
Chapter 11: Yellow Bull #2

Midpoint Island, West Blue.

"I am Ulysses," as Ulysses stepped forward, everyone in the warehouse felt a suffocating pressure.

"I hear you have some connections with the Tiger Pirates. Mind filling me in?" Ulysses stepped into the center of the warehouse.

The two men fighting earlier scurried away to the edges and blended into the crowd. Everyone's eyes were focused on Ulysses. Unknowingly, cold sweat had began to trickle down their faces, including Yellow Bull.

Yellow Bull held the flintlock. His vision became blurry and his hand began to shake.

'Shoot! Why can't I shoot?!' his finger was unwilling to pull the trigger.

"Of course, if you need some persuasion," Ulysses waved his sword.

"Bastard! What Devil Fruit is this?..." Yellow Bull gnashed.

His whole crew was frozen stiff by an invisible force. If this wasn't a Devil Fruit ability, what was it?! Their bodies refused to move and their eyes were fixated on his figure.

"Devil Fruit? This isn't a Devil Fruit, what are you talking about?" Ulysses frowned in confusion.

"Liar!" Yellow Bull fumed.

"Whatever. Will you tell me or not?" Ulysses held back his presence.

Suddenly, the pirates felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders. They moved their limbs and felt themselves, sighing in relief once they asserted that they could move again. Yellow Bull felt the invisible grip on his heart disappear and let out an internal sigh of relief as well.

"Hmph, I guess your Devil Fruit ability ran out then!" Yellow Bull fired the flintlock.

"Again, I don't know what you're talking about," Ulysses casually flicked the bullet back in mid-air.

The bullet shot back towards Yellow Bull, narrowly missing him by a few inches. Yellow Bull jolted out of his seat and beat his chest in the air.

"Bastard!! All of you, get him!" Yellow Bull suddenly gained a bit of muscle mass.

The crew members nodded at his order and they all stood up and readied their weapons. Meanwhile, Ulysses, who was in the center, yawned at their performance. One of the bigger crew member gave an angry cry as they charged at Ulysses.

This was the spark that lit the fire, as the other crew members rushed forward as well.


"You'll pay for humiliating us!"

The crew members attacked him from all directions. However, Ulysses calmly blocked or dodged attack after attack, and had a relaxed expression on his face.

"Will you not tell me about the Tiger Pirates? Do I need to exert myself?" he coldly asked Yellow Bull, who was standing across from him.

"Shut your mouth, you damn arrogant bastard! Who do you think I am?!" Yellow Bull oddly gained muscle mass again.

"You piece of shit, I'll torture you to the point that you'll wish for death!" Yellow Bull's body grew more and more until he was nearly 15 feet tall.

"Oh?" Ulysses remarked as he finally went on the offensive.

The snow white blade flashed, and three heads fell off. It flashed once more, and this time, seven heads fell off. All of this happened in an instant, and the pirates who were attacking, suddenly felt fear towards Ulysses.

"That's enough!" Yellow Bull's veins bulged and it seemed that his body was at its limit.

Like a wild animal, Yellow Bull leaped over to Ulysses with hammer fists. The pirates around Ulysses all scattered, as they knew what their captain was like when he fought.

Ulysses sheathed his sword and put up his left arm to block Yellow Bull. Yellow Bull looked at Ulysses's defense and sneered, he laughed maniacally as he reached Ulysses.

However, what Yellow Bull expected was completely different from what actually happened. His fists couldn't even make Ulysses's left arm budge. It was as if Ulysses was an unmoving statue!

Yellow Bull put more power into his fists, and Ulysses lightly smirked at Yellow Bull's power. He casually extended his arm and sent Yellow Bull flying into the wall, forming a large dent. Yellow Bull coughed up blood from the impact and fell onto his knees.

"WHAT?! I ate the Rage Rage Fruit, it's impossible to stop me like this!" Yellow Bull's body swelled up more, but it was clear that he was passing his limit.

He jumped up and rushed over to Ulysses, but his movements were sloppy. Ulysses responded with a front kick, slamming him into the wall again, and creating a tiny crack in the metal.

"Rage Rage Fruit? These things are absurd," Ulysses remarked.

"But I can't have you dying on me right now," an invisible wave swept over Yellow Bull and his crew.

"Settle down!"

Yellow Bull somehow began to revert back to his original form. His muscle mass decreased steeply by the second and a while later, he was completely back to his original form. However, he was much more skinny than before.

