
king's game

14 days 14 games all for the crown death betrayal love this novel has it all.

sunny_moonlight · Urban
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a dethroned king

it was a foggy day and a sad one too, a group of people dressed in green are gathered around a hollow tree with a hole in the top the tree is huge a woodwell priest is standing in front of the tree and he starts his speech "the king may not be able to breath but your not dead until forgotten and he will be remembered" the woodwell priest said

as the woodwell priest is done the king's wife goes up to give her speech "he may be a king to you guys but he is my husband my friend he is Rotgor he wasn't just a king he was a father and without him here the sun doesn't shine as bright" the queen consort said tears willing up

"it's time put the coffin in" the woodwell priest to the knights standing next to the coffin they lift up the coffin and go to the tree they put the coffin down and tie it then pull and they put the king inside using the rope and then they let go of the rope and the coffin falls in after that the people gathered around pick up the already staked wood and one torch they pass the one torch and burn the wood after that they all throw the burning wood to the tree, there was something magical in the way the fire looked the tree took an hour to burn fully the fire was so bright that common folks could see it even though the fire was on a mountain


the queen consort on the balcony with two guards one on each side she is holding a paper and everyone in the kingdom is there below the balcony"the king has chosen that his heir be picked by six games and the winner of these games is going to be king the people that are playing the game are already chosen and there names will be revealed tomorrow"the queen consort said and left with her guards

"it's fine son I'll fix it who saw you I'll get rid of them she's just a common folks don't you worry get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow" lamoril says to her son and he goes away and the she looks it the knight in her room

she goes to sit on her chair and peel's a banana and eats it while looking at the guard after she's done she says "that fucking king I marry him and he doesn't even pick our children as heir's that fat fucking prick he and I had sex as dry as a desert an eleven year old could have done better in bed having to live through all that shit and getting nothing out of it that oversized pig I swear on my name lamoril that I will never forgive him" the queen consort said well moving closer to the guard and taking her clothes off

"I I took an oath I can't am sorry queen consort"the guard said moving a bit back but barely any further he stays there waiting for her to get closer his minds say's to go but something deep down is making him stay

"it's fine it will be our little secret I know you want this" the queen consort said well taking of his helmet and armor

the guard turned silent and let her continue " look at what we're doing I think where way past titles where on first name bases"lamoril said taking him in the direction of her bed it this point all she is wearing is her bra and underwear she pushes him on the bed he doesn't resist and she sits on top of him


"wow is that how it's supposed to feel now I get why people are addicted to this the king and his fat ass could barely move am surprised we even made two children" lamoril said barely able too move her mouth from exhaustion

"okey get dressed"the queen consort said as she was leaving her bed to go to her closet and change

she chooses to wear a purple and gold dress with a pattern of a wolf barely noticeable

"one more thing before we go"the queen consort says as she gets closer to him the knight closes his eyes ready for a kiss when he here's the lamoril say "you didn't think I would let you live after you heard me say all that crap about that pig that you call king did you?"

lamoril goes to her nightstand where a cup of wine sits she throw the wine she poisoned to the floor and says "this has been fun while it lasted goodbye"

"he is trying to poison me help" the queen consort says as loud as she could multiple times and moment's later guard's came rushing in


later the queen is sitting on a bench and staring at the head of a man with a little bit of wine in the wineglass and a lot more in her stomach she says "sad you had to go you were fun it's not your fault it's my children sure your fun but I'd have killed you a million times just for my kids to smile"

she then sigh's and say's"why am I even talking too you you've been quiet today haven't you why aren't you talking"she picks up a stick and pokes him with it to see if he responds fine I'll leave you alone"she then stand's up and goes back to her room