Trainer Information:
Name: Malakai "Malik" Haruno
Born: November 28, 2002
Age: 20
Height: 6'4"
Hair Colour: Pink
Eye Colour: Green
Early Life:
Malakai Haruno was born November 28, 2002 in Cherrygrove City as the only son of Cypress Haruno who formerly was the Gym Leader of the Cherrygrove Gym, and his wife Kana Haruno.
Naranja-Uva Academy Vice-Chairman (Formerly)
Naranja-Uva Academy Guest Lecturer (Formerly)
Advisor to the Top Champion in the Paldean Council (Formerly)
Baker (Currently)
Cherrygrove City Gym Leader (Currently)
-Earned all 8 Major Gym Badges in the Hoenn.
-Won first place during the 2012 Ever Grande Conference. Becoming the youngest person to do so.
-Challenged the Hoenn Elite Four and won, becoming the youngest person to do so. But lost to Wallace.
-Earned 8 Contest Ribbons in Hoenn.
-Won first place during the 2012 Hoenn Grand Festival. Becoming the youngest person to do so.
-Earned all 8 Major Gym Badges in Sinnoh.
-Won first place during the 2013 Lily of the Valley Conference. Becoming the youngest person to do so.
-Challenged the Sinnoh Elite Four, Champion, and won. Becoming the youngest person to do so.
-Earned 17 Contest Ribbons in Sinnoh.
-Won first place during 2013 Sinnoh Grand Festival. Becoming the youngest person to do so.
-Earned all 10 Major Gym Badges in Unova.
-Won first place during the 2014 Vertress Conference. Becoming the youngest person to so so, as well as the first non-native.
-Challenged the Unova Elite Four, Champion, and won. Becoming the youngest person to do so, as well as the first non-native.
-Earned all 8 Major Gym Badges in Kalos.
-Won first place during the 2015 Lumiose Conference. Becoming the youngest person to do so.
-Challenged the Kalos Elite Four, Champion, and won. Becoming the youngest person to do so.
-Completed all 8 Island trials, becoming the first non-native to do so.
-Challenge all 4 Island Kakuna's and won, becoming the youngest person to do, as well as the first non-native.
-Collected all 18 Elemental Z-Crystal, becoming the first non-native.
-Earned all 8 Major Gym Badges in Galar.
-Won first place during the 2017 Wyndon Conference.
-Challenged the Galar Champion and won.
-Earned all 8 Major Gym Badges in Paldea.
-Won first place during the 2018 Mesagoza Conference.
-Challenged the Paldea Elite Four, Champion, and won.
Pokemon information:
Whis (Sylveon)✨️
Type: Fairy
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Cute Charm (Unlocked)
Pixilate (Unlocked)
Florus (Meganium) (Mega) (Gigantamax)
Type: Grass (Mega: Grass / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Bold
Overgrow (Unlocked)
Leaf Guard (Unlocked)
Triage (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Cassius (Milotic) (Mega) (Gigantamax)✨️
Type: Water / Fairy (Mega: Water / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Bold
Marvel Scale (Unlocked)
Competitive (Unlocked)
Cute Charm (Unlocked)
Awestrike (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Yoshi (Dragonite) (Mega) (Gigantamax)✨️
Type: Dragon / Flying (Mega: Dragon / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Jolly
Inner Focus (Unlocked)
Multiscale (Unlocked)
Moxie (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Melody (Altaria) (Mega)
Type: Dragon / Flying (Mega: Dragon / Fairy)
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Natural Cure (Unlocked)
Cloud Nine (Unlocked)
Pixilate (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Willow (Mawile) (Mega)
Type: Steel / Fairy (Mega: Steel / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Hyper Cutter (Unlocked)
Intimidate (Unlocked)
Sheer Force (Unlocked)
Huge Power (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Azreal (Absol) (Mega)
Type: Dark (Mega: Dark / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Pressure (Unlocked)
Super Luck (Unlocked)
Justified (Unlocked)
Magic Bounce (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Taffy (Wigglytuff)
Type: Normal / Fairy
