
King of the former dynasty

In the twilight of a fallen kingdom, where crowns crumble and shadows dance, a young prince ascends the throne. His coronation, a bitter symphony of loss, echoes through the marble halls. For the rebellion has painted the palace walls with blood, leaving no trace of kin but whispers of survival. And then there's Teri—the weaver child, half-ghost, half-mortal. His existence, a riddle etched in crimson threads.Born lifeless,buried alive, he clawed his way back from the abyss, the scarlet filaments clinging to his tiny fingers like secrets whispered by the earth itself. Teri's became the third ghostweaver in centuries. His mother, eyes wide with wonder and fear, cradled him in her arms, defying death's decree. The others fled, abandoning the babe and his spectral companions. The great general, Teri's father, defied the usurper king. In a hidden chamber, he revealed a box—an enigma of destiny. Three artifacts nestled within, each pulsing with purpose. "Find their owners," the general urged, entrusting the box to his daughter, Darlene. "Escape," he whispered to his wife, urging her to flee with their children. The constables hunted, but the family eluded their grasp. Days turned to weeks, and news of the great general's demise reached Teri's mother. Alone, penniless, she remarried—a fragile alliance that would soon shatter. Teri's stepfather despised the weaver's gift—the communion with ghosts. A poisoned pastry stole Teri's sight, but not his resolve. When his mother's screams pierced the night, Selena, his spectral sister, whispered the truth. Fury ignited within him, and the stepfather met his end. The mansion crumbled, and Teri fled with his sisters—Selena's ghost, Darlene, and Elley, the five-year-old. Now, seventeen,Teri try to find the box that was taken away. As the sun kisses distant horizons, Teri embarks on a quest: to find the rightful owners, to unravel the tapestry of fate or perhaps,just perhaps,to weave a new dynasty fromthe strands of the past.

dgirlblusky · History
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64 Chs

Lady Ari,Teri's mother past

The six travelers sat across a table in a hall, their breakfast spread before them. Elley leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Melovine.

"Melovine," she said, "we're still waiting for the rest of the story your father shared with you."

Melovine nodded, setting her bread down on the plate. "Ah, yes," she thought, trying to recall where she had left off. "I remember now."

She continued, her voice steady. "Lady Ari's gaze met the king's—a mix of gratitude and defiance warring within her. She and her assistants departed, leaving the king to falsely claim that he had dealt with them out of anger."

Years passed, and Teri's mother, the Herl saintess, remained in the Herl kingdom. One fateful day, a report reached her: three strangers had entered the kingdom. Their attire marked them as non-Herlians, and they were found unconscious by the seaside.

The three men—Varouge, Ereen, and Hoself—were brought before the elders and the saintess. They appeared no older than eighteen.