
King of the Card Mage System

Ahli never thought his hobby of playing Trading Card Game would be useful for him someday. CARTA, a mysterious entity has befallen its wisdom to him, 3 months after his girlfriend went missing. It transported him to another world and bestowed him with the CARD MAGE system, a powerful magic system using aspects of card games, that have helped to win the war against the Demon King army. However, what purpose does his summoning are for? Does it have any connection with his missing girlfriend? Or does the world in need of another card mage to fight another rising threat? As he collects the Knowledge of CARTA, so does his true mission unveiled, one by one, in this brave new world. ------------------------------------------------------------- Author Comment: I planned this story before as a fanfic, but then as more elements of the story came to mind, I just knew that I had to make it an original story. For those who like strategy battles in detail, this would be the story for you. Also, as the story progress, it will get more scenes that might be difficult for some people, so be warned. ------------------------------------------------------------- Cover art and card design are original work of mine.

MahessaFPS · Fantasy
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312 Chs

Morning After the Party

Morning came to Giba and after a while, Ahli finally had a good night's sleep. Above the bed and not on the ground anymore, he felt comfortable and wanted to wake up later. The voices outside of his room however made him unable to get his wish fulfilled. And so with his eyes half closed, he rose from his bed and looked outside the window which only half a meter away from the side of his bed.

From there he saw the remnants of the party last night. The tables were still lined up at their place, yet there were some drunks who slept on several of the tables. As for the bonfire in the middle itself, its flame had burned out, leaving several charred woods and smoke that fizzled in the air.