
king of the Night

The long night covers the world, and the dawn is slow. Evil has descended on the earth, and all living beings have been devastated. He wandered in the long night, hovering on the blade, swinging between the clouds and hell. Ignite the fire of the star soul. Since the night is long, I will be the king of the night. is the eighth book of Feng Lingtianxia same author of :[Legend of Lingtian] [OTHERWORLDLY EVIL MONARCH] [Proud of the Ninth Layer of the World] [Celestial Firmament] [I Am the Supreme] [Left Way Qingtian] [Blue Falling Heavenly Sword].

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55 Chs

Chapter 9: It's So Embarrassing (Page 1/2).

Chapter 9: It's So Embarrassing (Page 1/2).


The matter of the Su family was kept very secret, as most of the insiders went there and died there.


But the family knew nothing about that.


There is only one elder left, who is not much in charge of the family and only vaguely knows what treasures to search for.


But he does not understand the specific situation.


But they didn't come back for six days in a row, which was unusual.


How could going out to run errands take so long in the past? They are just a ninth-level aristocratic family in Beppu City, and they are not a large real martial arts family. What can't they finish in six days?


And all the important people were gone, and no one came back, not even a message?


Therefore, the Su family was panicked for a long time and looking for people to secretly inquire.


This matter cannot be covered up with paper; after all, the Su family's panic has been witnessed by those who care about it.


There are many people with mixed eyes, and it is inevitable that some information will be leaked.


As a result, sensational rumors such as "The Su family is all dead" gradually spread.


Needless to say, other families were really affected by these rumors.


Now, in addition to the Su family, the Fang family, Lu family, Zhang family, and Wei family are all ready to move.


Even the experts who were on hall protection duties outside were urgently summoned.


Fang Che's mother, Fang Qianyi, had also returned after a long journey.


First, I went to guard the hall, handed over family tasks, got contribution points, then sold some of the produce outside and obtained the Golden Wind.


She was returning home carrying the good things she had reaped for her son, and as soon as she entered the house, his older brother called her.



"What is the matter?" Fang Qianyi has been away from home for half a month, a time when she misses her son.


"You first."


Fang Zhenghang secretly pulled his sister into the study room.


"Xiao Che has changed a little these days."


Fang Zhenghang is very mysterious.


"What's the change?" Fang Qianyi asked.


"This kid seems to have changed a little. He hasn't scolded anyone these days. Well, it's not that he hasn't scolded anyone, but he specifically scolded the man who was bribed by the Su family. He is very kind to other people; moreover, he has sent him away, and your maid was also summoned again."


Fang Zhenghang also lowered his voice in his office, and his eyes were very sneaky, as if he were a thief: "Little sister, I think this kid must have become sensible and enlightened. At least he is not too hostile to the family. Although he is still not convinced and he looks unhappy, but I can feel that he has changed a lot."


In the past few days, Fang Zhenghang had gone twice when he found an opportunity, although Fang Che still maintained his original personality, looking listless.


But as the head of the family, Fang Zhenghang had been extremely developed all his life, so how could he not feel something?


He felt happy for days.


Now that the girl is back, he must deliver the good news, no matter what.




Fang Qianyi was also a little surprised.


"Yes, so you don't need praise or anything when you come back. The child is changing silently, and he is obviously embarrassed by the change. If you come back and praise him, he will feel embarrassed." Fang Zhenghang said mysteriously.


"Yes Yes." Fang Qianyi was so happy that she couldn't help but smile: "Brother, you talk about good things, but you still look like a thief. How do you think you are the head of the family?"


"Isn't it because of your son?"


Fang Zhenghang said: "Che'er has a master, but he is so secretive that no one knows about him. His master is a master."


"Master? In what Realm?" Fang Qianyi was curious.


"Higher than us, higher than our entire family." Fang Zhenghang said seriously.


Fang Qianyi was shocked: "Is he a general?"


"I'm afraid it's more than that. I think it's king-realm," Fang Chenggang said.


"King Realm?!"


Fang Qianyi realized the seriousness of this matter and understood why her older brother was so mysterious: "There aren't many king-level masters who haven't entered control on both sides, right? Which side is this from?"


"How should I know that?"


Fang Zhenghang frowned and said: "That's why I brought you here to discuss the matter."


"This kid is so reckless. Why did he make him become his master without consulting us?" Fang Qianyi also felt a little annoyed.


The problem now is: This master has already been worshiped.


Regardless of whether the family admits it or not, it is a done deal.


If it's on the guardian's side, that's better, but if not, what if something happens in the future?


"So do you want to report this?"


Fang Zhenghang frowned: "How should I report it? I'm worried about whether it will hurt the child's heart after reporting it?"


This was his real concern.


Now Fang Che sees that things are changing for the better. But if the Fang family reported his master, it would become a personal act, and he would be separated from the family.


So what should you do if this child becomes more sensitive?


If it had been his son, this matter would have been easy to deal with; all he had to do was pick up a stick and slap him, and everything would be settled. But this is his nephew.


So he should discuss the matter with his sister.


Fang Qianyi snorted: "It should be reported, and it's not like he doesn't know anything about these things. The reason he deliberately hid it was because he wanted us to report it like this. Otherwise, why would he bother hiding it?"


"You'd better go back and discuss it with your child." Fang Zhenghang said: "Be wiser. The child has finally changed for the better. Don't discourage him anymore. It's not good for us to take the initiative of drawing a clear line with the child... Understood."


Fang Qianyi thought about it, so she immediately headed towards the small courtyard.


She grabbed her son, who was practicing the sword, and said: "Xiao Che, I heard that you have a master. Where is your master?"


Fang Che was stunned.


He turned and looked at his mother; she was slim, beautiful-faced, tall, and could be said to be an absolute beauty.


However, the eyebrows are very bushy and have sword-like eyebrows.


The eyes are bright and lively.


As the saying goes: thick eyebrows and big eyes are just that.


There is a kind of heroic spirit throughout the body, calling it "heroic and heroic" does not seem enough, we should add the sentence "not showing off eyebrows"!


She doesn't look too careful.


There's a feeling of neglect, like, "The children of the world don't stick to trivial matters."


I have to say that Fang Che very much admires this kind of woman's personality.


Moreover, this was my mother, and a feeling of intimacy suddenly arose spontaneously.


"Master is outside... Mom, why don't you say hello when he comes back?"


Fang Che saying the word mother was very smooth, and it seemed that the original man's deep attachment to his mother was still affecting him.


He himself did not even feel any disgust.


The remaining instinct in this body influenced him to complete this transformation without his realizing it. But he himself did not resist.


Living a new life is an accident, so if you use someone else's body to live a new life, shouldn't you perform filial piety for them?


Plus, I don't even know who I am, and now I'm completely Fang Che.


Then, of course there is my mother in front of me.


"Do I need to say hello to him when he comes back?"

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