
King of knights on MCU

A month after transmigrating to a different world, the MC who was turned into a woman With the appearance of Artoria pendragon (saber). he has realized that he is in the MCU but all is not lost for him or in this case her, because she has obtained her own heroic spirit panel with which she can become stronger by killing enemies. Will she manage to survive? this is a translation you can look for it with this name; 人在美漫终成王 https://wap.faloo. com/booklist/949122.html

A_poky1ninja · Anime & Comics
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156 Chs

Chapter 137 Contempt

Even if all the soldiers were armed, with violent weapons, when facing the Huntress in front of them, no one dared to shoot because they were scared.

The woman in front of them is one who has no mercy when someone gets in her way.

But instead, Diego's eyes lit up when he looked at Bella.

His expression became agitated.

Did the Huntress hear his prayers?

Is she here for him?

It must be.

When the aggressive middle-aged woman saw Bella, she felt like a rat seeing a tiger, and her aggressiveness instantly dropped to a trough.

Bella ignored the woman, then she walked step by step towards Diego.

Bella looked at this boy and her eyes were covered with a ray, and in just a few seconds, she analyzed the energy in the boy's body.

"Sure enough, it's like magic power, but it shouldn't be as good as it."

She could feel the hidden energy in this boy's body. She too realized that his soul is very pure, like the little Sally.

"Even he can convert his energy into other elements"

As for how many kinds, Bella can't see for the time being.

She also knew that, like other users who awoke some Ability, his energy is very unstable, but after a month of fleeing, this energy has almost dried up, which is good news because an energy that cannot be controlled is like a time bomb.

After analyzing all this and seeing that there was no imminent danger for the boy, Bella glanced at the two soldiers who were holding Diego's arms and just this one glance made the two soldiers feel like the sky was falling, and the terrible pressure hit their hearts.

Even though they had undergone rigorous training to temper their tenacious will, they couldn't resist and let go of their hands, and Diego's tired body was released, and he staggered a step forward.

As for this group of people, she ignored them and turned around and walked away.

Bella didn't say much about the middle-aged woman who said she could surpass her, then she made a portal of blue energy in front of her.

Diego looked at the back of the Huntress with no hesitation, and staggered to follow.

The soldiers watched and looked at each other, but they did not dare to stop her.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, they only heard footsteps and the breeze blowing.

The contemptuous attitude of Bella made the middle-aged woman furious, but she didn't dare to attack.

The moment Bella was about to step into the portal, the middle-aged woman took a deep breath, suppressed the feeling of heaviness and powerlessness in her heart, gritted her teeth, and mustered up the courage to speak.

"Diego is a fugitive. Huntress, are you going to cover up a criminal?"

She thinks she is very intelligent, so she will not use organization or power to coerce her.

If she is an ordinary person or even a high-level person in some countries, she can do this, but in front of the Huntress who has destructive power and an independent personality.

But she dares to kill the minister of the World Security Council in the street, completely ignores the government, and naturally, she will not pay attention to her.

Since the Huntress is a superhero, if she defines Diego as a criminal.

Don't they say that what the huntress hates most are criminals?

by treating him like a criminal, even the Huntress must have hesitation, as long as there is hesitation, then it can be negotiated.

It's like she's in her palm.

However, she made the wrong idea.

Bella doesn't care about the so-called reputation at all. Apart from becoming stronger, all she does is to maintain the bottom line and do whatever she wants. It is useless to suppress her with this kind of reputation.

Bella is clear about the middle-aged woman's little thoughts.

She stopped, turned her head, and narrowed her eyes to look at the middle-aged woman.


At this glance, the middle-aged woman only felt a shock, and a chill ran across her body, as if she had fallen into the endless winter world. Her body was tense, and a great panic and despair rose uncontrollably.

This cold gaze made the middle-aged woman instantly understand.

It's not that she doesn't want to kill her, but ignores her, or is too lazy to kill, but if she dares to say one more nonsense, it ensured her death.


She swallowed her words and finally shut up.

Bella was not surprised by the middle-aged woman's performance. This kind of person is naturally smart. If she is not smart, she cannot sit in her current position.

Bella didn't kill these people, because she was in a good mood.

Withdrawing her eyes, the portal swallowed Bella's figure, and Diego followed.

The moment the portal disappeared, the middle-aged woman collapsed on the ground, panting while clutching her mouth.

There was still a touch of lingering fear on her face.

Anger and unwillingness filled her heart, but she didn't dare to say anything, or even do anything.


After they passed through the portal, they arrived at an uninhabited deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. Diego watched this scene in astonishment. He did not expect to come to an island instantly from the deserts of Nevada.

Sandy beaches, trees, deserted islands, lapping seawater.

The rows of seagulls flying across the sky.

Is this the beach at sunset?

Diego had never seen such beautiful scenery before, and after a month of fleeing life and death, his mind was relaxed, and he felt as if he had passed away.

Tears fell uncontrollably from bloodshot eyes.

Parents once said they would bring him to the beach when he graduated from high school, and he came, but the family has completely passed away.

step! step!

Bella walked to the boy's side, following his gaze to the horizon of the sea.

"It's not your fault"

She knew what the boy was thinking. He was an ordinary high school student who gained power, but the price was that it ruined his family overnight, and he was even hunted down and slandered as a criminal.

This kind of bitterness is unbearable for most people.

At this time, Bella was suddenly startled. He seems as if he were a protagonist of a Fan fiction, and she is like her mentor (Lol)