
Baron Texel

"Yeah, this unlucky count was left behind by Charles VIII, and then surrounded by us and the Venetian. When he saw that the situation had gone, he surrendered ..."

"That's really bad luck ..." You know, an earl is enough to be the coach of an army. The head coach of the Shen Luo Empire was Frederick II, Count Hohenzollern. But the unlucky man in France was captured by a 17-year-old hairy knight. Presumably, he will not face anyone in the future ...

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, what do you say? The captain of my empire is only 17 years old?" After meeting with the Emperor, Earl of Toulouse, he heard the news that made him very faceless ...

"Yes, the Marin Knight is a 17-year-old young man. And, he is just a Phalanx." Maximilian I said proudly.

"What? The knight ... the long formation ... impossible. The army that besieged us must have more than one square formation. There must be thousands of people ... there must be a legion ..." Defeated. There are 5,000 people under his command. The 5000 knight was defeated by an infantry square. He could go to a belt and hang himself. It's not just him. Even his men who were captured together will never admit it. Otherwise, they won't have to come out and mix up later.

"He is indeed a Phalanx, but to defeat you, he not only used a Phalanx, but also united with the Venetian army, a total of more than 4,000 people. Otherwise, there are not so many people." The emperor is honest, but Do not bother to lie. But he didn't know that the news he knew was a lie in itself ...

原来 "So it is ..." Count Fryer felt better when he heard the emperor say so.

Uh ...

I sent Fryer away, and Marin came to the Emperor to discuss the disposal of the spoils ...

"How many spoils are there?" The emperor asked.

"A total of 1,000 war horses, 3,000 sets of plate armor, and 3,000 two-handed swords and several oak lances ..." Ma Linhui reports. In fact, there were 3,600 very good horses that were hidden by Marin.

"This ... so much?" The emperor stuttered after hearing it. Although he had anticipated it, he was so excited that he had heard so many loot.

"of course..."

"Are you hiding anything?" The emperor suddenly swept over with sharp eyes.

"Well, some horses have been hidden, and the war horses have been turned in. Your Majesty, is it also necessary for the minister to make money?" Marin said naturally. During this year, mercenaries began to rise. The biggest characteristic of mercenaries is greed. Maximilian I, from the beginning of using mercenaries, has long been mentally prepared to let mercenaries greedy some of the property. Of course, he absolutely does not tolerate greed for important military supplies.

"Roll the horse? Do you dare to swear that you did not hide a war horse?"

"The minister swears in the name of God that he did not hide a war horse. Otherwise, he will fall into **** after death!" Marin sweared solemnly.

In fact, he did not have a private horse. Because, for the other 1,000 war horses, he did not hide them, but sold them directly to the Venetian ...

The puppet emperor did not care about pulling the horse because it had no military value. And Marin said that he had "some" in private, and he did not feel it intuitively. If he knew that Marin had 3,600 horses, he might have turned his face.

"What's your plan?" The emperor asked Marin.

"His Majesty, as far as the minister knows. These captives can at least exchange one million Italian Ducat gold coins with the French. And the war horse is said to be worth at least one hundred gold coins. And the armor set is worth dozens of gold..."

停 "Stop, what do you want to say?"

"What the minister wants to say is that these captives and trophies are too valuable ... I don't know what title your Majesty is going to seal me?"

爵 "Title?" Maximilian I was also taken aback by Marin's sudden turn.

"Of course, the capture of the 4,000 knights by the French is absolutely a great disgrace. And the minister, also counts as a national effort, and earns the honor of your boss. These captive equipment is estimated to be worth millions of gold coins. I can buy a large earl directly. The court gave them all to His Majesty, and you see ... "

"Hehe ..." Maximilian I laughed. He wasn't afraid of what he wanted, but he didn't want it. As needed, he can use conditions to win over and control them.

"what do you want?"

"Knighthood, hereditary knighthood, and territory!"

"What kind of title do you think, and where are the territories?"

Although Marin said that he has made such great contributions, he is indeed eligible for title and land. Therefore, the emperor cannot be stingy. Otherwise, no one would play for him.

Why is the Swabian League loyal to the Emperor? They also wanted to improve the title and gain more territories through the emperor. For example, the Württemberg kingdom, because of its strong support for the emperor, its lord Earlhard V, Earl of Württemberg, was promoted to the Duke of Wurttemberg by the emperor during the stay of the Emperor on Worms on July 4. Called Eberhard I. Therefore, the emperor did not mind mentioning the title to his men. However, the emperor was reluctant to want territory ...

"The Netherlands is a very good place ..." Marin Lion began. Anyway, he didn't expect the Emperor to agree, but waited for a bargain. The western emperor has less authority than the eastern emperor. Privately, Marin can still raise conditions without worrying about being beheaded by the Wumen Gate.

"Don't dream anymore, that's what I value most ..."

"But I like the sea ..." Marin said innocently.

In fact, Marin really wants to participate in the great voyage. The Dutch region was an important area in the era of great sailing, and both commerce and shipping were well developed.

"Earl count, don't even think about it, the deputy count (viscount) is also a bit high ..."

"Why? Is the minister's war effort insufficient? There are still booties worth a few hundred thousand dollars ..." Marin was a little excited. He is willing to turn in these trophies, not the title of the map? The count did not recognize us, neither did the viscount, good or bad ...

"Knight Marin, calm down first. Have you ever thought about your identity? You are only 17 years old, or a homeless knight from a little knight family. Although you have made a great deal of credit for this battle. However, you have thought about No? Are you a knight now, or was you temporarily promoted before the war? If you now make you an earl, what do you want other nobles to think? "

"And you only caught one earl. You ca n't. Earn an earl, and I'll call you an earl? If you seize Charles VIII, I'll take you an earl, but no one has any opinion, but you don't Do it ... "

Marin rolled his eyes, you, I want to catch Charles VIII, but I do n't have enough hands ...

