
King Of All Bijuu: Mystery & Chaos

Synopsis John Wodwick Alver finds himself reincarnated after his death. While most would panic or be confused, John is different. He belongs to the Alver, the strongest, largest, and oldest clan in all of existence. This clan is so vast that its bases can be found hidden everywhere, visible only to its members. The Alver clan connects all races, gods, and beyond, serving as protectors of all creation and the only beings who can interact with gods like old friends. From a young age, John was already very powerful and traveled across all existence. At 19, he died after defeating an enemy that he considered as an ant, though his death was part of his plan to experience his clan's reincarnation ability. Reincarnated and regaining his memories at the age of 16, John finds that his powers have regressed, and using them casually could be fatal, but his true strength was an affected and can be use as usual. At 19, John ventures into the city and discovers he has been reincarnated into the world of the anime "Danmachi." This marks the beginning of his journey through countless fictional worlds from his previous life and various other realms. Disclaimer To avoid copyright issues, I must clarify that all illustrations and pictures posted here are not mine; I downloaded them from Google and Pinterest. The same goes for any anime and fiction referenced in my fanfiction; they are not my creations. I use these as material for my story. Please don't expect too much—I'm a novice writer, and my English relies heavily on Grammarly for spelling and grammar corrections. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it. Warning I write for fun and as a hobby. I release 1 to 2 chapters every week, or more if I have extra free time.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Crazy Pumpkin Head Part 7: Orario Side.

Day time.

Orario City.

Hermes Familia Home.

Captain Office.

The Captain's office has a wide interior equipped with a small amount of furniture, all the walls have bookshelves on them, a set of sofas, and a desk near a large window just opposite the door, the office looks like a Library rather than an office.

Behind the desk sat a beautiful girl with aqua-blue hair and eyes, fair skin, and a slim body, the girl wore glasses with a silver frame and a brown one-piece dress designed for easy movements.

This girl was Asfi Andromeda, the Captain of Hermes Familia and a well-known magic item crafter worldwide.

Asfi was working on her paperwork piling up like a small hill beside her desk, skimming all of them In rapid paste and organizing them by their content, her beautiful aqua blue eyes constantly moving indicating the speed that she was reading, she only needed a glimpse to read a single document.

While immersed in her work, the door suddenly burst open interrupting her.

A cute Pallum girl is panting heavily at the door like she ran a marathon.

Asfi with a worried tone asks, "What's the matter, Reta?" 

"Ms. Asfi, the guild was calling, it is urgent!" Reta.

Asfi becomes serious and stands up planning to inform her god, but before that, she helps Reta first.

While doing so, Asfi heard the voice of her god directly in her mind.

Hermes, the god in question utilizes telepathy magic to converse with Asfi. This magic is one of the hardest magic to learn but In front of the gods, it was just Child's play, even though it is forbidden for them to use their Devine might in the lower world, they can still use other powers such as magic, and their mastery with it is no joke at all.

"Go Asfi, you didn't need to wait for me, I'm busy.

Asfi rolled her eyes and commented, "Busy from what? peeking women in the bathhouse all day"

"Agh! My feelings, don't be so cruel, you know that I am a good person," Hermes.

Asfi snorted and asked, "Lord Hermes, do you have some clues?"

"Cough! Well right now, I don't have any, this must be urgent if the information didn't travel that far," Hermes said.

"So what are your instructions? Lord Hermes," Asfi.

"Just go and observe for now, if the guild asks something like give reinforcement or something, just agree, I felt something was going to happen soon," Hermes.

"Understood," Asfi.

"Bye for now, I'll be back the 4th day after this week, so I'll leave my duties, you have my full support to decide on my behalf," After saying that Hermes cut off the Magic telepathy.

Asfi's face darkened instantly.

Asfi after talking with her God drops Reta in her room and then heads towards the guild, she uses her magic boots and flies at great speed.

A few minutes later

Asfi arrived at the guild, she entered and she was led by one of the guild staff to a hidden room, only known by the guild staff.

Inside the hidden room.

At the very center, there is a huge round table that could accommodate 20 individuals.

At the round table, there are 10 people, and these 10 people are the leaders of the 10 major Families in Orario.

