
Remember Your Place

It's been three months since arriving at the Cloud Castle. And no, nothing eventful has occurred. In the past months, just as he said, Zachary announced that I would become his high priestess. Since then, I've been taking daily classes to further understand my abilities and strengthen my body.

"Lady Klaw, there you are!" Well. . .except for my maids and butlers. Mari, not Mary. . .M-are-ee, weird, I know, is my head maid. She is a lady late in her years but has the spirit of no other. I like to call her grams. . .she does not appreciate it.

Acting innocent and pasting a 'I didn't do it' smile on my face, I ask, "What might I do for you grams?" I put emphasis on the grams part. Although it may seem I'm being disrespectful, I actually look up to Mari a lot. She not only deals with teaching me etiquette, but also deals with managing a lot of my affairs.

Mari's face stiffens slightly and she sneers before hitting me on the back on the head. Although I say hit, it's more like a heavy pat to remind me that I am rude. Remembering her reason for being here, Mari says, "His Highness will be visiting today with High Priest Malikai. You need to prepare yourself. After all, your priestess training in nearing its end." A tinge of sadness coats her voice. I am somewhat surprised. We are at least four days from the Cloud Castle. Then I remember they have teleportation magic.

I smile softly and grab her hand. "Don't worry Mari. I don't plan on leaving you unemployed. You are a great worker and a respected elder." Plus, she was Malikai's wet nurse. . .so there's that too.


"Let me come too!" As I enter Zachary's study, I hear Skylar's high pitched voice ring out. It's not hard to know what she's talking about.

"No." Zachary's face has dark circles and his voice is its usual monotone self. Since sending Kippy to training, it's gotten busy with those two mages trying to create a war.

I wonder how Kippy is. "Why not? She's my friend too!!!" Soon after I hear His Highness stand up and walk out, tapping my shoulder telling me it's time. I nod and follow. I pause for a second and turn back towards Skylar and say, "Remember your place Skylar. He isn't in a good mood."


A knock from the door grabs my attention. A soft and small voice calls, "Lady Klaw, I have your clothing prepared." I tell her to come in. A girl, small as a twig, comes in. She is only thirteen and has platinum blonde hair and gray eyes. Over the last three months, she has become the maid, other than Mari, I have gotten closes to. In her hands is a royal blue skirt with a matching long sleeved coat. I glimpse at it to see a white shirt and. . .a corset. I hate corsets. Who in there right minds wants to have their internal organs compacted in such a painful thing?

"Bring it to me Snow." The maid does as I tell her. Although I have gotten use to most things, having others dress me isn't one of them. I have her help me with the corset and then shoo her away. She is a nice girl. I wonder, should take her with me? Shaking off the thought for the moment, I finish getting ready.


"Your Majesty." The guards bow to me before opening the large doors of the castle. I had decided it would be best to use the teleportation magic outside seeing as how it can be rather messy at times. Noticing Malikai's steps following close behind, I continue towards a patch of field outside of the castle that happens to be part of my private land. "Ready?" I am given a stern look from Malikai. I really shouldn't expect much else. "Let us go then." Before long, we use a magical gem to teleport us.