马克 And Maximilian I also made sense. If Marin fought a victory, he was immediately named Earl from the knight. If he won a few more battles, would he not be king? is it possible? And this is Marin's first fight. If Marin fought the emperor for a few more battles, how could the emperor seal him?

Marin calmed down, he knew that he thought too simple. The reason why Count Tilly was named Earl was that he played for the Holy Roman Empire for many years, fighting with Turkey, and against Protestant princes, and many of them played beautiful battles such as the "Battle of the Mountains". Wallenstein was dubbed because it appeared to the emperor as a savior when the emperor was about to die. The emperor could only rely on Wallenstein at that time, so he could only use the high position of the Duke to draw the only Wallenstein that he could rely on.

But now, Maximilian I has not reached the end of his end, and he has only won the Emperor once. Although the result is brilliant, it is not to be named Earl at once.

"I do n't think the count is too bad. You know, before the Teutonic Order bought the Principality of Estonia from Denmark, it only cost 19,000 Cologne (1 Cologne = 2.67 Dukat gold coins, and 19,000 Marks is equivalent to 50,000 Dukat. . But considering that the Cologne Mark silver content in 1346 is sufficient, it is twice the current silver content, so it is equivalent to the current 100,000 ducats) ... "

"Ha, you're right, young man. The Teutonic Knights did buy the Principality of Estonia for only 19,000 Cologne. But have you thought about it? The Teutonic Knights are themselves a powerful country and they have enough Status and identity to buy territory and protect territory. "

"And you, Marin Knight, even if you have so much money, do you have the title and status to rule such a large territory? Without status, other nobles can openly annex your territory. So, the title itself is very Valuable existence ... And, Marin Knight, you are holding the salaries paid by you. Most of these loot should belong to you ... "

"Well ... then, Your Majesty, what kind of title do you give me, and where do you keep me?" Marin said discouragedly. Marin admitted that he thought too simple.

In the later generations, he did sales and sold a house, but the commission was no more than five-thousandths. If he sells a 5 million house, the company will give him 5 million, then the boss earns a P ... Before, as a traversal, he regarded himself as a stalk too much, always felt that he and the emperor's Status is an equal trade relationship. Until now, Marin remembered that he was just a wage earner under the emperor ...

"I think so, let's make you a baron first. Since you like the sea so much. So, how about I keep you here?" Maximilian I took out a map of sheepskin and pointed to the side of the Netherlands An island ...

"Texel?" Marin recognized it at a glance. Marin had studied the Netherlands and knew that the Dutch province of the Netherlands had a Texel island. This island, known as the "epitome of the Netherlands", is a tourist area with beautiful scenery. In addition, Marin was a rich second-generation friend and took his sister to travel to this island. Then, he showed photos on Weibo and wrote a detailed introduction to show off to Marin and other poor people. Therefore, Marin also paid attention to this island in his previous life.

"You know this place?" Maximilian I was a little surprised. After all, the island of Texel is just a backcountry in the Netherlands. At most, the fishery is booming there.

At the moment, great voyages are only emerging in Spain and Portugal. As for the Netherlands, the wind of the great voyage has not yet reached there. Therefore, the seaside sites are not given much attention.

嗯 "Well, I've seen the map of the Netherlands. I was still thinking about where the Her Majesty would seal me ..."

"Haha, then I will call you Baron Texel!" The emperor was very happy. This business, he was extremely cost-effective, he got more than a million gold coins, but only need to pay an unimportant island.

"Do you need to pay taxes?"

"You want to evade taxes?"

"Your Majesty, I have given you more than one million gold coins, and you still want me to pay taxes? This broken island, I know it will take hundreds of years or even thousands of years to pay the tax of one million gold coins!" Marin yelled aggrievedly. .

"Okay, duty-free, self-government, head office!" For such a remote island, Maximilian I really didn't pay much attention to it. God knows that the island has 100 gold coins in taxes each year. Even if he exempts Marin from tax, he doesn't think so. Moreover, he took the benefits of millions of gold coins, more than his one-year financial income, and he was very happy ~ www.novelhall.com ~ and he didn't care about those tedious details with Marin.

I would like to say that the entire Netherlands region, which is now the Flanders region (north of Belgium), has a developed wool industry and is the most economically developed region in the Netherlands region. It is also one of the most important sources of taxation for the emperor. And the maritime trade in the Netherlands has not yet arisen. The maritime trade here will not develop until the Portuguese chooses to sell Indian spices in Antwerp in 1500. In other words, except for the Flanders region, which is more developed in the Netherlands, it is not conspicuous ...

It was because of this idea that the emperor later regretted it. Because at that time, Texel had become an extremely prosperous island, which made the emperor jealous. However, the emperor could not get a Finney tax from Texel. Just because Marin specifically asked the emperor to indicate "permanent tax exemption" on the appointment ...

Then, Marin was condemned by the emperor as Baron Texel for his outstanding military achievements, and the island of Texel was granted the status of Duty Free Baron Empire. The Imperial Parliament did not respond to this. Because the emperor sealed off his family territory in the Netherlands and did not harm the interests of other nobles in the empire.

Although the local council of the Netherlands was dissatisfied, the emperor's seizure was not a treasure land such as The Hague and Amsterdam, but a small island. After expressing their dissatisfaction to the emperor, they said nothing. After all, in everyone's opinion, Texel is nothing new, just a slightly larger island.

On this island, there is only a semi-abandoned castle in Denborg. In the rest of the area, there are only a few villages. Most of them are fishing villages. Works are all in