
Temporary "Expand"

In order to prevent being robbed by an enemy or an ally, Marin broke his brain. You know, his team of 1100 people, with thousands of horses and thousands of armors, is definitely blind.

This is not counting the ransom of 4,000 French knights. Kohler calculated it and felt that these 4,000 prisoners could be exchanged for at least 2 million Ducat gold coins.

The knight is not cheaper than the horse, and the war horse is easy to train, and it will be effective in three to five years. It takes more than ten years to cultivate a knight, and the investment is huge.

So, a knight's ransom requires at least 500 gold. 4000 knights, at least 2 million gold coins, this is still not considered the "premium" of those nobles ...

"I drop a little boy, 2 million gold coins!" Marin had only money in his eyes!

"But, Master, if you take all these captives back, your emperor will certainly not give you that much money. Because the emperor itself is very poor!" Kohler said.

"What?" Marin was angry. However, he was right to think about it, the emperor could not give him that much money. Because he originally fought for the emperor, the loot should be given to the emperor.

However, if he wanted to get the title, he had to take a lot of prisoners. Especially the captives of the nobles. After thinking about it for a long time, Marin decided to compromise. Because what he needed most was the title.

As for those horse armors, Marin decided to keep some of them in private so that he could exchange them for money.

However, this wealth is too huge, he is not confident to protect it. So he decided to expand ...

"Expand?" Schwartz didn't quite understand.

"It's only temporary, I can't afford too many troops. I want to recruit some soldiers and horses, in fact, to scare others, so as not to be robbed by others ...

Now Schwartz understands, it turned out to be bluffing ...

多少 How much will it expand?

"3000 people ... Schwartz, you take someone to the Italian village to catch the people and say hello to them. When you arrive in Venice, let them come back, and by the way," borrow "some food with the owners ..."

The so-called "borrowing food" actually means grabbing food. Marin originally had only 1,100 people to solve the ration problem. But now with 4,000 more prisoners and 1,000 Italians, the food supply is far from enough.

Fortunately, before in the valley, before leaving, some butcher-born mercenaries killed the horses that were killed and wounded, and took them on the road. Otherwise, food is definitely not enough.

However, these horse meats are easily damaged in summer. In desperation, Marin sent troops to rob several towns near Piacenza, and grabbed a lot of salt to preserve the horse meat.

Ten days later, Marin's team has expanded to more than 8,000 people, which is extremely spectacular. Schwartz did catch 3,000 Italians to make up. However, the people rioted that night and ran away 1,000 people. As a result, Marin only had 3,000 Italians, including the previous 1,000.

Marlin stopped in a remote area in the Duchy of Milan for a few days. By the way, the 3,000 Italians were simply trained. At least, let them learn to distinguish left and right, and march in formation. Moreover, Marin also made a simple black cross and white vest for them. Unknown people looked at it, thinking that these 3,000 people were also soldiers. At least, they look like the queue is neat ...

As for the weapons of this group of people, Marin directly issued a wooden stick with a sharpened wooden gun head, brushed it with paint grabbed, and looked like a metal gun head, which was actually wooden ...

Then, Marin swayed with 4,000 "arms", holding 4,000 French captives, and walked all the way to the Imperial Army station in Venice ...

与 此 At the same time, the Italian coalition is still pursuing the remaining 3,000 Swiss mercenaries. Unfortunately, the Italians were afraid of being beaten by the Swiss, so they dared to hang the Swiss from a distance and not dare to launch an attack. Moreover, they did not know where the 8,000 French knights had gone.

Last night they heard some fighting here, but they did not dare to send troops in the middle of the night. Because they have never experienced fighting in the middle of the night. Not to mention them, even the 3,000 Swiss mercenaries did not dare to send troops in the middle of the night. Only Marin's men, after training, dare to fight at night.

The Swiss retreated on the Roman avenue by the river and did not take that mountain road. When they retreated, Marin's previously dug the embankment, the water almost flowed, and a lot of water was soaked in the fields.

Swiss mountain people are very wild and are not afraid of going to the water. They took off their shoes and walked barefoot across the flooded road. The Italian coalition is not as hardworking and hardworking as the Swiss. The Duke of Mandowa first recruited farmers and blocked the river embankment ~ www.novelhall.com ~ until the next day the water receded and the coalition forces passed through this area. Then, continue hanging behind the Swiss ...

After Marlin brought the army into Venice, he originally planned to do business with the Italians. Initially, he planned to send someone to contact the Italian Coalition. After all, if he brought people into the Shen Luo Empire army station, the disposal of those captives would not belong to him.

However, he was afraid that the Italians would eat black. Therefore, instead of sending people to find coalition forces, he directly sent people to Venice, to find the Venetian Republican government, and negotiate with them ...

"What? You say a Holy Roman Empire officer captured 1,000 French knights?" The Governor of Venice was stunned. Then he urgently called on the big brothers of the Republic of Venice to negotiate ...

"What does this guy mean? Why tell us this?" Someone was puzzled.

"It's still a question? Want to exchange money with us 呗 ..." One of the business nobles broke Marin's motive.

"Change money?"

"Yes, a knight's ransom must be at least 500 Ducat. This guy is here to do business with us ..."

"Why didn't he go and ask the French himself?"

"Stupid, Tony, he is just a middle-level officer of Shenra, who seems to be a legionnaire (Marin bragging). The captive in his hand must be handed over to the Emperor of Shinra. What is Maximilian I Man? That's a poor ghost emperor. When the captive arrived in his hands, what happened to the ransom and that officer? "Said the Venetian parliament.

"Hahaha ..." Everyone laughed. They remembered that the Holy Roman Emperor seemed to be a poor ghost.