Orphan-turned-bartender Jaime, believed to be ordinary despite a superhuman-creating event, is the most powerful among them, able to mimic and amplify superpowers. With Armageddon approaching, he is destined to be the Superhuman King, standing at the crossroads of a celestial war. Armed with immense powers, he must choose his allegiance between angels or demons, his decision bearing the weight of the universe's fate.
My body materialized inside my house with my heart still racing, only milliseconds since I managed to teleport after seeing that man pointing his gun at me. He was clearly after me because even before he asked for my name, I heard his thoughts. That man was obviously from the Liberation Group and wanted to kill me, not Michelle.
"Hooekkkk," I vomited. Suddenly my whole body trembled. My stomach felt like it was being churned, and the nerves in my neck, arms, and legs spasmed and locked throughout my body. A piercing pain gnawed at every inch of my flesh. I collapsed onto the cold floor, convulsing.
Was this the effect of overusing my powers? I didn't know.