

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Action
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150 Chs


Walking towards his moms workplace, upon arrival he inquires about her ware about,

"Oh Mrs voss?.. she's around back" one of her colleagues replies,

ignoring the condescending gazes Raven makes his way through his mother workplace stopping just before the manager's door, he hears the loud smack of what he knew instinctively to be a 'slap' pushing the door slightly open, he takes a look around to ensure no others are present then squints an eyeball to look through the door to see his mother clutching a cheek, with eyeballs wide he takes a sharp intake of breath and a repressive aura takes hold of him,

(I'll kill him!), Unaware of his grip on the metal handle the door creaks, his mither notices immediately her eyes going wide, SIlver tries to call him to calmness, but much to it's dismay it's ineffective. Veins creep along and around his body, blood pumps faster and his pupils zone in similar to camera lenses,

"You little bitch why do you think i hired you?.. do you know how many people interview for this job?, your only working here because your aesthetics satisfy the tastes of some of my more 'keen' customers!, remember that!, your a smart woman, i'm sure you know what all those bonuses and extra money was for, I can't sell a product without testing it you know, now strip!"

Ravens irises expand clouding the sclera leaving his pupils central to his almost completely black orbs Raven stamps the door from its hinges barreling into the unsuspecting man, a fist to the plexus shatters the entirety of his rib cage a hook to the jaw dislodges his fat covered jaw and with a hand raised to the man's skull his head snaps to the side as his mind registers the sting on his cheek, the embrace his 'mother', and the call of her inexplicably calm voice soothes him

"mom" he croaks freezing before clutching her shirt on her back as his heart seizes coughing up huge amounts of blood his 'mother' finally realizing something wrong shouts his name as he clutches his chest gasping desperately as he struggles to breathe steam waffles out his mouth and then he sees black,

Groaning Raven awakes at his apartments, getting to his feet while clutching his head as he rises he inspects his surroundings,

(home? I'm at my place ho.... I see. I must've fallen unconscious. I really don't understand what happened)

Rising to his feet he rushes to change

{Idiot!...you could have died!}

"Silver?, I've got to hurry mom..wait wait how are you"

{Here?, I'm not, I'm simply borrowing the link that tether's you consciousness to both bodies} an exasperated silver states dryly,

{It's quite intriguing actually, it seems i was wrong, that body... hmm... I have a number of theories to what might've occurred}

"Then tell me!" Raven shouts

{You will show me respect!, I've Had enough of your bullshit you insufferable cowardly ass!} Silver thunders into his mind causing him to clutch its side, gritting his teeth, he musters an apology before going quiet

{The two bodies are yours...or maybe connected not just by a Tether but also genetically and spiritually, it would seem that this body isn't just a clone, it's quite accurate to say that both bodies are you, Raven voss, identical on every scale, but that's not enough to access an ability so absurdly far beyond your advancement level.... Like giving a toddler a shotgun your body couldn't handle the recoil, But on the bright side even if your body dies, you can be sure you have an extra life} Silver concludes in rather cynical fashion

"What!" Raven screams pacing about his apartment, "tell me what to do!"

{I'll probably have to see the body while tethered to this body to be sure but it would seem, the hypothesis i mentioned previously was correct}

"Oh that, i recall"

{I just like many had had theorized that kinetic shift was as much about the mind as the body, with every stage comes the temperance of the mind and body in preparation for the brain shifting, i had thought this theory right because of the way your two bodies functioned, but now i have confirmation, it seems that this body is tempering your mind which is in turn forcing that body to advance faster than it should to keep up, your mind is subconsciously having your body perform actions it's not ready for, people only survive coma's because muscle memory and the unconscious mind takes reign to influence the Force in the body to continue bodily functions, but with the amount of strain placed on your body for those few seconds, the commands your mind subconsciously forced your body into executing will probably cause that bodies death, there is a statistically high chance of experiencing organ failure if you don't get your consciousness back into that body to reinstate the proper commands into the conscious thereby influencing the 'subconscious', though the subconscious existing in tandem with the conscious mind in relation to Force proves another theory, in essence the true meaning of talent is not some special physique, though there are some with certain advantages over the others but ultimately it boils down to....}



"Well that's all well and good but let's get going then, were burning time!"

