
King of Lucivus

This is the story of Tajin reserve. Lucivus, Prince of Lucivus, who loves fighting more than anything else. But one day, he was sent in the future. A hundred years from now is the era when the kingdom is about to fall apart, he will have to save the kingdom and will meet the important person who will change his life forever.

Darkknightks · Fantasy
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30 Chs

New mission

Three hours later

Lapiz woke up when Tajin saw it and awakened Leemus and told them what he had seen in the witch room. As soon as Tajin finished the story, the two of them were confused by what the witch had said, but above all They sat down to discuss how to get to the Nibel. As they were sitting in discussion, they heard a voice. Coming from a stick in front of Tajin, shouted "Who is that?'' and a young woman who walked out, a long light golden hair, with a dusty white dress with black veil , 163 cm tall. Looks cute and bright. Unlike Tajin's delightful golden eyes, they are always tense. After all, they talked about it, and learned that the girl's name was Luna.

Luna: It doesn't disappoint me, they, since the first meeting, already thought that you could do it.

Tajin: Don't tell me that you keep watching us.

Luna: Yeah. I kept watching, but I didn't. After I told you the body of the Goblin.

Tajin: What do you want? (He said and take out his sword to his hand)

Luna: Calm down, Prince. I'm on my way back to my village, and my village is Nibel.

Luna says that after the Nibel Empire collapsed, the survivors formed a village instead and persuaded them to come together. Tajin thought for a moment, then decided to go. But there has to be arguments against Lapiz that there is a reason they should not trust the Nibel and what if they go against Benedict again? But the conversation was interrupted by Luna.

"No worries, I won't do anything. And then it has come. "

Lapiz then threatened that "Go ahead, but if you have any plans, I'll kill you." Luna laughs like Lapiz's threat with a joke. And told everyone to follow her. It will take 1 day to go to Nibel village while everyone is traveling and talking to each other. But then Luna was caught by a monster that looks like a giant bull standing on two legs. But everyone took the demon off, with Lapiz and Leemus slashing it into the leg to cause the demon to lose his balance before Tajin fired a gun at the devil's heart until it let Luna fall. Tajin went to carry Luna before she went fell the ground , and Luna complimented, "If I came without my lord, I would have died. Thank you, My Hero."

"What happen with your face? You're blushing, sir,"Leemus tease Tajin.

Luna offers them to go camping because the sun is almost set. The four of them brought their own things for easy camping. When they finished camping, Leemus brought Lapiz to help with the cooking. "I can't cook, why are you pulling me over?" "Don't you see the Prince? I think it's better to let the two of you be together and don't worry, I'll teach you how to cook yourself , if you marry so you can cook some food. Haha, "said Leemus with a proud smile.