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Cute Charm (Unlocked)
Competitive (Unlocked)
Frisk (Unlocked)
Astrid (Clefable)
Type: Fairy
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Cute Charm (Unlocked)
Magic Guard (Unlocked)
Unaware (Unlocked)
Zuzu (Azumarill)
Type: Water / Fairy
Gender: Female
Nature: Adamant
Thick Fat (Unlocked)
Huge Power (Unlocked)
Sap Sipper (Unlocked)
Nimbus (Togekiss) (Mega) (Gigantamax)
Type: Flying / Fairy (Mega: Flying / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Hustle (Unlocked)
Serene Grace (Unlocked)
Super Luck (Unlocked)
Pixilate (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Iroh (Arcanine) (Mega) (Gigantamax)
Type: Fire (Mega: Fire / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Intimidate (Unlocked)
Flash Fire (Unlocked)
Justified (Unlocked)
Solar Prominence (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Neptune (Lapras) (Gigantamax)
Type: Water / Ice
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Water Absorb (Unlocked)
Shell Armour (Unlocked)
Hydration (Unlocked)
Totoro (Snorlax) (Gigantamax)
Type: Normal
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Immunity (Unlocked)
Thick Fat (Unlocked)
Gluttony (Unlocked)
Jiro (Audino) (Mega)
Type: Normal (Mega: Normal / Fairy)
Gender: Female
Nature: Calm
Healer (Unlocked)
Regenerator (Unlocked)
Klutz (Locked)
Healer (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Cotton (Whimsicott) (Mega)
Type: Grass / Fairy (Mega: Grass / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Prankster (Unlocked)
Infiltrator (Unlocked)
Chlorophyll (Unlocked)
Prankster (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Yuki (Alolan Ninetales)
Type: Ice / Fairy
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Snow Cloak (Unlocked)
Snow Warning (Unlocked)
Cally (Ribombee)✨️
Type: Bug / Fairy
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Honey Gather (Unlocked)
Shield Dust (Unlocked)
Sweet Veil (Unlocked)
Casper (Mimikyu) (Totem) (Gigantamax)
Type: Ghost / Fairy
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Disguise (Unlocked)
Aria (Primarina)
Type: Water / Fairy
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Torrent (Unlocked)
Liquid Voice (Unlocked)
Marie (Alcreamie) (Star Sweet) (Gigantamax)✨️
Type: Fairy
Gender: Female
Nature: Calm
Sweet Veil (Unlocked)
Aroma Veil (Unlocked)
Morgana (Hatterene) (Gigantamax)
Type: Psychic / Fairy
Gender: Female
Nature: Quiet
Healer (Unlocked)
Anticipation (Unlocked)
Magic Bounce (Unlocked)
Ozzy (Grimmsnarl) (Gigantamax)
Type: Dark / Fairy
Gender: Male
Nature: Impish
Prankster (Unlocked)
Frisk (Unlocked)
Pickpocket (Unlocked)
Lowf (Dachsbun)
Type: Fairy
Gender: Male
Nature: Jolly
Well-Baked Body (Unlocked)
Aroma Veil (Unlocked)
Harley (Tinkaton) (Mega) (Gigantamax)
Type: Fairy / Steel (Mega: Fairy / Steel)
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Mold Breaker (Unlocked)
Own Tempo (Unlocked)
Pickpocket (Unlocked)
Huge Power (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Flora (Florges) (White Flower) (Mega)
Type: Fairy / Grass (Mega: Fairy / Grass)
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Flower Veil (Unlocked)
Symbiosis (Unlocked)
Foliate (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Mavis (Flutter Mane)
Type: Ghost / Fairy
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Protosynthesis (Unlocked)
Cirrus (Scream Tail)
Type: Psychic / Fairy
Gender: Male
Nature: Jolly
Protosynthesis (Unlocked)
Artemis (Latias) (Mega)
Type: Dragon / Fairy (Mega: Dragon / Fairy)
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Levitate (Unlocked)
Levitate (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Apollo (Latios) (Mega)
Type: Dragon / Fairy (Mega: Dragon / Fairy)
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Levitate (Unlocked)
Levitate (Mega Ability) (Unlocked)
Fiz (Fezandipiti)
Type: Poison / Fairy
Gender: Male
Nature: Bold
Toxic Chain (Unlocked)
Technician (Unlocked)