

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


"Eat up!" Jarrett calls stuffing food into his mouth,

"You fucking psycho, we're not ment to be here, this is a fucking funeral" one of the fams boy's spoke up,

"We payed the thirty credit entrance fee so it's fine" Jarrett responded nonchalantly,

"That was condolence money you dumbass!" The boy called out exasperatedly,

"Shut up and eat!, Since when have you cared about something like this anyway?" The fams 'Dad' Drew called,

"Um where's he going?, Becky called curiously drawing the attention of the other members as Jarrett casually picks up the condolence box containing money and waltz's back to them, yes 'waltz' before being intercepted by one of the attendees whose shout quickly draws the attention of others, Becky springs to action screaming loudly,


The attendees though skeptical still maintain ample distance with the man blocking Jarrett losing his focus on the boy long enough for him to bolt for the doors with the fam members close behind him, they all quickly fit into the high lux truck before making their way away,

"Did you get the box?", Jarrett called,

"Left it" Drew calls, "we can't afford the real police coming at us",

"Then what about the truck's plate number?" The previous teen inquires.

"It's a burner" Jarrett states not bothering to explain further as they arrived at their complex,

"You guys drop here, we're going to deliver a package" Drew ordered

"Head office?" The teen called taking Drews silence as confirmation.

Watching as the truck speeds into the distance.

"What's head office?",


"Aren't we all Runaways?" Jarrett inquires with furrowed eyebrows,

"Technically yes, factually no, the Dad's are the only recognized members, the tattoo we have somewhere on our bodies mostly semi visible are our identification cards"

"Wow wow wow so you have a tattoo?" Jarrett inquires with comically widened eyes,

(Should i really be telling this psycho any of this?)

"Show me, show me" Jarrett called incessantly, Drew pulled his sleeve down to his elbow and there on his forearm was a small r written in cursive, "so 'Dad's get special privileges?"

"Yeah, and all the risk, were the only ones with any form of direct contact with head office after-all, we hand over goods that are too...'precarious' to be sold through normal means and hand over the monthly fee for protection, Take the next left" he calls, "we're here" he states as the two exit the truck and head towards the scraggly old event venue, the multiple windows piled on the huge building was covered in so much dust that it blocked away all light, at least all the light that nighttime could afford, heading in through the desolate building they slowly approach a pair of impossibly imposing doors even more frightening due to their aged appearances, beside the two doors are two youths in their late teens guarding the doors,

"What fam are you from?",

"Drew fam", checking through a long list of names he nods to the other who speaks out again,

"Insignia", Drew complies rolling down his sleeve to show his tattoo,

"Who's he?"

"I'm J..."

"A member, he's new" Drew speaks up interjecting Jarrett,

"We're probably going to be dealing with the 'Uncles', please don't do anything crazy" he pleads as they push the doors wide allowing the two in, Drew pauses before surveying and finding three silhouette's not two which would mean,

(No fucking way!, Father's here!),

"Uncles over here!" Jarrett calls waving while laughing maniacally at the three, "i want to be an uncle too!",

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" Drew screams trying to get the resisting boy away,

"Man another interview?, I got my hopes up for the because he'd said there was a former CERBERUS HD, i really don't have time to waste" the silhouette on the left spoke as the two on the sides stepped into the light,

(The uncles!), To the left was a teen with a mean mug and heavy beared complimented by his big frame and short hair and to his side was a teen who looked thirty slightly shorter with a thin frame and shaggy hair,

"Charlie, you're up", the silhouette still in the dark spoke

"Always cause I'm the second, please pass, i really want a junior" he spoke up nonchalantly.

