
Chapter 114: Forgotten Secrets Part 1

A day had now passed since Aron's arrival in Hazenloft. On this afternoon the city was in a buzz as a large airship bearing the Hoffenheim family crest arrived just outside its walls.

This was the airship tasked with picking up Esmeralda who had been residing in the city Lords mansion.

Upon hearing of their arrival, Esmeralda was quick to rush to the city gates where she found her sister Emilia alongside Anastasia waiting for her.

The three embraced each other for a long moment before finally boarding. After they had calmed down she finally explained the events that befell her without leaving out a single detail as she trusted Emilia and Anastasia wholeheartedly.

"Aron..." Anastasia muttered as complex emotions began to build up in her mind. The very person who threatened the lives of her friends was the one who saved her best one.