
king of the gods system

the two worlds of cultivation and gods have collided with on another watch as blood falls armys kingdoms empires WILL ALL BOW DOWN TO THE PERSON WHO BECAME SURPREME ONE

Luckiest · Fantasy
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5 Chs

my child

As the Gods of Olympus watched in amazement, Zeus approached Eden and spoke to him directly, "You have proven yourself to be a worthy demi-god. I am proud of your bravery, intelligence, and compassion."

Eden bowed respectfully before Zeus, "Thank you, my lord. It was an honor to face and overcome these challenges."

Zeus placed his hand on Eden's shoulder, "Your destiny is great, my child. You have been given a powerful gift, and it is your responsibility to use it wisely. You must never forget that you are bound by the laws of Olympus."

Eden looked up at Zeus with a determined look in his eyes, "I will not disappoint you. I will use this gift to protect the world of the mortal men and women and uphold the laws of Olympus."

Zeus smiled, "I have no doubt that you will, my child. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. You must always be true to your heart and never lose sight of what is right."

With those words, Zeus blessed Eden and sent him on his way, knowing that great things lay ahead for the young demi-god. Eden left Mount Olympus, ready to face any challenges that lay ahead, with his new weapon in hand and the support of the gods behind him.