
King David: God of Death

G.O.D God of death is the title given to the top ranked player in Eltra, a game where magic and cultivation coexist. Demons, Elves, Beastmen, Dragons, Angels, and Gods our your friendly neighbors…or not….your choice. David found himself transmigrated into a world when the game…Eltra… was released the same day. With his system full of loopholes, he received [Ding! Binding King's system to game character King David …20%…67…90%…100%] [Ding! Binding successful… King's system in game functions activated] [Ding! You received a gift box for successfully binding to a game character] [Ding! You received the newbie's gift box] [Ding! You received the title 'Favored'] [Ding! You received ….. He starts his journey by playing MMORPG’s, synchronize stats…build his own world and connecting…. and soon becoming the most powerful man on the planet…universe… [ You cleared all stages gaining 45,000 exp points] [ Ding! Successfully triggered the x1000 amplifier] [ You received 45,000,000 exp points] Join G.O.D on his journey to uncover his purpose in this universe. ( The name of companies, cities, locations and products might be same or similar to the ones we have….and I will give the difference if there is any…. Thank you). Note: The profile is not mine. Please if you are the owner comment and I will remove it. English is not my first language so bear with me. Thanks again for reading my Webnovel. Hope you enjoy it.

King_Sparo · Fantasy
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18 Chs

4. First kill reward

David entered the forest following his map to avoid groups of players and headed to a red spot on the map, which indicates a monster.

After walking on a particular direction for a few minutes, he saw his target or to be specific, targets. With a thought the system panel popped up with info about the monsters.

[ lvl3 Raged mole]

[ Description: a common species found in and around newbie's villages with high attacks and low defense]

[ Hp: 250

Attack: 20

Agility: 6

Defense: 10]

[ skills: none]

These moles are pink and densely crowded at the location, if it were in his previous life, he would surely turn around and run as far as possible from here.

But that wasn't the case this time, he took out his stemmed sword for the first time which looked exactly like a wooden sword, he stepped out from behind the tree and immediately attracted the attention of the moles.

These half-human sized moles quickly approached and attacked head on without any strategy. Low level monsters has very low intelligence which don't even show in their stat info panel.

David held the stemmed sword with one hand and watched the moles closing the distance between them.

After the got into his attack range, he casually waved his hand with the stemmed sword and just like that four moles falls down with red digits flying on top of their heads.





[ You killed a lvl3 raged mole +180 exp]

[ You leveled up to lvl2, you received 6 stats points]

[ You killed a lvl3 raged mole +180 exp]

[ You leveled up to lvl3, you received 6 stats


[ You killed a lvl3 raged mole +18 exp]

Since the mole is 2 levels higher the experience gained are three times the actual exp. Per each level difference the experience gained are increased by x1.

A lvl3 mole gives 30 exp, with the level difference he gets 90 exp per kill and with his title's effect level booster, the 90 exp is doubled making it 180 exp per kill.

The damage dealt are exactly the total number of hp the target had resulting in instant kills.

It did not take long for him to clear the place, during which he emitted faint blue lights which showed he leveled up.

The corpses vanished leaving behind same amount of drops; 1 silver coin each and x2 raged mole canine each.

David could not expect much from a low level monster as monsters below lvl5 don't even have skills or additional effects. Even getting this silver coin is because of his exaggerated luck, as the drop rate of a silver coin for monsters below lvl5 are almost 0.

Most players drop a few tens of copper coins or even lower, to drop a silver coin is considered extremely lucky.

The raged moles were 9 in total making the total loot 9 silver coins and x18 raged mole canine. He careful picked each item and placed them in his inventory before proceeding to his next target, deeper into the forests.

