
Leaving for Home Part 3

Ahli reentered Tala's house with a feeling of nervousness. He was looking forward of what the decision would be, and he was hoping that it would be a good one.

As Ahli was walking back toward the table, Tala who was walking beside him suddenly gave a gesture that told him to stay put, to stand in his position. Realizing how they wanted to give the verdict like in a court, Ahli quickly followed with the order as he saw Tala walk back toward the table and sat back on it.

"Ahli, sorry to keep you waiting. We have discussed and we had come to a decision." Said Tala opening the session again.

"However, before us proceeding to the revelation of it," Continued Enuviel all of a sudden, "Princess Yola who still has certain feelings, would like to present you with another piece of her thoughts."