Maxim the captain of Zeus Familia and a level 9 adventurer, is a man with a carefree demeanor, silver hair, and a handsome face sporting a casual outfit with a farmer's hat on his head.

Empress the Captain of Hera Familia and one among the 20 Level 10 individuals that exist in this world, right now she is wearing a cloak and a hood covering all of her body including her face, even though her entire figure is hidden, she can't hide her alluring curve under her cloak telling others that she is a woman.

Airmid Teasanare the captain and doctor of Dian Cecht Familia and a level 4 adventurer. She is a beautiful and aloof lady, she has wavy silver hair reaching her waist, purple eyes, fair skin, and a well-proportioned figure, she wears a purple one-piece dress designed for easy movement. She is calmly sipping the tea that she blends.

Shakti Varma Captain of Ganesha Familia and level 7 adventurer. She is a beautiful woman with Azure hair and eyes, fair skin, and a slim and curvy figure, she wore a black shirt, a brown skirt, and high-knee socks, on her shoulder rested a tame beast resembling a small black cat, but in truth, the real form of this cat was a 100-meter level 5 magic beast from the beast species Nekroms, this creature was capable of destroying towns.

Tsubaki Collbrande, captain of Hephaestus Familia, a Grand Master Blacksmith, and a level 7 adventurer. She is a beautiful and hot woman with tanned skin, long black hair tied back, red eyes, and an eyepatch on her left eye. She's dressed in a mix of Japanese traditional and modern clothing, including a white and purple cropped top, red pants with yellow accents, and brown sandals. She appears confident and cheerful, and she is embracing a sheathed katana near her chest closed eyes waiting.

Jones Willberks, the captain of Demeter Familia and a level 4 adventurer. He is a middle-aged man with brown hair and a beard, his demeanor is cheerful and friendly, his body is bulky and full of muscle and his stature reaches 7 feet, his outfit screams that he is a farmer.

Finn Daimne, the rising hero of the Pallum race, the captain of Loki Familia, and a level 8 adventurer. He is a handsome man with golden hair and a calm demeanor wearing casual clothes, but sadly his height was short making him look like a 12-year-old boy a characteristic unique to his race Pallum.

Ottar Captain of the Freya Familia and level 10 adventure titled The King. Ottar is a tall and heavily muscular Boaz with rust-colored hair and eyes, along with a pair of boar ears. He wears a dark blue sleeveless top with a red pectoral and a collar-like part, grey pants, and brown and gray shoes, he is sitting quietly closing his eyes.

Alise Lovel captain of Astraea Famalia and a level 6 Adventurer, is a beautiful woman with red hair tied into a ponytail and green eyes, she is dressed in a blue shirt, brown shorts, and a sheathed rapier hanging on her waist.

Asfi Andromeda Captain of Hermes Familia and a level 6 Adventurer.

Unlike the Cannon Zeus and Hera Familia managed to survive their battle against the one-eye black dragon and repelled the creature, because of this they were hailed as heroes, but even though the two Familia survived, their will to continue adventuring diminished, and lost many friends and family, only executives and some lucky ones survived that battle, over 1,000 members of both Familia only 46 of them left. Because of their huge losses and fear of losing more friends and family, they decided to change their Familia into Agricultural Familia, living their life peacefully, at this point their hopes and dreams were crushed and they only wanted to live their remaining life in retirement. 

(Noted all the executives and surviving members of the Zeus and Hera Familia were still at their peak of strength. Also for those who were reading this story, this is an alternate universe of Danmachi different from the original storyline in the light novel and anime. Their differences were big so don't expect that the facts in the original work were still the facts here).

These 10 people are all gathered in this secret room, they all waiting for the last person to arrive.

They did their minded their own business while waiting. For example, Asfi and Airmid were reading books, and Maxim was just sleeping, the cloaked figure was also reading some kind of book, Shakti playing with her cat, Tsubaki was eating her pudding with gusto, Alise was talking with James for some cooperation, Ottar was quietly waiting like a statue, while Finn is just looking around, but in fact, his thumb was aching like hell, his thumb intuition was warning him that a dangerous event was happening in the west.

They waited for ten minutes before the last person arrived.

A chubby and short elf dressed in a guild uniform entered and started the meeting, this short and chubby elf was Royman Mardeel the arrogant guild master that most adventures hated.

