
King Of Necromancer

Blood! Everywhere is the blood. How could my life turn into hell in a single moment? The world is ending. Monsters from legends appear everywhere. They eat people, conquer the streets, and begin to make dungeons everywhere. ---------------------------- That day a voice came from the sky, "Your world now belongs to us, you shall give us entertainment. Be ready the merging will start in 30 minutes" changing everything. the people started panicking," What is happening " "What was that voice" As we thought that it was some prank it was then the voice was heard again "System initiating, evolving the primitive species, giving the random class and skills associated." when that voice came, I, Avi, was on the metro train, then suddenly a blue screen came in front of my eyes "Random class selection beginning" after that voice said that, suddenly some cards came out from the blue screen, the voice said "Choose one of the cards as your class" and in panic, I chose one of the many cards, [ Congratulations on getting a unique class, Necromancer, the skills will now be allocated.] [ check your status for more information, be sure to survive ] _________ [Author Note: The start of 8 to 10 chapters might be at a slow pace because I want to properly introduce MC, I just can't jump on the main story. So please bear it for a while.] Note: The cover is mine and also this cover is made by Author A4KL.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Hell [2]

As the shock and confusion continued to grip everyone, the mysterious voice from before spoke once more, its words echoing through the sky. "The New owner of your

the world has decided that your world will be merged with his other world, creating a new world."

"Gods will be watching all of you."

A countdown screen, bathed in a deep blue hue, materialized in the sky, and the mechanical voice continued, "The merging of worlds is completed. New species will be introduced, and existing

ones will evolve."

In a desperate attempt to intervene, the

government dispatched jets to the location of the countdown screen, but they simply passed through it as if it were a holographic projection.

Suddenly, the mechanical voice announced, "A mana surge will initiate the evolution of species and allocate random classes to sentient primitive species, namely 'humans.' Skills will be assigned according to their classes, but you must kill one living thing in the next 10 minutes to obtain a class.

In response, a mysterious blue screen appeared in front of every person on Earth.

In the subway train where Avi and Aina are trapped, they also hear what that mechanical voice says.

Now all makes sense for Avi, the crack in the sky, A big eye, inside of the cracked sky, the strange letter he read in front of his house this morning.

The scientists were right this could be the end of the world itself. The government could not do against them anything.

They have to survive themselves. People around him started to tremble with fear, they didn't know what to do in this situation.

But there is still hope for them, all they have to do is just kill And they survive.

"Haha, there is still hope left for us."

"Kill? Do I have to become a K-killer?"

"Just one kill, not even a government could arrest me, hahaha this is great."

All kinds of thoughts went into their head, in desperate to survive they would do anything.

At this moment, the door of car 3807 opened wide, and the electricity returned.

After electricity returned, I heard the engineer's announcement, –Telling all the passengers on the train. Telling all passengers on the train.

–Everyone runs away...Run...!


There was a beeping sound, and the broadcast turned off. The inside of the train became a mess.

Runway but where? The doors are not opening and people in their attempt to survive begin to see each other as threats.

The only thing I could do was stop Aina who was trying to get up from her seat.

"Aina, it is dangerous, so stay here."

"Huh?" Ain's eyes widened.

I spoke during a moment of bewilderment, but there was no way to explain what I understood. To be exact, I didn't have to explain.

Because I heard that strange voice again, not only me but everyone else around me too.

The mechanical voice continued its eerie

presence, now directly in the minds of everyone, stating, "The system initiation has been completed.

A blue holographic screen appears in front of me in the air.

I muttered to myself, "It looks like I'm not

hallucinating. It seems real, and I can even pass my hand through it if I don't want to touch it."

There were words composed on that screen.

[The Merging is Completed.]


[Main Ouest #1 – Survive]

Category: Main Quest

Difficulty: F

Clear Conditions: Kill one or more living things.

Time Limit: 10 minutes

Reward: Obtain Class

Failure: Death.


People reacted differently after they saw the main quest. Kids started to cry while adults tried to justify themselves that, this was just a nightmare they were having.

Some people tried to get off the train while others called the police.

Ains belonged to the latter group. "Police, the police aren't answering! What, what should I..."

"Calm down, Aina," I said, staring straight into Aina's unfocused eyes. "Aina. Have you ever played the game? A game where the world is destroyed and only a few people survive."

"Huh? What's saying you say..."

"Think about it. We are in a game right now."

Aina silently licked her lips. "Game..."

"It is simple. Don't hesitate to do as I tell you. Understood?"

"U-Understood. What should I do?"

"Stay still."

Finally, I slowly controlled my breathing. I too needed time to properly accept all of this.

My trail thoughts are on the highway. I have read many manga and novels where monsters invalidate Earth and try to destroy it.

But this world is not novel or manga!! It's reality and everything happening also is real.

So the question is how do I survive? Do I have to kill someone? And I want to Aina survive as well so she also had to kill.

In the novel I read, there are some types of cheats that MC use but there is nothing here for me.

'So either I kill or I'll die.'

My phone vibrated breaking my thoughts. I took a look at my phone and it was an emergency message from the government.

–A level 1 national disaster situation has occurred. Please Survive for humanity.

I could hear gulps all around me. It was a national disaster situation. I wasn't surprised because I had already expected this.

People lost hope as they read the message on their phones. Now they knew that the government, police, army, special forces etc, would not save them.

They have to survive themselves in this forsaken world.

"Avi, shouldn't we stop this?"

Something was starting in the place where Aina pointed. It was groaning. A man was crouching down in front of the middle-aged man.

"Shit, I'm in a bad mood and now I have to survive this hell by killing someone, why don't I kill you?"

The man had been leaning against the entrance.

He was thin and had dyed white hair.

"Please don't kill me, I did nothing wrong to you.

A man begs for his life to spread, to the man who is about to kill him.

- Ah, I know that but sorry bro I have to survive too... Please die hahaha.

The man laughed at the man who was begging for his life.

The man raised his dagger and slashed down at the other man.

-No please don't do it-

He could not finish what he wanted to say.

The dagger was so sharp that his head served from his neck.

Blood spread everywhere like a fountain. His head rolls in the air spreading the blood everywhere in that small room


The head stops in front of me.

I look at the lifeless head of a man who begged for his life to spread but he got killed instead.

-Hahahahaha Finally I can survive this hell.

The man laughed as he won a big lottery ticket.

Seeing his actions everyone follows his method and starts to kill each other.

[End of Flashback.]