye, Gren was flapping his wings furiously as he kept up with my speed.

His beak was opened, but I only caught every other word. "It's…trap…come…your!"

A deep sense of dread cemented itself in my chest, and I was so desperate to make the pain stop that I couldn't focus on Gren's desperate pleas.

All I could do was follow the voice with everything I had.

There were two blurred bodies in the distance, and they grew more vivid with each step.

Then I saw him.

Lucien was on his knees, mouth gagged with a shadow-like substance that was entirely different compared to Ryas, and it was wrapped around him like a rope.

His eyes were full of fear. Desperation.

I looked up and saw Lynne standing above him, smiling.

I felt a rush of emotions. Confused, terrified. helpless.

Her jaw broke apart into a hideous smile as it stretched to an unnatural length. It was grim but familiar.

"Ring any bells?" she mused as she pointed to her eyes. "Now, what should I have you do, my little fool?"

Her eyes flickered a crimson red, and she let out a loud cackle and I stepped back.

My heart thundered against my chest as I clenched my hands in tight fists. "How? Why?" I asked, but I couldn't elaborate.

I stood there, shocked and disorientated.

I kept my eyes on Lucien like if I looked away he would disappear, forever. But I couldn't open my mouth to console him. I couldn't do anything at all.

All I could do was see what she wanted from me, but I had a feeling that I already knew.

"Oh Addy, sweetie. You shouldn't accept things from strangers. They might have ulterior motives."