
King Of Chaos

In the vast and boundless sky called Chaos, there exist countless universes. Ye Xiao, a person who rose from one of these universes was reborn in the Land of Morning Stars. With the blessings of Morning Stars, Ye Xiao again rose in power and solved the mystery of the Lotus of Chaos that was hiding an entire universe within, and was capable of doing countless miracles. Born with nine special abilities, Ye Xiao walked down the path of King, the person known as the First King to rule over the entire Chaos, captured boundless stars, devoured countless Universes, and finally created his own Chaos, becoming the King of Chaos. This is the story of Ye Xiao adventuring into Chaos to create Chaos and rule Chaos. Everything Is Chaos!

RazaKarim · Fantasy
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487 Chs

Ch 410: The Pendant

╠ Land of Thousand Gold ╣

A group of Masters of Chaos could be seen in a heated argument, wearing puzzled expressions on their faces.

The strongest among them, a Level 10 Master of Chaos, held a compass in his hand. However, at this moment, the needle of the compass was rotating continuously, unable to determine a specific direction.

"What is happening? Everything was fine just now, but the Heaven Guiding Compass suddenly started behaving strangely. What could be the reason?"

"There could only be two reasons. Either the compass is broken, or Ling Xiaolong has left the Land of Thousand Gold. This compass only works when we and our target are on the same land. Once the target leaves the Land, the compass stops working."

The man holding the compass pondered for a moment and then shook his head, saying, "There's a third possibility as well. What if Ling Xiaolong somehow managed to block the detection ability of the compass?"