{Patience still. You haven't even though up a way to solve the problem of your assault on that cretin} Silver concludes

(I hate to admit it but Silver's right, I might've just gotten mom into some serious trouble!, But ultimately i don't regret it!, I'm going to need some help though)

"Fine" Raven begrudgingly concedes

{Good... I assumed for a moment violence was now permitted in your society, now i can give you the answers to your problems but you must give me your word}

(Word?), "On what?"

{You will do as i say, you will master your strength and i will purge the weakling from you very being, wealth, strength, influence i will help you attain and in return my goals you will help me achieve, or do you remain adamant to see your people bend to those with power?}

"I don't care about things like that... I just want my mother safe"

{And she will be, if you take my offer, All i have stated you will need}

"I'll take your offer but a you need to do is help me get stronger, I refuse to become like those who lord their power over others the only thing power does is corrupt.. it allures and inevitably corrupts"

{Those corrupted by power are simply not worthy of it, so be it. I have followed you a great deal, call on that friend of yours, the one with hair like flames}

"James?...wh...ah...he might know what to do"



{In this state, a master is unrivaled to those below this stage and depending on the kind if zone achieved, and only those who have attained attunement may wield the power of zone, what you experienced is only the first of three stages in zone, and to achieve it one must master the three body techniques and fuse them achieving mastery over the body the stage called 'ATTUNEMENT', that body of yours could only briefly activate it and even then it's baffling, my only explanation is the presence of this body, if you could somehow control it would make for fine training}

"Training?...if that's training then i'll pass, by the way you've never mentioned body techniques" Raven replies,

{That is for another day, however they are called, Striker, Enforcer and Defense techniques}

(Well i'll be asking more about them when i'm sure i won't be going to my own funeral)

{It has to be that whoever or whatever did this did conscious of it's effects... This body you currently wear is that of a seasoned veteran, a genius at that, but most importantly it's yours, it's not a stolen body from some genius like evil the adepts who practiced mind related 'Force arts' did to attain better bodies, its identical yet superior... for now. To the advantage of your real body it eliminates the threat of a subconscious that belongs to this bodys real owner or former owner, despite this body probably having been inhabited before it's attuned to you... it's yours, They are bith you're real body and are learning from one another... Especially the fat one, it's reshaping itself with the muscle memory and kinetic shift information transmitting through your brain subconsciously, this should be happening through the open link through which your consciousness is tethered to both bodies, we can safely come to the conclusion that this is all too much to be a coincidence Raven. There is much we do not know, but of one thing i am certain, you for now are a piece on someone's board...for now.}

Raven while seated dips his face in his hands suddenly overwhelmed with exhaustion "so your saying someone wor..... Inhabited this body and was related to the murim or someone used my genetic coding and cloned me and set this over the top elaborate situation up...and for what reason?" (It's preposterous, madness even, and such a painfully obvious waste of time)

{You forget Raven, I'm disappointed, i'm a familiar stuck in a Silver key chain, you've come to learn of the existence of superhuman martial adepts and you hold two bodies capable of such feats and yet you think like a normal man. If this is enough to unravel you i fear you are from ready for even training, i have a mountain of work to do in this new age child..all is possible and like my master foresaw, the times of the adepts has come anew, you are in the eye of the storm Raven Voss}

"Jolly me" Raven mutters sarcastically

{You will witness things beyond your wildest imaginations, happenings your people had claimed fantasies, you inquired of me once if the masters could sever mountains? My answer?.. they can do so much more child, you will witness mortal men become god's on earth and beyond, and you yourself will be one as well.... i will make it so, but that is for a time away, for now you have your plan of action. Let's move!}