
king of the arctic

noble_history_man · War
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6 Chs

Bad nostalgia

Manchester, England


"It is your fault she died because you couldn't stop drinking you could've just listened and now you are here drunk and not even guilty of what you've done!" shouted Robert.

"Would ya shut up I had enough you all you do is run your mouth of course I feel guilty. I would have stopped drinking if you weren't such a pain in the ass" Brown (Robert's father) replied in anger.

Robert breathed in deeply holding his inner monster before it comes out, but he couldn't he ruptured into tears.

"You know what I held myself way too long you're saying I am a pain, have a second think about the pain you have been to me! You come back late at night torture me like I am a slave, and I couldn't speak a word against you, those bad grades I get it is your fault, if you are going to keep telling me I amount to nothing then maybe I am!".

Brown stood up and took off his belt ready to swing it at Robert. Robert grabs brown's hand with his scrawny wrinkly fingers.

"I am not a child anymore! Get out this is mom's house it is not yours it is ours".

In the other room, Owen screamed hoping someone could notice him, but his father and his brother were too busy fighting. Brown too drunk hits Robert in the head with a glass vase. Robert falls. Surrounded by glass and injured. Fighting to keep his eye open. He rolls to the side and grabs a shard of glass and stabs his father's leg. His father bloated fall instantly on the floor and kept bleeding. Grabs his father's gun and breeze hit him. He decides to shoot him unreluctantly

"Oh! Freedom may you be thrown in hell!"

Robert hears a wheelchair Fredrick comes in the room with Owen.

"What have you done," Fredrick said with shivers down his spine.

"It..it got out of my hand I didn't… I had to protect myself. He hit me...".

"I am calling the police" Fredrick panted.


Robert cocks his gun and aims at Fredrick. With tears in his eyes "Fredrick no…no don't" Robert weirdly smiled at him.

"I have to"

Bullet flew across the dim room the blood splattered on Owen's head and Owen screamed.

"Oh, Owen I am sorry I didn't know you know who we are I mean if you are too sad then the more the merrier". He blocks his eye, but still, couldn't shoot him. "Look Owen you're the reason mum forget about me her entire life she is dead now dad killed her, and I can't stand your existence". He breathes and looks at Owen in the dark in the dismal room the full moon has arrived and Robert weeps. He almost froze to death with his hands shaking he closes his eyes and fires the shot. Too regretful too hurt to look he runs … and runs like never before. He gets far from the Brown manor and falls on his knees and left everything behind his riches, his house, and his house.

From this point, Robert lives poor and homeless his entire life.

The brown manor massacre was the center of attention in London especially since jack the ripper was never found. 17-year-old- Robert had to live in his past horrors which left a scar in his life forever.

Present time

"I am coming, Owen" "I will make you proud".

"Sir dinner's ready."

"Oh no need, I will want a quick nap".

"As you want sir".