
King Of All Bijuu: Mystery & Chaos

John Wodwick Alver find himself reincarnated after his death. Most people would panic or be confused if they found themselves in the same situation, however, John was an exception. John belongs to the strongest, largest, and oldest clan that ever existed in All Existence known as The Alver. This clan was too large to the point that whenever you go and whenever place exists, Alver Clan bases can be found lying around hidden, where can’t be seen by all beings except for the Alver clan. This clan was the bridge that connected all races, Gods and beyond, the protector of All Creation, and the only beings who could meet the Gods and beyond like they were old friends. At a young age, John was already very powerful and he was already traveling All Existence. At the age of 19, John died after defeating a powerful enemy and reincarnated and awakened his memory in his previous life when he reached the age of 16, unfortunately, his powers regressed and he couldn't use them casually, or he would die because of it. When he reached 19 he decided to go to the city and discovered that he was reincarnated in the world of the anime he watched named Danmachi. That was the beginning of his journey, where he would travel countless worlds of fiction in his previous life and also travel various worlds. ============================ Disclaimer: I need to write this to avoid some copyright problems, all the illustrations and pictures that I posted here are not mine, I only downloaded them from Google San and Pinterest San. The same as anime and fiction that appears on TV etc that will be found in my fanfiction are also not mine. I will only use this Anime and fiction as material for my story. Don’t expect much I am only a noob in writing novels and my English is not that great I was relying on Grammarly to fix my spelling and grammar problems. Thanks for reading and enjoy. Warning: I wrote for my fun and hobby. I only release 1 to 2 chapters every week or even more if I have more free time that week.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


The soul in Mio's hands was directly reincarnated by her using her Divinity of a God Of All and sending him to a randomized world in the sea of an unknown number of worlds in randomized Reality.

Mio smiled lovingly looking at the soul that she had chosen for a long time to begin his first journey.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see what my situation was, unfortunately, my sight was still blurry.

Gradually my sight got clearer making me see my surroundings.

When I saw my surroundings, I couldn't help to scratch my head in bewilderment, the reason well I couldn't recognize where I was, I did not even know if I owned this place.

In my eyes, I saw an ordinary wooden room, screaming that this room design came from the medieval period back on earth, I have no idea where am I and only remember that I was already dead and I was reincarnated in the body of a 15-year-old boy.

Many questions arose from my mind, but I could only answer related questions from my past life, not my current life, This is bad in many ways. however, in this new life, I have no friends, girlfriend, acquaintances, or even family in this world so there is nothing to worry about in the end.

While I was thinking that, my memories of my past life and current life intertwined making me remember everything in my current life.

You are wondering if I occupied this body, the answer is no, I am a reincarnation, and I only just awakened my past life memories right now.

Right now my two identities in my past and current life fuse harmoniously making me both the current me and the past me.

After that, I stood up and looked at my appearance in the mirror.

My appearance in my past life was the same as my current life, handsome, with black hair, blue eyes, and a balanced build.

Even though my appearance in my past and current life were similar, there are still differences and those differences are the closed vertical third eye in the middle of my forehead.

"This is a third eye, I have a third eye now," I muttered.

I tried to open it naturally like I was just opening my two eyes, however, it didn't work, so I tried to open it forcefully with my hands, but also failed, After trying for some time I gave up.

"Yep, everything was fine," While I was saying that I couldn't help my eyes twitch when I realized my small stature in my past life became even smaller, my originally 160cm/5'2 foot height became 153cm/5 foot.

I sighed and then changed my clothes and went outside my room, I looked around to see my small kitchen, full of kitchen utensils.

In the corner of the kitchen, you will see a door, that door is supposed to be my fridge, or rather similar to a fridge.

I opened the door and saw Countless dried ingredients stored neatly.

Who I was kidding, I already know that I am poor, and can't afford a magic fridge, so why I was expecting to have a fridge and have fresh meats or even vegetables?

In this world that I was reincarnated in, magic tools existed as a replacement for our modern technology back on Earth.

Magic fridge, magic TV, magic camera, etc.

After checking my small kitchen, I went to my bathroom to double-check if my memory was accurate, that this world already mass-produces toilets meaning that it was cheap and I already had that toilet.

I rushed toward the bathroom and saw that I had a toilet similar to the modern one.

Seeing the toilet, I sigh in relief, after all, I don't want to use the outdated toilet of the medieval era.

Afterward, I went to the dining hall and the break room, During the tour of my house, I confirmed my memories that I was living alone, based on the amount of furniture in the house.

"OK then, I will look outside next."

I went outside my wooden house and saw the breathtaking view of a large cave with its biome inside, according to my memory, I was living in a wooden house located at the Great entrance of a massive cave.

The width of the cave was 30 to 400 to 23,000 kilometers and the length of the cave was around 1,573,005 kilometers according to my memories, this cave has only one entrance.

Even though I already knew the appearance of the cave because of what I remember, I was still fascinated by the beauty of the massive cave that I remember.

The entrance of the cave was a sinkhole with a diameter of 100 meters and had a small lake underneath it, at the center of the small lake, there was a small land with a medium size tree standing on it.

The water of the lake was clear blue like you are looking at Gem, the tree had great vitality standing tall throughout centuries, and the cave walls had a black color on them.

The gentle light from the sun was peaking through the entrance of the cave creating a serial view that made any people to be fascinated by its beauty.

(Image of the Cave Entrance).

This is the great view that greeted me the moment I revealed myself outside of my wooden house.

Seeing the outstanding beauty of the cave entrance, I didn't have any particular reaction to the view, because I was used to it thanks to my experiences when I was traveling through outer space in my past life.

But still, I was impressed, this kind of cave is very rare to see, even in the universe.

In the deeper part of this cave, you would find that the cave is very vast and has its biome.

At the outer part of the cave, you would find a vast mushroom forest consisting of tree-size mushrooms, These large mushrooms are edible and can be used as the main ingredient of a full healing potion.

If you went even deeper and reached the middle part of the cave, you would find the width and height of the cave to be expanding.

From a width of 30 km and a height of 2 km to a width of 400 km to a height of 3 km.

In this part, you will find a blue forest that contains blue-glowing trees that have an average height of 1 km and the tallest is around 2 and a half km.

(Image of the Blue Forest).

If you continue to travel and reach the deepest part of the cave, you will reach the deepest part of the cave where a vast circular space can be found.

This circular space has a diameter of 23,000km and the distance between the floor and the ceiling is around 1,000 km, In the middle of this vast space, there is a huge tree that has a height of 900 km.

This tree is a member of the world tree species where all the tree species belong to the world tree classification, these species grow astonishingly to reach heights beyond the atmosphere or even beyond the clutches of the stratosphere of the world.

The World Tree that was located in the middle of this vast circular space was from the species of World Tree Called Blue Flaming Leaf also known as Blue Burning World Tree.

This world tree only grows in a large space located beneath the ground and the size of this tree will depend on the size of the space where the tree grew.

Blue Burning World Tree, has a red leaf that releases a gentle blue glow, A wood as blue as an ocean coated in a tree skin made in blue flame, this tree skin made in a blue flame doesn't release any burning effect or even release a heat that normally found in a flame.

(Image of the Blue Burning World Tree).

I look around my surroundings confirming that everything I remember right now is real.

"So this is the entrance of the cave, it is just right beside my wooden house," I commented while watching the beautiful scenery.

I stretch my arms and body to relax my stiff muscles and bones, inhale the fresh air that failed in comparison to the nature has to offer back on Earth, With a smile on my face I greet my new life with open arms.