"Why don't you just tell me what the Tiger Pirates are doing and what they want?" Ulysses went over to Yellow Bull and held him up by the neck.

"You bastard..." Yellow Bull groaned.

Ulysses walked to the side and smashed his head into the wall.

"Do you really not want to speak?" Ulysses asked with apathetic eyes.

"Lets put it this way. You answer what I ask, and I let you and your crew go," Ulysses stared into Yellow Bull's eyes.

However, Yellow Bull's brows furrowed as he tried to struggle to get out of Ulysses's grip. His eyes were defiant as he tried to speak.

"Fu...ck... you..." he rasped.

Ulysses threw him across the room and sent him flying into another wall. Yellow Bull slammed into the metal walls once more, creating another dent, and his body slid down with a thud.

"I know that didn't kill you," Ulysses commented as he walked over to one of the shaking pirates.

"I'm sure you understand your position," he talked as he unsheathed his sword.

"For each... let's say 10 seconds that pass without you talking, something like this will happen," he cleanly decapitated the pirate.

The crew members around him all looked on with fear as the blood spilled all over. Ulysses turned towards Yellow Bull to see his response. However, Yellow Bull remained staunch and sneered instead of cowering.

"You think you can break me? Yellow Bull?! You're out of your fuckin mind," he gave Ulysses the middle finger.

"You're a pirate for a reason," Ulysses's eyes suddenly frightened Yellow Bull.

10 seconds passed, and Ulysses beheaded another pirate. Another 10 seconds passed, and another one was gone. A few minutes later, only four pirates remained. Yellow Bull looked down with dark eyes and Ulysses stared at him.

"Enough with the fodder," Ulysses walked over to Yellow Bull, ignoring the other pirates.

"Speak, and you will earn your privilege to live," Ulysses raised Yellow Bull's chin with his shoe.

"Will you really... let me live?" Yellow Bull looked at Ulysses with sunken eyes.

"I will," Ulysses answered.

"The Tiger Pirates are at Deadman's Island, they're preparing a giant coalition to storm the Grand Line. The rest of us are meeting up at Deadman's Island at a certain time, but we haven't been informed when," Yellow Bull softly spoke.

"That's all?" Ulysses raised his right eyebrow.

"That's all..." he replied weakly.

"Then die," Ulysses raised his sword.

"But wait! You said tha-" Yellow Bull shrieked.

"Why would I let an infamous pirate live?" Ulysses cut him off along with his head.

"Such false bravado. They all sail, wishing to be a great figure I presume. But in the end, their fragile minds succumb to temptations," Ulysses lamented.

He turned towards the other pirates who began to piss their pants. Tears ran down their cheeks, but Ulysses didn't bat an eye. He sent out a sword wave and cleanly cut all four.

"At least we've confirmed it," Ulysses muttered.

However, at this moment, a 'purupurupuru' sound came from the corner of the warehouse. Ulysses frowned, he didn't detect a pirate? He slowly walked over to the corner and found a blanket covering a snail-like figure.

That was where the noise was coming from. Ulysses lifted the blanket and revealed a snail that was like a telephone. On the side of the snail's shell were buttons, while on top of it was a circular speaking device.

"Purupurupurupuru," the snail's voice rang out.

The circular speaking device on the top of the snail's shell seemed to shake a bit every time the snail talked. Ulysses picked up the speaking device, and the snail jolted a bit.

"Hey! Yellow Bull!" the snail's voice suddenly changed.

Ulysses narrowed his eyes. What was this thing?

"Boss is out right now, what do you need?" Ulysses spoke respectfully.

"Ehh? What did you say?! Speak louder!" the snail angrily ordered.

"Boss is out right now, what do you need?!" Ulysses brought the circular speaking device closer.

"Fuck! You bastard! That's too loud!" the snail cried out.

Ulysses frowned, but realized that the closer he was to the circular thing in his hand, the louder his voice was to the snail.

"Boss is out right now, what do you need?" he respectfully asked again.

"That's better! Tell Yellow Bull that we're meeting up in a week! We won't wait for him if he's late, so don't get cocky! *Katchak*" the snail suddenly fell asleep.

"Hello? Hello?"

The snail had no response.

"What is this thing though?" Ulysses put back the circular device on the shell and picked up the snail.

