

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs

WELL... IT'S A START (Ch. 3)

After several days of putting of school Raven returns to school, he could hear the murmurs as he passed the school gates, (i really used this body didn't i?, everything looks so small..... I'm really not used to the height not to mention the stairs)

Raven could feel it, it wasn't just the height, his senses felt sharper, making his real body feel like he'd been wadding through murky waters.

"Damn he's hot"Raven picked the statement from farther than what he'd thought possible

"Oh wow a new student?, What department is he in?"

Raven walked pass listening in on the murmurs as he heads to the school registrar, though he'd seen this in his old school, watching the girls fawn over the opposite sex, (it's quite different when you're on the recieving end, I'm really not a fan of all this attention, better to keep a low profile, i still don't know enough about this body)

he'd never experienced this before, it seemed like people where actually happy to see him, knocking on the office door a stern voice calls out in response

"Come in"

Stepping into the room the lady who seemed in her late twenties with brunette hair and a pair of glasses remained focused on her work,


"Raven Voss"


"New transfer" Raven replies displeased with her attitude, Rummaging through a bundle of files she pulls his file out before flipping through it with experienced hands, Raven catches her eyebrows lift with a glance at his profile, turning upward swiftly she's visibly shocked by the sight before her, turning back to the picture on his profile she switches between the two a few times before speaking.

"Raven Voss?"

"In the flesh ma'am"

"Cheeky aren't you"

"I try" he replies swiftly shocking himself, (i feel different in this body, i wouldn't usually give responses this way)

"Class A down the hall on your left"

Raven nods before turning to exit,

"Hold on" she states causing him to freeze in his tracks, a few seconds later Raven speaks up impatiently

"Ma'am is there a reason why i'm waiting?"

"What do you think?"

Pursing his lips he holds his response, a few minutes go by when an average heightened man in a brown suit walks in,

"He's the new transfer student"

The man opens his mouth to reply before reneging, turning to Raven who greets he grunts before walking out of the office

"Follow him" her stern voice states from behind him. Exiting the office, tracing the class down he exhales before knocking,

"Come in" the man says, sliding the door open, he steps forward (i hope i won't get bullied , this body looks like some one who'd be popular), stepping into the room he walks up beside the teacher facing the class

"He's the new transfer, introduce yourself" the mans weary voice states,

"hello, my name is Raven voss and i look forward to working with you all"

(though it's easier to be confident in this body it's still quite unnerving, i need to avoid making eye contact with anyone) Raven barrels his sight straight ahead looking into empty space,

"take the empty seat" the teacher states pointing beside a brown haired boy before turning to exit the class, Raven looks up to see the girls staring him down salaciously and the boys sending indifferent looks or unfriendly glares, looking to his seat he spots the good looking brown haired teen with sharp features. High tilted eyes, hair parted with gel?, It seemed to glitter in sunlight coming through the window and the teen himself in a black fitted sweater covering his uniform,

"Hey" raven greets,

(i need to make a good impression)

"Yo" the brown haired kid replies, hand rested on his chin,

"Hey, I'm laura" a voice speaks up from beside him, "your quite handsome aren't you" the female voice states, turning towards the voice he finds the girl giving him an oscar worthy smile,

(Wow she's hot), Raven blushes almost glaring at her forehead to give some semblance of calm eye contact,

"Hey, I'm Raven" he manages to avoid looking stupid, noticing the hostile looks of his female classmates he trails their stares towards the girl infront of him,

"She always does this, this bitch" he hears one of them murmur from the end of the class, that snaps him somewhat out of his daze as he forces himself to keep a level head

"Yo laura stop pestering the new kid and get your ass to your seat"

Raven turns to his brown haired seat mate (he's this way even to girls huh?)

"Aww Jay, what are you even talking about?" Laura replies cocking her head to the side with an innocent stare

"Fuck i can't stand you bitch!"

"That's enough Jay,let it go"

"But Maya sh.."

"Enough!" She cut's him off sternly before turning to Raven "hey I'm Maya nice to meet you" the girl named Maya states with an out stretched hand before shooting him a smile.

Raven trying to hide his nervousness gives a smile while taking her hand. Failing to notice he'd held on longer than necessary, sensing ill intent he turns to meet Jay's burning glare, he leans back,

"You can let my hand go now"

Only then did he realize he'd never let her hand go, (shit now they think i'm some kind of creep, why's her face red though?, she's probably embarrassed)

Jay glares Raven down even harder,

"great we've got a male whore on our hands" he murmurs

"Alright everyone to your seats!" Another teacher states while walking in before turning to the board.

Class goes by quickly and Raven walks up to the teacher to get the run down on the school structure, the teacher grumbles incongruently before speaking,

"As you should know by now saiyan high is mainly an arts school and despite being basically dirt cheap it's admittance standard makes up for that. I won't lie to you kid your grades are a lot different from what the entrance test states, if I didn't know any better I'd almost believe you'd cheated" the man concludes staring Raven down who freezes up instantly.

"Moving on, Saiyan high is one of the best in the country, there are various art departments and most that attend this school either goes on to become actors, directors. Artist, tech aids etcetera etcetera you know the gist, frankly put we're the best of the best, (at least the best a semi public school can get), there are several departments

The sport dept, Tech dept, Vocal, dance, We've got it all, though we are more arts inclined, I'm guessing you choose the Fashion dept because of your looks, (though most of those kids are barely over average looking), you'll need to meet the secretary if you have any more questions"

Raven watches as the teacher walks of before turning back towards class,

The school day quickly flies by, Raven finally escapes his enthusiastic class mates before beginning the walk home (I'm going to have to get a job, i really can't feed and clothe two bodies with my allowance)

By chance Raven looks to see a flier of a grocery store looking for someone to man their counter and walks in, walking up to the counter he sees who appears to be the store manager, The man stares for a bit before inquiring about what Raven wants,

"Um i'm here for the job?"

"Oh for the interview?, No need your highered"… (with his looks pulling customers will be nothing),

"Um no not for me but for a friend of mine and it's on the night shift post", (what a weird way to conduct your business) Raven muses

"Hmm, well where is this friend of yours?"

"Well sir he's home, i don't have my cellphone on me so i'll go over and get him here, my name's Raven by the way and um so is his" he responds in fluster while managing not to stutter under the mans piercing gaze

Hmm alright i'll wait for him, if he's up to the task then i'll take him, but are you really sure you don't want to work here kid?, The pays good and it's not a lot of work"

"thank you sir but i'm going to pass, maybe next time but this is for a friend. Really"

After a few minutes of trying to convince Raven the store manager finally relents.