
king of the former dynasty-(moved to a new link)

The twelve year old prince was just coronated as the king after his father's death.A rebellion took place and all the members of the royal family was killed but it was rumored that the king escaped. Teri,the 7 year old of the son of the great general was rumored of being a half ghost and interacts with ghost.He was called the weaver.He was the second weaver after centuries in his family bloodline.He was born dead and was buried in a box but his mother heard the baby cries from underneath the ground and dug the box out.with shock,the baby was still alive with red threads on his fingers.The rest that was with her ran away but she kept the child and the red threads choose him. Teri's father,the great general refused to serve the new king.He showed Teri a box which contained three objects that will find their owners just as the red threads found him.He gave it to his second daughter,Darlene who was 11 years old and told his wife to escape with the children to a faraway place.The great general was then killed after his family escaped.The constables looked for his family but couldn't find them. His wife found about his death days later.As a woman with no source of income and three children,she remarried. The happy days were little as Teri's step father hated that Teri could interacts with ghost so he gave him a poisoned pastry which made him blind.But still ,he hated him and wanted to kill him but his mother intervened and was killed. He heard his mother scream and his first sister's ghost,Selena,told him what have happened.With fury,Teri killed his stepfather and destroyed his mansion.He ran away with his sisters, Selena's ghost,Darlene and elley,his little sister who was 5 years old Years has passed,17 year old Teri still has the items in the box.The sword,for the king of the former dynasty,the red whip and the flexible spear. would he be able to find the owners of the items?

Dgirlblusky · History
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37 Chs

prince ivive

Teri laid on mizak's bed with only the trouser,mizak handed to him.He laid his head on his arms.

Mizak opened a small box he pulled out from his drawer and placed it in the table.

He opened the box and brought out a brush and an ink stone.

"You haven't told me the reason why I need to stay like this.I don't agree to silly things like this",Teri said.

Mizak walked to him with a wooden tray containing the brush and the inkwell.

He sat on the edge of bed.His black hair was untied and he was in his night clothing.

"What will you do when you meet athelin?",mizak asked.

"The first thing I'll do is to swear my loyalty to him.Serve him with my body and soul and help him reclaim his throne.That's all I can think of",Teri said.

Mizak nodded as he smirked,"I see",he said.

"Mizak",Teri called.

"Am here",mizak said.

"I actually came tonight for a request ",Teri said.

"And,What is it that you need",mizak asked.

"The journey is long.I can't assure you that they won't be difficulties along the way.It might not be easy.You're the only person that came to my mind.I don't know how long it will take.I Am blind ,and thus,I cannot ride a horse.


Can you be my companion?".

"Teri,are you asking me to marry you?"mizak teased.

"Huh!",Teri pecked up.

Mizak laughed as he tried to rub Teri's head but Teri smacked his hand.

"I know what you mean,teri.

Even if you didn't request it.The moment you said you're going on a journey.I already thought of accompanying you.

Who knows,I might gain many things along the way".

"Always calling my name when you're serious",mizak said as he touched Teri's head but mizak pushed it away.

"I want to make a request too,Teri",mizak said.

"What do you wish for",Teri asked.

"To make an art on your back",mizak said.

"Oh.This explains why am on the bed without an upper clothing.

Go on then,but this is the first and last time I'll never agree to something like this again.And you should never speak to anyone about this or you'll meet your ancestors",Teri said.

Mizak chuckled slightly,"Fine,I understand.

Stay still on the bed.dont talk or move till am done".

Mizak flipped Teri's hair to the front and began to paint on his back.

The painting on his back was not something recognizable but for mizak,it had a meaning.


Mizak was done.He stood up and held the wooden tray.He walked to his table and dropped it there.

He stretched his body and looked at Teri.

"Teri",he called.

There was no response.Teri already slept,long time ago.

He smiled.

He placed the inkwell back inside the box he removed it from and washed the brush.

Later on,he left the chamber and slept in another bed chamber of his.



Teri was still lying on mizak's bed.Flatly in the bed,his head was sideway on his arms.

His hair covered some parts of his face and it was messy.But still he still looked good.

He was still without his upper clothing and the painting on his back was dried.

He wasn't blindfolded.And the reason was that,mizak removed it while he was sleeping.

The day was bright.The servants in the melvor's residence were performing their duties.

The door swung open as a man in his early twenties entered the chamber.

His clothes was blue and white, embroidered with gold threads and was of that,higher than the nobles.His short brown hair was cut and brushed well.

He was of perfection.

"Mizak ",the voice called and he turned towards the bed direction.

Instead of mizak,he saw a young boy on his bed.Silver hair,red silk short ropes wrapped around his fingers.His back painted and sleeping peacefully.

He gazed at the figure on the bed as he walked closer.

Teri heard the sound of the footsteps and woke up.

He opened his eyes and shut it back immediately after realizing that he wasn't blindfolded.

He immediately jumped out from the bed.

"You're finally awake",Selena said.

"Who are you?",teti and the unknown figure asked each other.

"Enemy or not,I don't know but he is dressed differently",Selena said.

Mizak entered the room.Suprisingly,he saw a recognizable figure,"prince Ivive?".

"A prince?",Selena asked,wide-eyed.

Mizak bowed slightly to him,"greetings,your highness".

Teri was confused.selena had to tell him to bow slightly.

Teri bowed slightly,"greetings,your highness".

"I only found out about your presence from the servants in the residence.i didn't know you would be in my bed chamber",mizak said.

"Yes I was looking for you but then",prince Ivive turned to Teri,"I saw him on your bed instead".

"He's a friend of mine",mizak said as he walked to Teri and covered him with an extra upper clothing.

Teri collected it,"Be prepared,we leave on the third day from today.meet me at the Capital gate",Teri said In a low voice as he wore his upper clothing.

Teri stood up and was prepared to go,"I'll excuse myself,your highness".

He walks to the door but the prince stopped him.

"What's your name?",the fourth prince,prince Ivive asked.

"The one standing here,is Iret ",your highness.

"Then,iret,stay with us",prince Ivive requested.

"Forgive me your highness,but I have a baby back at home.Am a single parent,your highness".

"You're a father?",the prince asked.

"Yes,your highness".

"Fine,I'll let you go but we'll meet again.But....,will you be able to walk with your eyes closed?",the prince asked.

"Am blind,your highness.But....,I can do many things on my own.Am grateful for your care",Teri said.

"We'll meet again,Iret",the prince said.

Teri bowed slightly and left.

Mizak held his laughter while Teri introduced himself as Iret to the 4th prince.It was his name spelt backward.

Prince Ivive turned to mizak,"Now mizak,do tell me why a young blind boy woke up from your bed".