
King of All Superhumans

Orphan-turned-bartender Jaime, believed to be ordinary despite a superhuman-creating event, is the most powerful among them, able to mimic and amplify superpowers. With Armageddon approaching, he is destined to be the Superhuman King, standing at the crossroads of a celestial war. Armed with immense powers, he must choose his allegiance between angels or demons, his decision bearing the weight of the universe's fate.

Adam_Aksara · Urban
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140 Chs

Fading Echoes of Love: Drunk Whisperings and an Unlikely Savior

I was staring at Michelle, who was talking, or perhaps mumbling unclearly because her eyes were already half-closed, and her body could no longer sit upright. The Master walked towards me and spoke softly, not wanting to disturb Michelle, "Jaime, you can start cleaning up."

I stopped my work, looking at the clock which showed it was 11:00 PM and all the customers had left. "Alright," I replied, starting to clean up the glasses and bottles into the rack, clearing customer tables, washing and drying all kitchen utensils. I closed the window from the outside of the café, and after everything was done, I moved to the changing room carrying a panda-shaped glass. As I opened my locker, I saw several glass displays in various animal shapes, all from Hana.

(Lust: "I think Hana likes you."

Kindness: "She is just being kind to you. Like she is kind to everybody."

Sadness: "You are just a normal human, you are not worthy to her. Stay away from her."

I will…)

I quickly changed my clothes, put everything into my backpack and returned to the bar room to see Master standing behind the bar counter, accompanying Michelle in conversation. I always thought that Master spoiled Michelle more than the other customers, but it was undeniable, believe it or not, Michelle had just finished eight glasses of margarita by herself.

(I wonder what kind of stomach she has. )

A loyal customer, that is, if she's heartbroken. Besides, Michelle also had a family relationship with Master, although I had never asked clearly. Master looked like he was struggling to persuade Michelle not to add to her margarita before she really couldn't stand, and it seemed he wasn't successful.

"I still want to drink," Michelle replied weakly in an unstable tone.

Master looked at me with a pleading face.

I looked at Master with raised eyebrows, "What?" Master lifted both his hands in front of his chest, as if hoisting a large weight, then jerked them toward the door - the universal sign for "Get her out of here, by force if necessary."

With a weak sigh and a rueful grimace, I knew I was left with no other choice but to resort to the one method that had never failed me before. The one that always managed to coax Michelle back to her senses. I took a deep, bracing breath, letting the cool, calming air seep into my lungs. I had to compose myself, gather my confidence and soften the edges of my demeanor.

With utmost tenderness, my hand reached out, finding its way onto Michelle's trembling shoulder. A gentle, reassuring touch, a silent promise of safety, wrapped around her like a comforting shroud. I leaned in, my lips hovering just next to her ear, my voice a soft lullaby in the quiet of the night, "Michelle, it's time for us to head home, sweetheart."

For a moment, her eyes flickered open, hazel orbs piercing into my own. There was something in her gaze that set my heart pounding, a vulnerability I had seldom seen. Yet, it wasn't entirely discomforting. Perhaps, I was a sight worth lingering on. Many had complimented my looks - the sharp cut of my nose, the dark depths of my eyes, the masculinity etched onto my face with the pronounced square jaw and the cleft that added an extra edge. My body, well-toned and muscled, had often been the subject of women's desire.

But none of that mattered in the moment. All that mattered was the look in her eyes, the silent plea for security. As her gaze held mine, it was not my physical attributes she sought solace in, but the promise of protection, the assurance of my gentle, coaxing whisper, and the silent understanding that bloomed between us.

(Am I that handsome? I don't know.

At least I'm one of the most popular men in the village, well-known among the village kids. However, once I enter the city, my self-worth immediately plummets

In Michelle's case, it's a bit different. Michelle might jump into anyone's arms, as long as he is a guy and acts gently and lovingly towards her. Right now, if she isn't persuaded kindly and allowed to be spoiled, Michelle might drink until she falls asleep here.)

