

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


'Maya Jean please report to the principals office immediately after class', the secretary's voice called over the class coms, Her friend to her side turned to her with a questioning gaze as did many of her friends, she returned it with one that showed her obvious cluelessness, the class came to an end a few minutes later and she was up and on her way to the principal's office, upon entry she greets the principal before turning to the unkempt man who shifted in his seat ceaselessly,

"Good morning to you too Maya" the principal called, "this man hear is Mr Barns, Becky's father"

"Did something happen to her?" She inquires worriedly recalling the man who'd approached her two days earlier,

"It appears she's been missing for well over twenty-four hours, Mr Barns has tried all he can to reach her, he's her primarily to find out if she's been in contact with any of you"

"Well she hasn't been, not that i know of, i could try inquiring from my mates bu...."

"I'll do it" the man spoke up tensely.

"Alright, lead Mr Barns to your class, is there anything you might like to add?, Has anything peculiar occurred withing the past few days?"

"Well....", Giving both the briefing on what had happened on their outing both mens face grow grim,

"Thank's for your help Maya, it would seem we need to get the police involved, for now let Mr Barnes accompany you"

Bidding the principal farewell and exiting the office the two walk in silence, arriving back in class the classrooms attention quickly shifts to her, giving them the breakdown Jay frowns given his additional knowledge on the situation,

(Seems i'll be needing that brats help again),

Raven gives Kaytlin a glance, and she nods in response, Raven frowns while contemplating quite displeased by the sight of the girls father almost in tears, despite her crass reputation the class goes on in a grim atmosphere each person bearing their own theory's with Jay believing the most in his.

Break comes around and the class alight with new buzz as everyone stares into their phones, Raven and co alight with curiosity take a look at t cause of commotion only to find that everyone was ore occupied with account holding pictures of, Maya, Mari, Laura and co selling their worn clothes, each with selfies and cropped pictures, Jay snatches the phone as he glares into it absolutely seething,

Mari steps into the class with Dennis, Konan and Yanick in tow,

"I'm going to kill her!, It's her!"


"It's Becky, she's the seller!", The news rocks the class in exception to Kaytlin and Raven who'd gotten feedback from Klaus,

"Let's head over to the gym", Raven called as Jay's fury burned,

(I'm going to kill that bitch!), Determined to find her and out her bullshit to the cops once and for all he's stalled by the meeting called by Raven as the gang plan and decide to meet at the boxing clubs empty gym once school is over,

Raven is seated center of the ring with Laura to his left and Kaytlin beside her, Jay is seated to his right with Maya following next, Mari to her side with Dennis standing behind her, Konan and Yanick seated next.

"So what's the plan?" Jay inquires barely holding his fury,

"Klaus has a hit on her ip" Kaytlin said

"Where?" Jay inquires.

"Belgrade" Raven responded

"A Runaway fam" Konan states and Raven nods in response,

"What the hell are we waiting for?, Let's go" Jay states before exiting the gym as Maya tries desperately to will away her since reddened eyelids, i'll join one of the fams, i'll update you on whatever i find out Raven states before exiting the gym, on his way out he stumbles upon Laura standing before the now empty general lockers head against her locker with her eyes red and swollen, he'd heard the brutal remarks the class girls had shot her, Maya and Mari behind their backs, even when they thought the gang didn't know, she'd stayed strong for Maya, she was always the strong one even for him, but this time, she didn't have to be.

"Do we even know how many of them there are?" Mari inquires,

"Does that matter?" Dennis replies, "Ahhh i might have to them off" he murmurs alluding to his shades, "Alright!", He calls emphatically before pulling her face cap up to see the fierce ever smiling girl with a frown, "let's go get our cut shall we?", He concludes before exiting the gym,

"Hey wait!" Konan called, Yanick pulls him back from going after the duo before shooting him a look,

"Dennis.... can't hear a thing right now", he states as the seething youth heads straight for the schools exit.

"So what about us?"

"You stay here with the boys, i'll go in alone with Raven's plan, i'll keep you posted on how things go", Yanick replies as the two exit the gym, lifting himself from his hiding position he dusts off the settled dust from his sweater,

(It's a pretty good auxiliary concealment technique, not moving for increased efficiency seems to be enough to fool their senses) James concluded before making his way to the school's exit,

"Roger" he calls over the phone, "i need a ride"

Over a day later

Raven walks down the buzzing streets of his home state while keeping a close eye for any youth that might seem apart of a runaway fam,

(Konan did say they wouldn't be very welcoming due to their general adverseness toward guys joining),

"Hey" a voice calls him from behind, having noticed but choosing to remain silent he turns towards the pair of girls, seemingly sisters with a smile catching the two pleasant surprised

"Hey" he replies, "are you two also runaways?",

"Wait you're a runaway too?",

"Wow!, C'mon we'll take you to 'Dad'" the two spoke one after, the two spoke to him excitedly as they led the way towards their runaway fams home, the rumble of one of the two's stomach leads them to take a detour towards the nearest restaurant, the two engulf themselves in scarfing down the food Raven ordered without much attention for else.

(Are they kept starving to minimize living costs?, No first i should find out if their 'Dad' is involved in the girls problems), "so what do you two do foe money?, Do you sell stockings, clothes and spit too?, I've heard its6easy money",

The two attractive girls each glance at the other before bursting into laughter,

"No..no...sorry" the bolder of the two calls out,

"We find it disgusting, but our fam's leader 'Dad' does it though, each fam has to pay a certain amount to the main Fam in order to get protection or is that what 'uncle' said?" She murmurs at the end, "he uses our pictures though, usual the brothers handle our protection in the cases with the crazier customers",

Raven puts a hand on his chin in deep contemplation, after ordering another round of food to keep the starving duo easy.

(If they pay a certain amount then there must be a link connection the branch to the main body no matter how small, could be a phone, a burner maybe for communication, then there's the account for payment or is it done by cash?), Waiting for the two to have their meal, they make their way back towards the fam's home.

Upon steeping into the severely run down street he marvels again at Konan's information, these are the worst homes available as a single person home,

(They're cheap fifty per person instead of paying credits per month, easy to get cause the landlords don't care about forged Id's even if they know)

{And overpopulated given the amount if stench i can pick up through your dulled senses},

Arriving at the fam's door the girl Raven had identified as the bolder of the two steps up opening the door, a bottle flies toward's them colliding with the wall beside the girl to his left,

(I never did ask their names), realises

"Where the hell are where you!, You little sluts, you even have the audacity to bring a guy in here" he shouts raising his hand against one of the girls, Raven grabs his arm as he moved to strike her before calmly accepting the hit aimed at him,

"Tough guy are you?" The man mocked before putting his feet into a cold bowl of soup, "you want to join us right?" He sneered, "drink it", Raven without much hesitation stares recalling Laura's tears even as the girls protest he picks it emptying the bowl into his system as the members of the fam laugh, he heads out immediately vomiting the contents of his stomach as the girls follow behind him offering assistance,

"Why'd you do that!"

"I have nowhere else to go, i had to join"

"But still!" The calmer one exclaims,

"I never did ask you your names, I'm Raven",

"Alexa" the fierce girl with long dark hair replies sporting a cheeky grin,

"Ary" the calmer of the two with short hair dark states,

"You two can head in, i'll be in in a bit", both stared at him reluctantly before ultimately giving in, once Raven was sure they were in he gave Konan a call,

"Hey Raven how are things on your end?"

"I'm in!"