Cough! "Thank you for answering our summons, I was grateful that you granted us your precious." Before Royman could continue his flattering words, a cold voice interrupted him.

"Royman, cut the bullshit, my patient is short," Maxim said with a carefree smile and locking his gaze with Royman's panicked eyes.

"Cough! Royman pretended to cough and took out a letter in his pocket.

"This is the reason for our summons, read it before we continue," Royman said while sweating buckets.

Hearing this everyone became serious and took the letter read it and passed it to the next person with a varying expression, when all of them read the letter a solemn atmosphere permeated the room.

"Mr.Royman did the guild verify this letter? Finn.

"Yes we did and the result was everything in that letter was true." Royman.

Finn sighs helplessly.

"How did this creature still breathing and very much alive, isn't they extinct 3 centuries ago," Alise frowned.

Finn bites his aching thumbs while muttering incoherent words, thinking something about the creatures in mention.

Maxim and Empress didn't say anything and waited for the young generation to think of an answer, they already knew what was going on thanks to their knowledge and experience as an Adventurer for over a couple of decades.

"Hey fatty, how did this happen, did the guild know anything about this?" Tsubaki.

Royman was annoyed that a half-dwarf and half-human was looking down on him and giving him the ugly nickname, but he didn't dare to show it, after all, he was speaking to a powerful adventurer like Tsubaki On top of all that she was also a very influential blacksmith and a rich woman with an asset of tens of trillions, that is only hard money if her priceless masterpieces were included in the equation her total assets at least reached quadrillion, with her strength and wealth who knows what happened to him if he accidentally offended her.

"Ms. Tsubaki, the guild doesn't have any information, this is the first time in history that the guild encountered this phenomenon," Royman.

After Royman words finish, a cold snort sounds followed by a melodious voice of the Empress, "Useless."

Royman expression almost collapses at that moment. He tried to repute but he was cut off.

"I believe that my Zeus and Hera Familia already exited the stage, so why is the guild calling us again?" Empress asks with a cold tone.

Royman started to stutter and cold sweat was pouring on his back, Royman tried to speak for the second time, but he was interrupted again.

Suddenly A figure appears behind Royman, this figure is dressed in black robes that hide most of his figure including his face, this black robe figure is Fels, the right-hand man of the Primordial God of The Sky Ouranos and a level 6 adventurer.

"Sorry for your inconvenience, but hear us first before deciding, you might find this valuable" Fels.

Empress's eyes open inside the dark hood, her eyes glow with a red hue, intimidating everyone in the room.

The atmosphere becomes tense and silent.

It continued like this for a few minutes before it was broken by the Empress.

"This is the last time," Empress.

Fels nodded his head.

"Royman continued," After saying that Fels disappeared from everyone's sight.

Cough! "Let's continue then," Royman.

Everyone nodded their heads.

"So according to the testimony and some information given by Captain Commander Senjura, this creature already appeared 90 years ago, and they continue to appear every night and attack in horde every decade, the Captain Commander and his forces tried to eliminate them from their roots, but it was unsuccessful, and because of this, Captain Commander decided to just maintain the status quo, each time these creatures attack in horde no one died thanks to the Hunters, so there isn't much to lost in taking this decision, that is why they left them alone, this is the only time that the status quo broke down, by a massive assault from the Creatures last night." Royman.

"So this thing already appeared long ago huh?" Tsubaki.

Royman nodded.

"This is a must tough to deal with if the Captain Commander left them alone for almost a century." Tsubaki.

"Something doesn't add up, based on the strength of the 9 Knight Division, why they can't eliminate them?" Finn asks while biting his aching thumb.

Royman didn't say anything.

Finn frowned.

Royman saw Finn's reaction and said, "The specific was classified so sorry, I can't tell you."

Finn frowned and became even deeper.

Royman sighed and continued to speak all the necessary information that the guild collected except for the classified.

"That's all, so who wanted to answer the request?"

Only three agreed, which are the Zeus, Hera, and Hermes Familia. Afterward, Royman Ended the meeting.

(Character IMAGE.



Airmid Teasanare.

Shakti Varma.

Tsubaki Collbrande.

Jones Willberks.

Finn Daimne


Alise Lovel.

Asfi Andromeda.)