"Hug me," Michelle implored in a voice laced with a coquettish appeal. Her hands extended towards me in a silent plea, mimicking the innocent gesture of a child seeking solace. A sudden, tumultuous wave of resistance surged within me, threatening to break the veneer of civility that had so far presided over our interaction.

Anyone who was acquainted with the authentic essence of Michelle would find it challenging to surrender to her seemingly innocuous request. They would know the paradox she embodied – a dazzling beauty that ensnared the unsuspecting on the outside, a hidden reality that provoked trepidation on the inside.

As I looked into her eyes, I was reminded of her deceptive facade, a shell of enticing allure that concealed the grim truth. Her beauty was undeniable, her body sculpted to perfection, her features radiating an allure that was nothing short of intoxicating. Yet, one glance at the real Michelle, one brush with her unmasked self, would etch a haunting imprint on the psyche that could not be erased. It would assure an indelible trauma that one would be forced to carry forever. Guaranteed.

(Ah well, this is not the first time, dozens even.)

With tender deliberation, my hands instinctively reached out to Michelle, gingerly slipping beneath the bend of her knees and the curve of her back. In one fluid motion, I lifted her with all the gentleness I could muster, her delicate frame fitting seamlessly into the curve of my arms.

As if caught in a reverie, she wrapped her arms around my neck, clinging to me with a fervency that belied her previous hostility. Her head nestled comfortably against the steady rhythm of my chest, the warmth of her breath seeping through the fabric of my shirt, and mingling with the subtle scent of her being – a sweet, tantalizing perfume that pulled at my senses.

An inexplicable surge of emotion welled within me, a poignant mix of protectiveness, empathy, and a faint glimmer of something more. It was as if every fiber of my being yearned to quell her loneliness, even if it was just a temporary respite from her torment.

Guided by the silent presence of the Master who held the door open, we made our way out of Bar Eve and into the hushed solitude of the night.

As the clock strikes 11, the entirety of Bar Eve assumes a quiet, tranquil allure, illuminated beautifully under the soft glow of the full moon. The pale luminescence transforms the mundane features of the bar into a magical silhouette, its broad, wooden front glinting with an ethereal light. The sizable windows, usually alive with the echoes of laughter and clinking glasses, now reflect the serene moonlit landscape, offering glimpses of a space that's now hushed and almost solemn in the late-night quietude.

The worn-out sign that usually creaks under the blistering daytime heat now hangs suspended, shimmering under the lunar glow, proclaiming 'EVE' to the quiet world in an almost whisper-like fashion. Flanked by its quiet, shadowy alley, the area around Bar Eve whispers tales of the day's warmth, the heat radiating from the brick facade seeping into the slightly chilled night.

A warm, gentle breeze rustles through the scene, carrying the forest's earthy scent, the unmistakable smell of pine and moss, mingling with the faint, lingering aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the faint smoky smell from the bar.

Towards the rear, the dense, unbroken forest stands tall, a silhouette of serenity against the moonlit sky. The nocturnal creatures hidden within the foliage contribute to the symphony of the night, a soft concerto of hoots, chirps, and rustling leaves punctuating the silence. Every so often, the wind takes a more forceful breath, carrying the sounds closer, making the leaves of the trees by the bar rustle, an orchestra conducted by the whims of the night's breeze.

Separated from the bar by a narrow, worn-out footpath is the concrete brick parking lot. Emptied of the day's congestion, it sits patiently under the full moon, the uneven surface of bricks casting long, wavering shadows that stretch out towards the bar.

Here and there, one can see the sporadic oil stain, a testament to the day's hustle. Dominating the otherwise deserted lot, a solitary Bugatti Super Sport glistens, it's polished surface reflecting the moonlight, creating an almost surreal focal point in this tableau of nocturnal tranquility. A majestic Bugatti Super Sport – the latest model, untouched by time, exuding an aura of power and sophistication."Your car?"

I asked, recalling Michelle's latest car was a Ferrari.