A sharp knee to the face sends Jarrett tumbling with blood dripping out his lips, picking at it he stands walking up to charlie before using the blood to draw across his forehead,

"What a fucking waste of my time", a knee to the gut follows bringing the boy to his knees, he stands again continuing the drawing when a knee to the crotch leaves him squirming,

The silhouette within the dark laughed hard causing Charlie to turn to inquire why only for a single gesture to burst him into rage, a star connecting his forehead tattoo with all his face piercings, turning towards Jarrett who chuckled loudly behind him with seething rage he tries desperately to keep his cool,

"I...uch...i just couldn't help it, mommy thought me to always finish my drawing books", *bam* a right hook form Charlie connects followed by several consecutive hits, Jarrett grips his dick hard drawing a yelp from him, before poking his eyes and delivering a hook,

"Fuck!, I should've brought my sock" he exclaims

"Five points" Charlie calls softly before slowly closing in on him,

"Timeout timeou!t" he calls, "you're really really really strong, it's only fair i get a weapon" Jarrett calls while crouching to pull one of his socks,

"What the hell are you going to do with a s...." Charlie drops to the side unconscious, as Jarrett waltzed around his body spinning his stone filled sock,

"You pass" the silhouette behind the darkness concludes.

Raven having had Ary come over and book the two a room at the hotel he glares down at the now conscious members of the fam,

"Sooo, Runaways make their money through forcing girls into prostitution, what's next slave trade?" Raven muses his eyes quickly going wide at the expressions the fam wore, "speak!" He growls,

"We're actually one of the better fams, the worse one's actually force their female members into prostitution and the better looking male members to be gigolos, we were given an order a few months ago to catch and hand over runaway kids over the age of six and under the age of thirteen, i don't know what they use them for though"

"How do you communicate with the main branch" Raven inquires

"Through public group chats, things like"

"Diskord" Raven interjects, "get me in" the head pulls his phone before adding Raven to the group then recommending him to receive the insignia by giving a certain password, a location is sent in reply and Raven wastes no time in exiting and heading over to the location as fast as possible,

"James!, Pick a phone, and we'll be in touch, welcome to the family", Father called,

"Okay" he responds before picking the whole crate of phones and making a dash for it, the standing uncle moves to give chase, but he signals him to stop while laughing maniacally,

"my my what an unruly son" he chides before jumping through the air and landing in the light, 'Father' a five eight teen with dreadlocks and a tattoo on his cheek and bandanna on his fore head virtual disappears after a loud boom ensues, the remaining uncle glances at his phone to see a notification of the intruder code, FR,

(A fake huh), "leave" he calls out to Drew who complies with much glee, "Charlie!, I know you're up, c'mon we've got work to do".

The seemingly unconscious body performs a flip stand and is on its feet,

"Go easy on the interviewees he said, if you're serious they won't pass he said, i really should've just destroyed him, who the hell uses a sock rock?"

"We're not one to talk either" the other calls, "we've got an intruder",

"Cleanup on aisle seven i guess".

Raven makes good time in reaching the desolate event ground, surveying the area continuously as he stepped into the building, walking down the path he comes before the two impossibly imposing doors before using a kick to push them open,

{Wise choice},

"So you're the fake?, You've got a lot of balls to show up alone"

"I'm on duty Charles, he's mine" Charlie called stepping up towards Raven,

"Are you a part of the RUNAWAYS?"

"And what if i a..." Charlie goes reeling from the abrupt hook Raven delivers, Raven goes in for a follow up but is caught by a feint and hit, shrugging off the hit Raven goes for a one two but Charlie catches one on the forehead and another with a guard,

"Trained fighters are always much easier to read, your movements are so fucking honest",

{Unfortunately not much can make up for experience},

(Experience?) Raven smiles,

Charlie feigns a Jab before diving in and grabbing his chain, shifting behind him and pulling hard, Raven falls to his palm before delivering a semi flying kick he'd copied from Vin, Charlie coughs out the blood clogged in his throat before going on the attack,

"This fucker hit's like a freight train!" Charlie growled feigning a jab then going for an under hook, Raven is faster an mimics him perfectly catching him with his, Charles watched with absolute shock,

(He copied the timing?, That's not something you can just watch and learn!),

Falling back Charlie begins to feel the ware from the heavy hits,

(I need to finish this),

Raven lunges in with a kick and Charlie moves to block but is spun a whole one eighty and barely conscious once it connects,

(It dodged my guard?),

"Charlie!" Charles calls

"I'm fine!" He growls with his face bloody, Raven follows with a karate punch and Charlie takes it with his forehead minimizing impact but his eyes go wide at the sight if a follow up that connects straight to his face sending him up several feet in the air before a Charles's palm takes the brunt of Raven's finishing blow, from now i'll be joining this fight,

{Round two huh},

(Yeah, Fucking round two).