
King Ekron - Anthology

Another side of dreams, and fears of mankind. Now we live in a world Gaia, where we seek for the truth. Ekron son and descendant of Karlyn. He must face his own fears. He must face the fears as a conquest. Today he is the King. Living in a dystopian world.

plvicente · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Monologue Part 1

My name was Bathryl, King of all Kingdoms, the Father of Bathleron. My name has been forgotten, where I shed tears for blood. Over these wars, these tears I shed were devilishness on Men's belief.

Men today forgot how the creed save us all, over times and times. Belief, faith have gone as form of believe. Men no shed tears no more, even for family. I am here to tell how I have been forgotten, a taste of a Man, a soul's believer. I had a fellowship where we can count on it. Now, are vanished and vanquished.

All began around 30 years ago. When I began my struggles to reunite Bathleron, fighting against the 5 cabals. There wasn't peace over 25 years. I was a Colonel, shedding tears too. Wishing for coming back home. These wars, wars against Cabals. People capable to travel over new horizons, new universes.

They are a companion, a fellowship of 5 cabals, armies, families, to conquer Bathleron. A new order, new way to conquer new brave worlds. These new brave worlds new cities to breed.

I survived to these wars, these cleansing. Wype out people. Where all men now!? Are inside me now!?

We now listen the child screaming on my head like a song of the dead. I cannot remember how this happen. Our men are in sorrow, always have been. Our tech gone, our knowledge gone, stolen to make a purpose to Cabals. We live now Dark Reigns. What is Dark Reigns? How we became that? A lot of questions to be made. A life to be recovered, life to be ours. Today I will write to all Men, a letter to be our statement of war. Another war, a war to reclaim our lands, our Planet. Today we need to be patriotic, a Men of Land. No A Man's Land.

Dark Reign

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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