"He prefers fast cars," she answered weakly.

It was a strange quirk of Michelle's that I'd come to notice over time - with every new love interest, she would try to merge into their world, to become a part of their lives in a way that was near tangible. Every preference they had, every object they owned, she would absorb it into her being. Was it possessiveness or simply a desperate yearning to be loved? As I gently hoisted her up and walked towards the car, I pondered over this strange pattern of hers.

Her palm brushed against the car door, a light, almost reverent touch, and the doors swung open obediently. Despite being exposed to it numerous times, the luxury and sophistication of the sports car still managed to leave me in awe.

As I was about to settle Michelle into the passenger seat, my gaze landed on a small, black object nestled next to an empty drink bottle. It was sleek, compact - unmistakably a folding smartphone. My heart raced as I made out the beautifully engraved 'LXX' on it in silver - the latest LXX smartphone, aquantum smartphone, a coveted piece of technology that coupled perfectly with the LX Super quantum laptop, a combination that would make any tech enthusiast green with envy.

Without thinking, the words slipped past my lips, a question borne out of awe and envy, "Is this LXX yours?" It was only after the question hung in the air between us that I realized how absurd I must have sounded.

But my heart was already racing,.

Of course the LXX smarphone was hers, it was even in her car - the most advanced smartphone of this century with a direct satellite connection. Oh... I couldn't wait to borrow it.

Suddenly, an unexpected warmth washed over me. Perhaps chauffeuring Michelle tonight wasn't such a thankless task after all. Maybe she would allow me a peek at her LXX smartphone - my fingers practically tingled with anticipation. As Michelle followed my gaze to the LXX, she abruptly flung her arms around my neck, burying her head into my chest. Her warm breath on my skin caused a tingling sensation.

"That… was supposed to be his birthday gift tonight," she murmured, her voice hitching on a sob, "I... had to move mountains to get it, a pair of LXX smartphones, one for me and one for him, but… but he betrayed me two days ago… and… he… he ended things with me this morning..." Her words were muffled as she wept into my chest. Despite my initial reservations, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. She had gone through so much trouble to please her boyfriend, even managing to procure a pair of LXX smartphones, a feat even members of BtP would find challenging..

Ah, the complexities of love. But on the brighter side, I could potentially get my hands on her LXX smartphone later.

"Michelle, could you stand for a moment? I need to move the LXX before you accidentally sit on it and wreck it. Or maybe you can help me shift it?" I ventured to ask. Michelle remained unmoving, continuing to clutch me tightly.

"Mich my dear?"

"Let it get destroyed... he's already shattered my heart... hic... sob..." Michelle choked out, "Just put me down...!"

I felt as though the air had been sucked out of my lungs, my heart stopped in its tracks.

(Did she seriously intend to sit on such a costly piece of tech, the LXX?)

"Put me down right now," Michelle's voice grew louder, more insistent.

I was left speechless.

(No, there was no way I could do it. Allow a luxurious LXX smartphone to be ruined?

Over my dead body.)

Suddenly, Michelle began to writhe in my grip, her struggle strong enough to force me to let her go before we both lost our balance. "You... you're taking his side... You're siding with Andreas... All men are the same..." she accused, managing to stand, her anger visible through the veil of her tears. I was left standing there, completely taken aback.

(Siding with Andreas? I didn't even know the guy. How could she even come to that conclusion?)

Michelle lunged towards the car and grabbed the LXX. She took a step back, trying to steady herself. She lifted the LXX high, preparing to hurl it onto the unforgiving asphalt of the parking lot. My heart felt like it was about to leap out of my chest, and I reflexively bent forward, arms outstretched in a futile attempt to catch the highly valued smartphone. My mind was rapidly calculating. The cost of an LXX smartphone was roughly equivalent to a BtP agent's salary for an entire year. If I had any intention of buying an LXX, I would need to save every penny of my earnings for… 360 months. That was thirty years!

(My entire family is pleading with you. Please, don't destroy it)