It seemed that the snail was some sort of device that could let him communicate with the Tiger Pirates. However, it would seem suspicious if Yellow Bull wasn't around all the time, so Ulysses decided against keeping the snail. He put the snail down and looked around the warehouse.

A feared pirate crew would definitely not be lacking in any money. However, the problem was finding where they kept their money. As they were pirates, he assumed that the majority of their possessions were on their ship, but he didn't know where they hid the ship.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ulysses spotted a rectangular crate. He walked over and bust it open with his bare hands.

Inside the crate were racks and racks of beli. Ulysses whistled at the discovery and gently picked up one of the racks.

They were all 10,000 beli bills, and by his count, there were at least 500 in each rack. So with 5,000,000 beli per rack, and about 20 racks, Yellow Bull had accumulated 100,000,000 beli!

"Blood money," Ulysses remarked as he looked back at the corpses on the ground.

He shut the crate and picked it up, holding it by his side. He surveyed the surroundings just to make sure that there was nothing else and walked out of the warehouse. However, as Ulysses walking back, he looked down and noticed a problem

His white and black Doskoi Panda t-shirt was now stained red. Ulysses sighed and took off his shirt, revealing his broad physique. He threw the shirt on the ground, and began walking back. Thankfully, his jeans weren't that bloodied, and it was hardly noticeable.

He walked out of the forest and appeared back on the streets. On a bench, not too far away, was Mizuki waiting for Ulysses. She yawned as she basked in the morning light, and her eyes lit up when she saw Ulysses come out.

"Hey, what- hey where did your shirt go?" she gave him a weird look.

"It got too dirty," Ulysses casually replied.

"Oh... what's in that crate?" she pointed at the crate.

"100,000,000 beli, Yellow Bull had been accumulating quite a bit," Ulysses replied.

"100,00,000 beli?! Then... we have about 170,000,000 beli to use for our ship, perfect!" Mizuki bobbed her head.

"Right, but first I need some new clothes. Something that looks better than the last outfit at least," Ulysses nodded.

"Ok~ I think there was a clothing store near the restaurant, let's go there," Mizuki gestured and stood up.


The two began to walk towards the clothing store. On the way there, many people on the streets stared at Ulysses with fearful eyes. His bare upper body along with the sword by his side made him menacing.

"How did it go with Yellow Bull?" Mizuki asked.

"He's dead. They're meeting at Deadman's Island in one week. They're apparently gonna go to the Grand Line after," Ulysses replied nonchalantly.

"He told you that?" Mizuki was confused.

"What do you mean?" Ulysses asked.

"Yellow Bull is not some guy that'll just cough up information... whatever," Mizuki shrugged it off.

"So they really are making a coalition..." Mizuki frowned.

"We should tell the Marines," Ulysses looked at the Marine base in the distance.

"It's useless, they'll probably take you in to figure out how you got that information in the first place," Mizuki shook her head.

"Would they really?" Ulysses wondered.

"Yeah, information like that would make you a suspicious figure that can be detained," Mizuki explained.

The two soon arrived at the clothing store, Mizuki and Ulysses walked in, and were greeted by the store clerk.

"Hello!" the clerk was a old woman.

"Hello!" Mizuki responded with a smile.

The two started looking at the clothing and walked around the store. Like the store in Guka Island, the store was fairly high-class, but the amount and variety was far greater. The store was quite large, about three times the size of Daniels's home.

Ulysses checked out a few items and Mizuki noticed a desire in his eyes.

"Anything you like?" she tilted her head.

"Yeah, this trench coat," Ulysses picked out a black and silver trench coat.

"Oh? What are you gonna pair it with?" she asked curiously.

"This black shirt and jeans," Ulysses picked out two more clothes.

"Alright~ I should upgrade my clothing too," Mizuki hummed as she went towards the other side of the store.

Ulysses shrugged as he picked out his accessories. The two spent about ten minutes in the store, before they finally went to the clerk. Ulysses had picked out some other stuff in addition to his coat, shirt, and jeans, while Mizuki had gotten an entire new outfit.

"That'll be 120,000 beli," the clerk checked their clothes.

"Alright," Mizuki pulled some bills out and handed it over to the old woman.

"There's a changing room over there if you need it. Thank you for your service, come again," the old woman lightly bowed.

Ulysses and Mizuki looked over to two doors, one for men, and the other for females. They walked into their respective doors and began to change.

yea lol

please point out mistakes thanks :D

allahu_akbarcreators' thoughts