

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


Jay swerves back avoiding a right hook to the face, crashing his fist into the ribs of the five nine one twenty lbs teen in front of him and sending him crashing to the side the other three hesitate to attack, wasting no time he pounces on the stamping his feet firmly against ground before deliverying his favourite right hook to the firsts jaw knocking him out cold, the remaining two pick up attacking proactively but Jay charges using a jab to the nose to force the forward man who shouts at the sound of it's sickening crack back, the one behind him picks up but is blindsided by a full palm obstructing his view followed by the world going black, Jay wastes no time forcing all of the four awake before leveling a picture of Jasmine before,

"Do you know her?"

"No we don't"

"I'll kill you if you fucking lie to me" he states in a rather uncharacteristically calm tone frightening the young men,

"I swear!" Another calls

"Then have you seen her?" He inquires

"No we haven't!, There are to many fams to count",

"Damn it!" sighing Jay smashes his fist into the wall leaving a faint outline, these four where the fourth group he'd pummeled into the ground this night, it'd occurred to him fighting multiple combatants even untrained ones shouldn't have been so easy, but he'd chalked it up to his coaches self highly acclaimed 'breathing technique' whatever that meant, his patience was waning and very quickly at that, he wanted this done and done now, exhaling deeply he glances towards the four on their knees,

"Scram!" He bellows causing the four to hesitate before making haste away, pulling up his hood he pockets his phone as he allows his all black silhouette blend into the midnight darkness.

Jarrett dong still in his now tired white suit spots a pair of naturally built teens both more fat than muscles, the four young men behind him being a part of his desired fam had instructed him to perform something akin to an induction ceremony ritual, the request? Simple commit a crime, they believed this would restrain them somewhat to the fam what they didn't know was who they'd thought crazy was actually both that and insane, medically.

Jarrett walks up to the two whose attentions are focused on their phones and now upon closer inspection he could tell they were brothers, or heavily related, not that that mattered any. Without much need for question Jarrett holds the sock mask he'd once worn which was now filled with rocks before swinging hard and knocking out one of the two, the other recoils hesitating due to the abruptness and shock of the situation only to drop unconscious a moment later as Jarrett dances over them twirling his slightly bloodied weapon excitedly,

"So fun!, Might have to do it twice!",

"There's no nee....." The blonde dyed teen with his brown underoots who'd approached him as the leader of the group calls out only to fall silent at the sight of the boy hoping into their military style highlux truck,

"Wow wow wow it's much different than a bumper" he calls as the others watch him guardedly. Igniting the car he slowly rolls it forward while the blonde teen nervous to lose his authority smashes a vending machine with a rock barely jumping back as the truck reverses into it,

"Good idea guys!, Let's take it all!", He shouts urging the boys to assist in loading it unto the truck only to glance back before reversing into another one that's down the street and repeating the process much to their 'leaders' fearful dismay,

(The cops are coming for us no doubt, this guy, we're fucked!),

With no choice in the matter they make their way to a rundown apartment complex,

"We're one if the better doing fams" the blonde calls,

"Hey drew who's she?" His subordinate calls as a the boys now inside their fams apartment turn towards the girl somewhat attractive girl seated and talking to the fams girls off to the side,

"Hey!, Who's she?" Drew calls,

"Shut it dumbass" the females head calls in reply, "she's new",

"What's the name?" Drew inquires watching as the girl stared at him before replying,


The darkness bleeds into the night and Raven and the girls find themselves alone on the building roof conversing lightly now that he'd confirmed they where generally unaware of the kind of organization they where involved with, he'd come to know they hadn't joined long, barely two weeks actually, their parents had died and they'd escaped from their uncle who was their guardian when he'd tried to molest them, Raven could see why from a purely carnal point, but he found the notion especially from one's own blood disgusting, while they spoke both Raven and Silver had long since noticed the presence of the people coming towards them,

"Hey!, Gets changed you slut, it's time" a fat man with two others spoke up towards the girls,

"Time for wha..."

"I'm sorry" Ary said softly with obvious melancholy as she stood to approach the three,

"Wait!, She goes this time" the fatty called pointing towards Alexa who grit her teeth before pulling her sister back, Raven attempting to follow his pushed back stumbling to his bum,

"Listen her pretty boy your job here is to be a maid at best"

"Where's she going?" Raven inquires,

"Earning her keep" one of the two present responds

"How?" He inquires,

"None of your business!" The other called before striking him across the cheek, before they both exit,

"They make us go over to bars, chat up desperate men, then get them to a hotel and send them the address, it's not hard work, they haven't touch us yet we j..."

"Shh... it's fine" Raven called embracing the girl who'd unbeknownst to herself had started to leak tears,

"Do you know where they could be?"

"Right now?, Probably at the 'west side', it's a bar at...",

"I know it" Raven interjects, "and the hotel"

"Hour's Home it's at...."

"I'll find it Ary, wait here i'll be back in a jiff" he replies before bolting straight toward's the hotel, Raven arrives in good time to spot the Alexa heading into the hotel with a middle-aged man in an office suit and glasses, heading toward's the doors he extends his senses listening until he catches their room number,

(Two five eight),

{A stalker, but a noble one}, Raven reigns back his chuckle before ordering a room not minding the hole it'd burned through his wallet having still not come to terms with the fact he was technically rich now, heading over to the room he finds the room moments later smashing the handle breaking it and door open with nothing but sheer strength, walking in his eyes contract as the fierce girl is pinned and struggling fiercely as she begs

{It would seem they'd intended to have him go through with things, they must have made contact, and he'd paid their desired amount},

Raven felt obliged to thank God he'd appeared ok the day they'd actually turn these two sweet girls into prostitutes, how was this any different from their uncle, the man having been startled by the sight leaps of her watching Raven guardedly until a kick from behind him connects with his manhood leaving him floored,

"C'mon we need to leave!" Alexa calls tensely,

{Too late},

A group of six walk in through the doors with the fams leader at the fore,

"What the hell!?, You slut! You got your boyfriend to save you huh?, We'll you better get your ass on that bed or your both dead!" He bellows,

"Take a seat" Raven calls towards Alexa,

"What?" Cones her confused reply

"Take a seat Alexa",

"Alright?" She says before seating tense a top the bed

"You're done!, After this if any of the fams see you two you can kiss your life goodbye, so what's it going to be?" The fam head called, her head falls with tightened hands before finally looking up in defeat,

"Just leave" she calls towards Raven,

"Just answer me this, is this what you want?"

"Does that matter, I'm useless if i can't earn my keep"

"Answer the goddamned questions Alexa, do you want this?" He called out challenging the girls strong spirit,

"No" she mumbled,

"Alright" he nods,

the head lunges for him but a single 'bitch' slap leaves him sprawling against the cupboards to the side,

"Dad!" The boys call rushing towards him,

"Dad?, What a fucking joke, you lot play pretend family so much i'd never had thought you'd force a highschool girl into being your prostitute",

the other members lunge in attack but Raven responds to that by giving each a serving of what their 'Dad' had, Raven turns to the girl who stares at him shocked,

{Behind you!}, Silver calls,

(I know),

Raven stretches out behind him catching the outswung bat with ease before turning to face the Fam head,

"You're a member of The RUNAWAYS right?, Take me to them" he calls before sending a hook that nocks him out cold.