He checked his stats once more

King David

Title(s): Favored

Profession: none (can choose at lvl 5)

Level: 4

Exp: 195/500

Hp: 240

Mana: 33/33

Attack: 48

Defense: 42


Strength: 24

Agility: 27

Constitution: 21

Intelligence: 39


Active skills: none

Passive skills: none

Critical hit rate: 5%

Skill points(Sp): 0

Attribute points(Ap): 18

Gold coins:0.09

Inventory: x2 gift box]

He leveled up three conservative times and received 18 Ap in total(changing stat points to attribute points), players get 2 Ap per each level up and with the effect of his title, it became 6 Ap per level up.

The experience needed to level up to lvl5 also increased to 20 times that of lvl1.

His stats did not change much except for his hp which almost doubled. The players get +10 hp when they level up below lvl5, making his actual hp 80 points and with the effect of the title it became 240 hp points which is three times.

Players receive one point to all attributes per a normal level up and five points per major level up, major level ups are the bottle nicks at level 5, 10, 20, 40, 50 and others.

They also receive 2 points per normal level up to their stats mana, attack, and defense each. Major level up would be five times the normal level up points.

With this he have to kill 20 more lvl3 monsters to level up to lvl5. It might feel quite easy for him to level up quickly but he knows it is all because of the King's system.

It did not take long to find his next targets with the help of the holographic map, he could see the levels of these monsters. He chose lvl5 monsters now, but they seem to act differently from the lower level monsters.

They are not crowded and are mostly a group of two at most. David knew the lesser the number the greater the risk and the greater the loot.

Currently David is standing in front of an ancient cave in the deeper parts of the southern forest behind the newbie's village. His map showed multiple red spots in the cave.

On his way here he encountered several lvl3 and lvl 4 monsters but did not any exp from them, it's seems the system blocks experience gained from same or lower level kills.

Even though he received no experience, he still got the drops of 1 silver coin each and x2 moles teeth of different colors. His total kills on his way here is 23, dropping a total of 23 silver coins and x46 mole canine.

David took out his stemmed sword and entered the cave which immediately was followed by a public announcement sent to all players ears and world chat.

[ The first dungeon has been found by an anonymous player, grind there to level up faster and gain unexpected rewards]

[ The first dungeon has been found by an anonymous player, grind there to level up faster and gain unexpected rewards]

[ The first dungeon has been found by an anonymous player, grind there to level up faster and gain unexpected rewards]

Three messages rung in everyone's ears and was tagged at the top of the world chat. This erupted in uproar on the chat.

Red cloud: "Mr. anonymous please contact me am the leader of the red cloud guard to be"

Drunk: "Brother at least create the guard first, I am the second leader of the wine shop guard please contact me first"

Justcallme00: "why are you guards trying to contact him, he should just place the location here for everyone right?"


As the players fought over who David should contact, he just ignored the announcements as the scene before him was quite shocking.

The inner part of the cave is several times larger and with mysterious and intricate patterns from the floor touching the ceiling.

The spacious room had only three huge doors with different colors on top of it's entrances. They signified the level of difficulty for each door; blue for easy, red for intermediate and black for expert.

He did not think about it that much and went through the black door.

The scene changed to a large platform and he heard the game count down 3…2…1 dungeon activated.

Suddenly dozens of tiger-like creatures with pure white furs and a few dark spots in them appeared on the other end of the stage and immediately run towards him crazily.

The speed of the creatures were formidable but they were unlucky to meet David as it seemed normal for him.

[ lvl5 White tiger]

[ A tiger with pure white furs as hand as rocks granting a great defense and is highly recommended for it's speed and defense ]

[ Attributes

Hp: 600

Attack: 120

Agility: 60

Defense: 200

Intelligence: 2]

[ Skills: Claw slash]

Claw slash doubles the attack dealt by the white tiger with it's claws and teeth.

After inspecting the attributes of one of the white tigers, one was already close to him about to attack him, he had no ranged attacks so he could only wait for this moment.

David slashed his sword towards the tiger, hitting it in the head and that was instant kill.


He did not receive any experience but did not even notice as he kept swinging his sword towards the incoming white tigers with each swing making an instant kill.

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