
King of Lucivus

This is the story of Tajin reserve. Lucivus, Prince of Lucivus, who loves fighting more than anything else. But one day, he was sent in the future. A hundred years from now is the era when the kingdom is about to fall apart, he will have to save the kingdom and will meet the important person who will change his life forever.

Darkknightks · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The battle (part1)

"Spread out, I'm sure you 2 can do it Leemus, Lapiz. "Tajin ordered to Leemus and Lapiz. Three of them Spread out and go for help the Nibel soldiers fight.

On Luna's side

(Everyone have they duties, What can I do? Okay I'll help the other soldiers.) When Luna finished thinking, she ran straight towards the huge spider-like demon and jumped on it and poked it with a sword on its head, but that wasn't enough, Luna pressed. The additional force caused it to pierce the brain and die.

"Big one, why is it so easy to die? I'll go more messy. Hahahaha." Luna said, with three more spider demons coming to Luna. "Just three?." Luna wields one of the six legs of the Spider Devil's my sword and picks up the leg that had fallen off the body of the spider, stabbing it into the lower abdomen of the other spider and kicking it until the leg on the belly bar popped out. As it struggled, Luna picked up a spider's leg and threw it over the other spider's head and body before Ae returned to pick up the sword and stabbed the legless spider again. "Big size, but legs lighter than I expected, but with a high level of sharpness. I think my side is clear now."

On the side of Leemus

(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .... Ord? You've heard from some fariy tales, I don't think they exist. The big appearance is probably the same as me, the color painted a unique ugly face. In a cluster as well, try the ultimate skill rather than Spear. Take this Dead Wind.) Leemus' signature stance that will swing the head and slash the enemy as a group. The seven Orcs head out of their neck at the same time, but not all, 20 count Ords were coming to him.

Leemus was about to run and attack but Luna jumped and killed 10 more than him. "No need to thanks me, Leemus," Luna said, and continued to tumult the others. "Please go away princess" replied Leemus in a displeased, but continued to fight. When the ten Orcs died, Leemus encountered a huge creature that couldn't tell what it was. Its body was 15 meters tall, its skin color, its white color, and its body was 15 times more muscular than the Ord. (What the hell is this?, Never seen it before?) It started to smash Leemus, but it was so slow that even those who had no combat experience could dodge. Leemus rushed up to him and used a spear stick at its head, but what shocked his face was that it didn't die and got stronger, its slow speed changed like a different person, it was fast at a level that a normal person could see.

If you fail, you will have the right to die because of a great deal of force. Leemus ran around behind it and used his spear and use Death Wind at his hind feet. It had the effect of the giant demon collapsing before Leemus used the spear rod again.

At the same time on Lapiz's side

Lapiz used her twin swords to cut off the throat of the demons, including the rising ordnance and the spider demon. (On this side, it's not that worried, but Leemus seems to be quite tiring. Benedict is also worried. We don't know where the enemies came from and how many of them, but we need to hurry before the damage gets to the village. Wait for me Leemus I coming for you.)