
King's lover from future

She got into accident after she wake up she found herself in past time .She say to herself where I am and who are these people.

Kiran_Bhigchandani · History
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where I am

After some time she open her eye and found herself in middle of forest and her clothes are changed into something old fashioned but quality was so good .

She started to remembering what has happened where is she and who has changed her clothes. Suddenly horse come to her .

She got scared but his time horse was claimed and also scared.But she was thinking why he is scared.so to claim him she offered him some food to eat and Started to talk to him . Soon she became very friendly and she notice that horse clothes were also change into something prince queen horse type .

Some soldiers came in front of her and try to catch the horse and horse was not agree to go with them . He beaten the soldiers and came to Hayden and started to touch her hand by his tongue.

Then one of soldier think to bring the girl along with horse to palace so that horse will come to palace and then their life be saved if not then prince will killed them .

So They forcefully make Hayden come to palace . And their plan worked as the horse follow the Hayden to palace.when Hayden reached the palace she was shock to see their building structure and beautiful things surrounding her .She was thinking where I am and in 20 century there are still this thing are used , they are so old fashioned .

Then one soldier ask her ," what is your name ? Where are you from? And how our loyal horse is soo fond of you?"

Hayden replied My name is Hayden and I am from Chicago . I offered him some food and talk to him that is why he is fond of me.

( Hayden was sweet 18 year old girl and she replied to question clasuly )

What are you talking about? Are you ill . There is no such place in this world that you are saying.

Hayden was shock that soldier don't know her city. Then she realise something and ask soldier what is this year ?

Soldier say 15 century but why are you asking.

Then soldier said we will find your parents and inform them you are here and to take you back so stay in guest room .

(After soldier left the room and Hayden started thinking)

What! This is 15 century .